az healthcareapis
This reference is part of the healthcareapis extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.66.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az healthcareapis command. Learn more about extensions.
Azure Healthcare APIs is a secure cloud platform for managing health data, supporting analytics, machine learning, and scalable solutions.
Name | Description | Type | Status |
az healthcareapis acr |
Healthcareapis acr. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis acr add |
Add a list of registries to the service, repeated ones will be ignored. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis acr list |
Lists all container registries associated with the service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis acr remove |
Remove a list of registries from the service, non-existing ones will be ignored. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis acr reset |
Reset the container registries associated with the service to a new list. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice |
Health Data service for providing de-identification of health PHI data (Features: Surrogation, multi-modality). |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice create |
Create a DeidService. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice delete |
Delete a DeidService by name. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice identity |
Provide an automatically managed identity. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice identity assign |
Assign the user or system managed identities. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice identity remove |
Remove the user or system managed identities. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice identity show |
Show the details of managed identities. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice identity wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice list |
List DeidService resources by subscription ID. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice show |
Get a DeidService by name. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice update |
Update a DeidService by name. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis deidservice wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition is met. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis operation-result |
Healthcareapis operation-result. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis operation-result show |
Get the operation result for a long running operation. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-endpoint-connection |
Healthcareapis private-endpoint-connection. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-endpoint-connection create |
Update the state of the specified private endpoint connection associated with the service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-endpoint-connection delete |
Deletes a private endpoint connection. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-endpoint-connection list |
Lists all private endpoint connections for a service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-endpoint-connection show |
Gets the specified private endpoint connection associated with the service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-endpoint-connection update |
Update the state of the specified private endpoint connection associated with the service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-endpoint-connection wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the healthcareapis private-endpoint-connection is met. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-link-resource |
Healthcareapis private-link-resource. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-link-resource list |
Gets the private link resources that need to be created for a service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis private-link-resource show |
Gets a private link resource that need to be created for a service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis service |
Healthcareapis service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis service create |
Create the metadata of a service instance. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis service delete |
Delete a service instance. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis service list |
Get all the service instances in a resource group. And Get all the service instances in a subscription. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis service show |
Get the metadata of a service instance. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis service update |
Update the metadata of a service instance. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis service wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the healthcareapis service is met. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace |
Manage workspace with healthcareapis. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace create |
Create a workspace resource with the specified parameters. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace delete |
Deletes a specified workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace dicom-service |
Manage dicom service with healthcareapis. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace dicom-service create |
Create a DICOM Service resource with the specified parameters. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace dicom-service delete |
Deletes a DICOM Service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace dicom-service list |
Lists all DICOM Services for the given workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace dicom-service show |
Gets the properties of the specified DICOM Service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace dicom-service update |
Patch DICOM Service details. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace dicom-service wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the healthcareapis workspace dicom-service is met. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace fhir-service |
Manage fhir service with healthcareapis. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace fhir-service create |
Create a FHIR Service resource with the specified parameters. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace fhir-service delete |
Deletes a FHIR Service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace fhir-service list |
Lists all FHIR Services for the given workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace fhir-service show |
Gets the properties of the specified FHIR Service. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace fhir-service update |
Patch FHIR Service details. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace fhir-service wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the healthcareapis workspace fhir-service is met. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector |
Manage iot connector with healthcareapis. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector create |
Create an IoT Connector resource with the specified parameters. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector delete |
Deletes an IoT Connector. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector fhir-destination |
Manage iot connector fhir destination with healthcareapis. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector fhir-destination create |
Create an IoT Connector FHIR destination resource with the specified parameters. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector fhir-destination delete |
Deletes an IoT Connector FHIR destination. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector fhir-destination list |
Lists all FHIR destinations for the given IoT Connector. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector fhir-destination show |
Gets the properties of the specified Iot Connector FHIR destination. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector fhir-destination update |
Update an IoT Connector FHIR destination resource with the specified parameters. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector fhir-destination wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the healthcareapis workspace iot-connector fhir-destination is met. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector list |
Lists all IoT Connectors for the given workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector show |
Gets the properties of the specified IoT Connector. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector update |
Patch an IoT Connector. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace iot-connector wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the healthcareapis workspace iot-connector is met. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace list |
Lists all the available workspaces under the specified resource group. And Lists all the available workspaces under the specified subscription. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-endpoint-connection |
Manage workspace private endpoint connection with healthcareapis. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-endpoint-connection create |
Update the state of the specified private endpoint connection associated with the workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-endpoint-connection delete |
Deletes a private endpoint connection. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-endpoint-connection list |
Lists all private endpoint connections for a workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-endpoint-connection show |
Gets the specified private endpoint connection associated with the workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-endpoint-connection update |
Update the state of the specified private endpoint connection associated with the workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-endpoint-connection wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the healthcareapis workspace private-endpoint-connection is met. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-link-resource |
Manage workspace private link resource with healthcareapis. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-link-resource list |
Gets the private link resources that need to be created for a workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace private-link-resource show |
Gets a private link resource that need to be created for a workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace show |
Gets the properties of the specified workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace update |
Patch workspace details. |
Extension | GA |
az healthcareapis workspace wait |
Place the CLI in a waiting state until a condition of the healthcareapis workspace is met. |
Extension | GA |
Azure CLI