
Work with Delta Lake table history

Each operation that modifies a Delta Lake table creates a new table version. You can use history information to audit operations, rollback a table, or query a table at a specific point in time using time travel.


Databricks does not recommend using Delta Lake table history as a long-term backup solution for data archival. Databricks recommends using only the past 7 days for time travel operations unless you have set both data and log retention configurations to a larger value.

Retrieve Delta table history

You can retrieve information including the operations, user, and timestamp for each write to a Delta table by running the history command. The operations are returned in reverse chronological order.

Table history retention is determined by the table setting delta.logRetentionDuration, which is 30 days by default.


Time travel and table history are controlled by different retention thresholds. See What is Delta Lake time travel?.

DESCRIBE HISTORY table_name       -- get the full history of the table

DESCRIBE HISTORY table_name LIMIT 1  -- get the last operation only

For Spark SQL syntax details, see DESCRIBE HISTORY.

See the Delta Lake API documentation for Scala/Java/Python syntax details.

Catalog Explorer provides a visual view of this detailed table information and history for Delta tables. In addition to the table schema and sample data, you can click the History tab to see the table history that displays with DESCRIBE HISTORY.

History schema

The output of the history operation has the following columns.

Column Type Description
version long Table version generated by the operation.
timestamp timestamp When this version was committed.
userId string ID of the user that ran the operation.
userName string Name of the user that ran the operation.
operation string Name of the operation.
operationParameters map Parameters of the operation (for example, predicates.)
job struct Details of the job that ran the operation.
notebook struct Details of notebook from which the operation was run.
clusterId string ID of the cluster on which the operation ran.
readVersion long Version of the table that was read to perform the write operation.
isolationLevel string Isolation level used for this operation.
isBlindAppend boolean Whether this operation appended data.
operationMetrics map Metrics of the operation (for example, number of rows and files modified.)
userMetadata string User-defined commit metadata if it was specified
|version|          timestamp|userId|userName|operation| operationParameters| job|notebook|clusterId|readVersion|   isolationLevel|isBlindAppend|    operationMetrics|
|      5|2019-07-29 14:07:47|   ###|     ###|   DELETE|[predicate -> ["(...|null|     ###|      ###|          4|WriteSerializable|        false|[numTotalRows -> ...|
|      4|2019-07-29 14:07:41|   ###|     ###|   UPDATE|[predicate -> (id...|null|     ###|      ###|          3|WriteSerializable|        false|[numTotalRows -> ...|
|      3|2019-07-29 14:07:29|   ###|     ###|   DELETE|[predicate -> ["(...|null|     ###|      ###|          2|WriteSerializable|        false|[numTotalRows -> ...|
|      2|2019-07-29 14:06:56|   ###|     ###|   UPDATE|[predicate -> (id...|null|     ###|      ###|          1|WriteSerializable|        false|[numTotalRows -> ...|
|      1|2019-07-29 14:04:31|   ###|     ###|   DELETE|[predicate -> ["(...|null|     ###|      ###|          0|WriteSerializable|        false|[numTotalRows -> ...|
|      0|2019-07-29 14:01:40|   ###|     ###|    WRITE|[mode -> ErrorIfE...|null|     ###|      ###|       null|WriteSerializable|         true|[numFiles -> 2, n...|


Operation metrics keys

The history operation returns a collection of operations metrics in the operationMetrics column map.

The following tables list the map key definitions by operation.

Operation Metric name Description
numFiles Number of files written.
numOutputBytes Size in bytes of the written contents.
numOutputRows Number of rows written.
numAddedFiles Number of files added.
numRemovedFiles Number of files removed.
numOutputRows Number of rows written.
numOutputBytes Size of write in bytes.
numAddedFiles Number of files added. Not provided when partitions of the table are deleted.
numRemovedFiles Number of files removed.
numDeletedRows Number of rows removed. Not provided when partitions of the table are deleted.
numCopiedRows Number of rows copied in the process of deleting files.
executionTimeMs Time taken to execute the entire operation.
scanTimeMs Time taken to scan the files for matches.
rewriteTimeMs Time taken to rewrite the matched files.
numRemovedFiles Number of files removed.
executionTimeMs Time taken to execute the entire operation.
numSourceRows Number of rows in the source DataFrame.
numTargetRowsInserted Number of rows inserted into the target table.
numTargetRowsUpdated Number of rows updated in the target table.
numTargetRowsDeleted Number of rows deleted in the target table.
numTargetRowsCopied Number of target rows copied.
numOutputRows Total number of rows written out.
numTargetFilesAdded Number of files added to the sink(target).
numTargetFilesRemoved Number of files removed from the sink(target).
executionTimeMs Time taken to execute the entire operation.
scanTimeMs Time taken to scan the files for matches.
rewriteTimeMs Time taken to rewrite the matched files.
numAddedFiles Number of files added.
numRemovedFiles Number of files removed.
numUpdatedRows Number of rows updated.
numCopiedRows Number of rows just copied over in the process of updating files.
executionTimeMs Time taken to execute the entire operation.
scanTimeMs Time taken to scan the files for matches.
rewriteTimeMs Time taken to rewrite the matched files.
FSCK numRemovedFiles Number of files removed.
CONVERT numConvertedFiles Number of Parquet files that have been converted.
numAddedFiles Number of files added.
numRemovedFiles Number of files optimized.
numAddedBytes Number of bytes added after the table was optimized.
numRemovedBytes Number of bytes removed.
minFileSize Size of the smallest file after the table was optimized.
p25FileSize Size of the 25th percentile file after the table was optimized.
p50FileSize Median file size after the table was optimized.
p75FileSize Size of the 75th percentile file after the table was optimized.
maxFileSize Size of the largest file after the table was optimized.
sourceTableSize Size in bytes of the source table at the version that’s cloned.
sourceNumOfFiles Number of files in the source table at the version that’s cloned.
numRemovedFiles Number of files removed from the target table if a previous Delta table was replaced.
removedFilesSize Total size in bytes of the files removed from the target table if a previous Delta table was replaced.
numCopiedFiles Number of files that were copied over to the new location. 0 for shallow clones.
copiedFilesSize Total size in bytes of the files that were copied over to the new location. 0 for shallow clones.
tableSizeAfterRestore Table size in bytes after restore.
numOfFilesAfterRestore Number of files in the table after restore.
numRemovedFiles Number of files removed by the restore operation.
numRestoredFiles Number of files that were added as a result of the restore.
removedFilesSize Size in bytes of files removed by the restore.
restoredFilesSize Size in bytes of files added by the restore.
numDeletedFiles Number of deleted files.
numVacuumedDirectories Number of vacuumed directories.
numFilesToDelete Number of files to delete.

