MSTest design rules
Design rules will help you create and maintain test suites that adhere to proper design and good practices.
Identifier | Name | Description |
MSTEST0004 | PublicTypeShouldBeTestClassAnalyzer | It's considered a good practice to have only test classes marked public in a test project. |
MSTEST0006 | AvoidExpectedExceptionAttributeAnalyzer | Prefer Assert.ThrowsExactly or Assert.ThrowsExactlyAsync over [ExpectedException] as it ensures that only the expected call throws the expected exception. The assert APIs also provide more flexibility and allow you to assert extra properties of the exception. |
MSTEST0015 | TestMethodShouldNotBeIgnored | Test methods should not be ignored (marked with [Ignore] ). |
MSTEST0016 | TestClassShouldHaveTestMethod | Test class should have at least one test method or be 'static' with method(s) marked by [AssemblyInitialization] and/or [AssemblyCleanup] . |
MSTEST0019 | PreferTestInitializeOverConstructorAnalyzer | Prefer TestInitialize methods over constructors |
MSTEST0020 | PreferConstructorOverTestInitializeAnalyzer | Prefer constructors over TestInitialize methods |
MSTEST0021 | PreferDisposeOverTestCleanupAnalyzer | Prefer Dispose over TestCleanup methods |
MSTEST0022 | PreferTestCleanupOverDisposeAnalyzer | Prefer TestCleanup over Dispose methods |
MSTEST0025 | PreferAssertFailOverAlwaysFalseConditionsAnalyzer | Use 'Assert.Fail' instead of an always-failing assert |
MSTEST0029 | PublicMethodShouldBeTestMethod | A public method of a class marked with [TestClass] should be a test method (marked with [TestMethod] ). The rule ignores methods that are marked with [TestInitialize] , or [TestCleanup] attributes. |
MSTEST0036 | DoNotUseShadowingAnalyzer | Shadowing test members could cause testing issues (such as NRE). |
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