
api command group


This information applies to Databricks CLI versions 0.205 and above. The Databricks CLI is in Public Preview.

Databricks CLI use is subject to the Databricks License and Databricks Privacy Notice, including any Usage Data provisions.

The api command group within the Databricks CLI enables you to call any available Databricks REST API.

You should run the api command only for advanced scenarios, such as preview releases of specific Databricks REST APIs for which the Databricks CLI does not already wrap the target Databricks REST API within a related command. For a list of wrapped command groups, see Databricks CLI commands.

To install the Databricks CLI, see Install or update the Databricks CLI. To configure authentication for the Databricks CLI, see Authentication for the Databricks CLI.

Run api commands (for advanced scenarios only)

You run api commands by appending them to databricks api. To display help for the api command, run databricks api -h.

To call the api command, use the following format:

databricks api <http-method> <rest-api-path> [--json {<request-body> | @<filename>}]

In the preceding call:

  • Replace <http-method> with the HTTP method for the Databricks REST API that you want to call, such as delete, get, head, path, post, or put. For example, to return the list of available clusters for a workspace, use get. To get the correct HTTP method for the Databricks REST API that you want to call, see the Databricks REST API documentation.
  • Replace <rest-api-path> with the path to the Databricks REST API that you want to call. Do not include https:// or the workspace instance name. For example, to return the list of available clusters for a workspace, use /api/2.0/clusters/list. To get the correct syntax for the Databricks REST API that you want to call, see the Databricks REST API documentation.
  • If the Databricks REST API that you want to call requires a request body, include --json and <request-body>, replacing <request-body> with the request body in JSON format. Alternatively, you can store the request body in a separate JSON file. To do so, include --json and @<filename>, replacing <filename> with the JSON file’s name. To get the correct syntax for the request body that you want to include, see the Databricks REST API documentation.


Get the list of available clusters in the workspace.

databricks api get /api/2.0/clusters/list

Get information about the specified cluster in the workspace.

databricks api post /api/2.0/clusters/get --json '{
   "cluster_id": "1234-567890-abcde123"

Update settings for the specified cluster in the workspace.

databricks api post /api/2.0/clusters/edit --json '{
  "cluster_id": "1234-567890-abcde123",
  "cluster_name": "my-changed-cluster",
  "num_workers": 1,
  "spark_version": "11.3.x-scala2.12",
  "node_type_id": "Standard_DS3_v2"

Update settings for the specified cluster in the workspace. Get the request body from a file named edit-cluster.json within the current working directory.

databricks api post /api/2.0/clusters/edit --json @edit-cluster.json


  "cluster_id": "1234-567890-abcde123",
  "cluster_name": "my-changed-cluster",
  "num_workers": 1,
  "spark_version": "11.3.x-scala2.12",
  "node_type_id": "Standard_DS3_v2"