Pipelines - Get Pipeline Operation
Returns the details of the specified deploy operation performed on the specified deployment pipeline, including the deployment execution plan.
Use to track the status of a deploy operation.
Required Scope
Pipeline.ReadWrite.All or Pipeline.Read.All
GET https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/pipelines/{pipelineId}/operations/{operationId}
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
path | True |
string (uuid) |
The operation ID |
path | True |
string (uuid) |
The deployment pipeline ID |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
OK |
Get a pipeline operation example
Sample request
GET https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/pipelines/a5ded933-57b7-41f4-b072-ed4c1f9d5824/operations/1065e6a3-a020-4c0c-ada7-92b5fe99eec5
Sample response
"id": "1065e6a3-a020-4c0c-ada7-92b5fe99eec5",
"type": "Deploy",
"status": "Succeeded",
"lastUpdatedTime": "2020-12-13T09:26:43.153",
"executionStartTime": "2020-12-13T09:25:43.153Z",
"executionEndTime": "2020-12-13T09:26:43.153Z",
"sourceStageOrder": 0,
"targetStageOrder": 1,
"executionPlan": {
"Steps": [
"index": 0,
"type": "DataflowDeployment",
"status": "Succeeded",
"preDeploymentDiffState": "New",
"sourceAndTarget": {
"source": "29efcfb0-0063-44af-a4ed-6c0bee3417d3",
"sourceDisplayName": "Source dataflow",
"type": "dataflow"
"index": 1,
"type": "DatamartDeployment",
"status": "Succeeded",
"preDeploymentDiffState": "New",
"sourceAndTarget": {
"source": "645cd81f-1b21-4006-82b6-54cc7ec0352e",
"sourceDisplayName": "Source datamart",
"type": "datamart"
"index": 2,
"type": "DatasetDeployment",
"status": "Succeeded",
"preDeploymentDiffState": "NoDifference",
"sourceAndTarget": {
"source": "1a201f2a-d1d8-45c0-8c61-1676338517de",
"sourceDisplayName": "Source dataset",
"target": "dd3b6aa1-4d40-405c-a19b-48314a27e8ee",
"targetDisplayName": "Target dataset",
"type": "dataset"
"index": 3,
"type": "ReportDeployment",
"status": "Succeeded",
"preDeploymentDiffState": "Different",
"sourceAndTarget": {
"source": "2d225191-65f8-4ec3-b77d-06100602b1f7",
"sourceDisplayName": "Source report",
"target": "9d5c1f0f-f85c-48f4-8a8e-4c77547116b3",
"targetDisplayName": "Target report",
"type": "report"
"index": 4,
"type": "DashboardDeployment",
"status": "Succeeded",
"preDeploymentDiffState": "New",
"sourceAndTarget": {
"source": "9046e4cc-8aea-4a7a-a3b5-1a78b1447d82",
"sourceDisplayName": "Source dashboard",
"type": "dashboard"
"note": {
"content": "Sample note",
"isTruncated": false
"preDeploymentDiffInformation": {
"newArtifactsCount": 3,
"differentArtifactsCount": 1,
"noDifferenceArtifactsCount": 1
"performedBy": {
"userPrincipalName": "john@contoso.com",
"principalType": "User"
Name | Description |
Deployment |
Error details for the deployment step |
Deployment |
A deployment execution plan |
Deployment |
A deployment execution step |
Deployment |
Is an item new, different or identical to items in the target stage before deployment. |
Deployment |
Source and target items |
Deployment |
The type of deployment step |
Pipeline |
A Power BI deployment pipeline operation |
Pipeline |
A note describing the deployment. |
Pipeline |
The pipeline operation status |
Pipeline |
The operation type |
Pipeline |
User or service principal that performed the pipeline operation. |
Pre |
The amount of new, different and identical deployed items before deployment. |
Principal |
The principal type |
Error details for the deployment step
Name | Type | Description |
errorCode |
string |
The error code |
errorDetails |
string |
Additional error details |
A deployment execution plan
Name | Type | Description |
steps |
The collection of execution plan steps |
A deployment execution step
Name | Type | Description |
error |
The error details. Only applicable if the pipeline operation failed. |
index |
integer |
The step index |
preDeploymentDiffState |
Is an item new, different or identical to items in the target stage before deployment. |
sourceAndTarget |
The source and target items of the step |
status |
The status of the pipeline operation |
type |
The type of deployment step |
Is an item new, different or identical to items in the target stage before deployment.
