
Databricks JDBC Driver (OSS)

Databricks JDBC Driver (OSS), the latest version of the Databricks JDBC driver, enables you to connect tools such as DataGrip, DBeaver, and SQL Workbench/J to Azure Databricks through Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), an industry-standard specification for accessing database management systems.

This driver has implemented the JDBC APIs and provides core functionality including OAuth, Cloud Fetch, and features such as Unity Catalog volume ingestion. It runs native query mode and supports native parameterized query, and can run using Statement Execution APIs, which provides the beneficial query result retention feature, or Thrift.

This article provides information on installing and using the Databricks JDBC Driver (OSS). For information about the non-OSS Databricks JDBC Driver see Databricks JDBC Driver.


To use the Databricks JDBC Driver (OSS), the following requirements must be met:

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 11.0 or above. CI testing is supported on JRE 11, 17, and 21.


As a result of a change in JDK 16 that caused a compatibility issue with the Apache Arrow library used by the JDBC driver, runtime errors may occur when using the JDBC driver with JDK 16 or or above. To prevent these errors, restart your application or driver using the following JVM command option:

--add-opens=java.base/java.nio=org.apache.arrow.memory.core ALL-UNNAMED

Install the driver

The Databricks JDBC Driver (OSS) is published in the Maven Repository.

To install the driver, you can do any of the following:

  • For Maven projects, add the following dependency to the project’s pom.xml file to instruct Maven to automatically download the JDBC driver with the specified version:

  • For Gradle projects, add the following dependency to the project’s build file to instruct Gradle to automatically download the JDBC driver with the specified version:

    implementation 'com.databricks:databricks-jdbc:1.0.1-oss'

To view the dependency syntax for other project types, and to get the latest version number of the Databricks JDBC Driver (OSS), see the Maven Repository.

Next steps

Additional resources