Sensitive information type entity definitions
This article is a list of all sensitive information type (SIT) entity definitions. Each link takes you to the definition of that specific SIT and shows what a DLP policy looks for to detect each type. To learn more about sensitive information types, see Sensitive information types.
Mapping of confidence level (high/medium/low) with accuracy number (numeric value of 1 to 100)
- Low confidence: 65 or below
- Medium confidence: 75
- High confidence: 85
- ABA routing number
- All credentials
- All full names
- All medical terms and conditions
- All Physical Addresses
- Amazon S3 Client Secret Access Key
- Argentina national identity (DNI) number
- Argentina Unique Tax Identification Key (CUIT/CUIL)
- ASP.NET machine Key
- Australia bank account number
- Australia business number
- Australia company number
- Australia drivers license number
- Australia medical account number
- Australia passport number
- Australia physical addresses
- Australia tax file number
- Austria drivers license number
- Austria identity card
- Austria passport number
- Austria physical addresses
- Austria social security number
- Austria tax identification number
- Austria value added tax
- Azure App Service deployment password
- Azure Batch shared access key
- Azure Bot Framework secret key
- Azure Bot service app secret
- Azure Cognitive Search API key
- Azure Cognitive Service key
- Azure Container Registry access key
- Azure Cosmos DB account access key
- Azure Databricks personal access token
- Azure DevOps app secret
- Azure DevOps personal access token
- Azure DocumentDB auth key
- Azure EventGrid access key
- Azure Function Master / API key
- Azure IAAS database connection string and Azure SQL connection string
- Azure IoT connection string
- Azure IoT shared access key
- Azure Logic app shared access signature
- Azure Machine Learning web service API key
- Azure Maps subscription key
- Azure publish setting password
- Azure Redis cache connection string
- Azure Redis cache connection string password
- Azure SAS
- Azure service bus connection string
- Azure service bus shared access signature
- Azure Shared Access key / Web Hook token
- Azure SignalR access key
- Azure SQL connection string
- Azure storage account access key
- Azure storage account key
- Azure Storage account key (generic)
- Azure Storage account shared access signature
- Azure Storage account shared access signature for high risk resources
- Azure subscription management certificate
- Belgium driver's license number
- Belgium national number
- Belgium passport number
- Belgium physical addresses
- Belgium value added tax number
- Blood test terms
- Brand medication names
- Brazil CPF number
- Brazil legal entity number (CNPJ)
- Brazil national identification card (RG)
- Brazil physical addresses
- Bulgaria driver's license number
- Bulgaria passport number
- Bulgaria physical addresses
- Bulgaria uniform civil number
- Canada bank account number
- Canada driver's license number
- Canada health service number
- Canada passport number
- Canada personal health identification number (PHIN)
- Canada physical addresses
- Canada social insurance number
- Chile identity card number
- China resident identity card (PRC) number
- Client secret / API key
- Credit card number
- Croatia driver's license number
- Croatia identity card number
- Croatia passport number
- Croatia personal identification (OIB) number
- Croatia physical addresses
- Cyprus drivers license number
- Cyprus identity card
- Cyprus passport number
- Cyprus physical addresses
- Cyprus tax identification number
- Czech driver's license number
- Czech passport number
- Czech personal identity number
- Czech Republic physical addresses
- Denmark driver's license number
- Denmark passport number
- Denmark personal identification number
- Denmark physical addresses
- Diseases
- Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) number
- Ecuador Unique Identification Number
- Estonia driver's license number
- Estonia passport number
- Estonia Personal Identification Code
- Estonia physical addresses
- EU debit card number
- EU driver's license number
- EU national identification number
- EU passport number
- EU social security number or equivalent identification
- EU Tax identification number
- Finland driver's license number
- Finland European health insurance number
- Finland national ID
- Finland passport number
- Finland physical addresses
- France driver's license number
- France health insurance number
- France national id card (CNI)
- France passport number
- France physical addresses
- France social security number (INSEE)
- France tax identification number
- France value added tax number
- General password
- General Symmetric key
- Generic medication names
- Germany driver's license number
- Germany identity card number
- Germany passport number
- Germany physical addresses
- Germany tax identification number
- Germany value added tax number
- GitHub Personal Access Token
- Google API key
- Greece driver's license number
- Greece national ID card
- Greece passport number
- Greece physical addresses
- Greece Social Security Number (AMKA)
- Greece tax identification number
- Hong Kong identity card (HKID) number
- Http authorization header
- Hungary driver's license number
- Hungary passport number
- Hungary personal identification number