Value | Description |
Different |
Before deployment, the item in the source stage wasn't identical to the one in the target stage. |
New |
A new deployed item that doesn't exist in the target stage. |
NoDifference |
Before deployment, the item in the source stage was identical to the one in the target stage. |
Source and target items
Name | Type | Description |
source |
string (uuid) |
The ID of the Power BI item that's deployed from the source stage |
sourceDisplayName |
string |
The display name of the Power BI item that's deployed from the source stage |
target |
string (uuid) |
The ID of the Power BI item that will be overwritten in the target stage. Only applies when overwriting a Power BI item. |
targetDisplayName |
string |
The name of the Power BI item that will be overwritten in the target stage. Only applies when overwriting a Power BI item. |
type |
string |
The type of the Power BI item that will be overwritten in the target stage. Only applies when overwriting a Power BI item. |
The type of deployment step
Value | Description |
DashboardDeployment |
A step for deploying a single dashboard |
DataflowDeployment |
A step for deploying a single dataflow |
DatamartDeployment |
A step for deploying a single datamart |
DatasetDeployment |
A step for deploying a single dataset |
ReportDeployment |
A step for deploying a single report |
A Power BI deployment pipeline operation
Name | Type | Description |
executionEndTime |
string (date-time) |
The date and time that the operation ended |
executionPlan |
The deployment execution plan. Only applicable to a single pipeline operation. |
executionStartTime |
string (date-time) |
The date and time that the operation started |
id |
string (uuid) |
The operation ID |
lastUpdatedTime |
string (date-time) |
The date and time that the operation was last updated |
note |
A note representing a description of the operation. |
performedBy |
User or service principal that performed the pipeline operation. |
preDeploymentDiffInformation |
The amount of deployed items in the source stage, that are new, identical or different to items in the target stage, before deployment. |
sourceStageOrder |
integer |
The numeric identifier of a source pipeline deployment stage. Development (0), Test (1), Production (2). |
status |
The pipeline operation status |
targetStageOrder |
integer |
The numeric identifier of a target pipeline deployment stage. Development (0), Test (1), Production (2). |
type |
The operation type |
A note describing the deployment.
Name | Type | Description |
content |
string |
Text describing the deployment. |
isTruncated |
boolean |
Indicates if the note is incomplete. True, only part of the note is returned. False, the note is complete. |
The pipeline operation status
Value | Description |
Executing |
Operation executing |
Failed |
Operation failed |
NotStarted |
Operation not started |
Succeeded |
Operation succeeded |
The operation type
Value | Description |
Deploy |
Deploy content between stages |
User or service principal that performed the pipeline operation.
Name | Type | Description |
principalObjectID |
string (uuid) |
The ID of the service principal that performed the deployment. |
principalType |
The type of user who performed the deployment. |
userPrincipalName |
string |
The UPN of the user who performed the deployment. |
The amount of new, different and identical deployed items before deployment.
Name | Type | Description |
differentArtifactsCount |
integer |
The number of deployed items with differences between source and target stages, before deployment. |
newArtifactsCount |
integer |
The number of new items deployed to the target stage. |
noDifferenceArtifactsCount |
integer |
The number of identical deployed items in the source and target stages, before deployment. |
The principal type
Value | Description |
App |
Service principal type |
Group |
Group principal type |
None |
No principal type. Use for whole organization level access. |
User |
User principal type |