- Hungary physical addresses
- Hungary social security number (TAJ)
- Hungary tax identification number
- Hungary value added tax number
- Iceland physical addresses
- Impairments Listed In The U.S. Disability Evaluation Under Social Security
- India driver's License Number
- India GST Number
- India permanent account number (PAN)
- India unique identification (Aadhaar) number
- India Voter Id Card
- Indonesia driver's license number
- Indonesia identity card (KTP) number
- Indonesia passport number
- International banking account number (IBAN)
- International classification of diseases (ICD-10-CM)
- International classification of diseases (ICD-9-CM)
- IP address
- IP Address v4
- IP Address v6
- Ireland driver's license number
- Ireland passport number
- Ireland personal public service (PPS) number
- Ireland physical addresses
- Israel bank account number
- Israel national identification number
- Italy driver's license number
- Italy fiscal code
- Italy passport number
- Italy physical addresses
- Italy value added tax number
- Japan bank account number
- Japan driver's license number
- Japan My Number - Corporate
- Japan My Number - Personal
- Japan passport number
- Japan physical addresses
- Japan residence card number
- Japan resident registration number
- Japan social insurance number (SIN)
- Lab test terms
- Latvia driver's license number
- Latvia passport number
- Latvia personal code
- Latvia physical addresses
- Liechtenstein physical addresses
- Lifestyles that relate to medical conditions
- Lithuania driver's license number
- Lithuania passport number
- Lithuania personal code
- Lithuania physical addresses
- Luxemburg driver's license number
- Luxemburg national identification number (natural persons)
- Luxemburg national identification number (non-natural persons)
- Luxemburg passport number
- Luxemburg physical addresses
- Malaysia identification card number
- Malaysia passport number
- Malta driver's license number
- Malta identity card number
- Malta passport number
- Malta physical addresses
- Malta tax identification number
- Medical specialities
- Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) card
- Mexico Unique Population Registry Code (CURP)
- Microsoft Bing maps key
- Microsoft Entra client access token
- Microsoft Entra client secret
- Microsoft Entra user Credentials
- Netherlands citizen's service (BSN) number
- Netherlands driver's license number
- Netherlands passport number
- Netherlands physical addresses
- Netherlands tax identification number
- Netherlands value added tax number
- New Zealand bank account number
- New Zealand driver's license number
- New Zealand inland revenue number
- New Zealand ministry of health number
- New Zealand physical addresses
- New Zealand social welfare number
- Norway identification number
- Norway physical addresses
- Philippines national identification number
- Philippines passport number
- Philippines unified multi-purpose identification number
- Poland driver's license number
- Poland identity card
- Poland national ID (PESEL)
- Poland passport number
- Poland physical addresses
- Poland REGON number
- Poland tax identification number
- Portugal citizen card number
- Portugal driver's license number
- Portugal passport number
- Portugal physical addresses
- Portugal tax identification number
- Qatari identification card number
- Romania driver's license number
- Romania passport number
- Romania personal numeric code (CNP)
- Romania physical addresses
- Russia passport number domestic
- Russia passport number international
- Saudi Arabia National ID
- Singapore passport number
- Singapore national registration identity card (NRIC) number
- Slack access token
- Slovakia driver's license number
- Slovakia passport number
- Slovakia personal number
- Slovakia physical addresses
- Slovenia driver's license number
- Slovenia passport number
- Slovenia physical addresses
- Slovenia tax identification number
- Slovenia Unique Master Citizen Number
- South Africa identification number
- South Korea driver's license number
- South Korea passport number
- South Korea resident registration number
- Spain DNI
- Spain driver's license number
- Spain passport number
- Spain physical addresses
- Spain social security number (SSN)
- Spain tax identification number
- SQL Server connection string
- Surgical procedures
- Sweden driver's license number
- Sweden national ID
- Sweden passport number
- Sweden physical addresses
- Sweden tax identification number
- SWIFT code
- Switzerland physical addresses
- Switzerland SSN AHV number
- Taiwan national identification number
- Taiwan passport number
- Taiwan-resident certificate (ARC/TARC) number
- Thai population identification code
- Turkey national identification number
- Turkey physical addresses
- Types of medication
- U.A.E. identity card number
- U.A.E. passport number
- U.K. driver's license number
- U.K. electoral roll number
- U.K. national health service number
- U.K. national insurance number (NINO)
- U.K. physical addresses
- U.K. Unique Taxpayer Reference Number
- U.S. bank account number
- U.S. driver's license number
- U.S. individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN)
- U.S. physical addresses
- U.S. social security number (SSN)
- U.S./U.K. passport number
- Ukraine passport domestic
- Ukraine passport international
- User login credentials
- X.509 certificate private key