What is Delta Lake time travel?

Delta Lake time travel supports querying previous table versions based on timestamp or table version (as recorded in the transaction log). You can use time travel for applications such as the following:

  • Re-creating analyses, reports, or outputs (for example, the output of a machine learning model). This could be useful for debugging or auditing, especially in regulated industries.
  • Writing complex temporal queries.
  • Fixing mistakes in your data.
  • Providing snapshot isolation for a set of queries for fast changing tables.


Table versions accessible with time travel are determined by a combination of the retention threshold for transaction log files and the frequency and specified retention for VACUUM operations. If you run VACUUM daily with the default values, 7 days of data is available for time travel.

Delta time travel syntax

You query a Delta table with time travel by adding a clause after the table name specification.

  • timestamp_expression can be any one of:
    • '2018-10-18T22:15:12.013Z', that is, a string that can be cast to a timestamp
    • cast('2018-10-18 13:36:32 CEST' as timestamp)
    • '2018-10-18', that is, a date string
    • current_timestamp() - interval 12 hours
    • date_sub(current_date(), 1)
    • Any other expression that is or can be cast to a timestamp
  • version is a long value that can be obtained from the output of DESCRIBE HISTORY table_spec.

Neither timestamp_expression nor version can be subqueries.

Only date or timestamp strings are accepted. For example, "2019-01-01" and "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z". See the following code for example syntax:


SELECT * FROM people10m TIMESTAMP AS OF '2018-10-18T22:15:12.013Z';
SELECT * FROM people10m VERSION AS OF 123;


df1 = spark.read.option("timestampAsOf", "2019-01-01").table("people10m")
df2 = spark.read.option("versionAsOf", 123).table("people10m")

You can also use the @ syntax to specify the timestamp or version as part of the table name. The timestamp must be in yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS format. You can specify a version after @ by prepending a v to the version. See the following code for example syntax:


SELECT * FROM people10m@20190101000000000
SELECT * FROM people10m@v123



What are transaction log checkpoints?

Delta Lake records table versions as JSON files within the _delta_log directory, which is stored alongside table data. To optimize checkpoint querying, Delta Lake aggregates table versions to Parquet checkpoint files, preventing the need to read all JSON versions of table history. Azure Databricks optimizes checkpointing frequency for data size and workload. Users should not need to interact with checkpoints directly. The checkpoint frequency is subject to change without notice.

Configure data retention for time travel queries

To query a previous table version, you must retain both the log and the data files for that version.

Data files are deleted when VACUUM runs against a table. Delta Lake manages log file removal automatically after checkpointing table versions.

Because most Delta tables have VACUUM run against them regularly, point-in-time queries should respect the retention threshold for VACUUM, which is 7 days by default.

In order to increase the data retention threshold for Delta tables, you must configure the following table properties:

  • delta.logRetentionDuration = "interval <interval>": controls how long the history for a table is kept. The default is interval 30 days.
  • delta.deletedFileRetentionDuration = "interval <interval>": determines the threshold VACUUM uses to remove data files no longer referenced in the current table version. The default is interval 7 days.

You can specify Delta properties during table creation or set them with an ALTER TABLE statement. See Delta table properties reference.


You must set both of these properties to ensure table history is retained for longer duration for tables with frequent VACUUM operations. For example, to access 30 days of historical data, set delta.deletedFileRetentionDuration = "interval 30 days" (which matches the default setting for delta.logRetentionDuration).

Increasing data retention threshold can cause your storage costs to go up, as more data files are maintained.

Restore a Delta table to an earlier state

You can restore a Delta table to its earlier state by using the RESTORE command. A Delta table internally maintains historic versions of the table that enable it to be restored to an earlier state. A version corresponding to the earlier state or a timestamp of when the earlier state was created are supported as options by the RESTORE command.


  • You can restore an already restored table.
  • You can restore a cloned table.
  • You must have MODIFY permission on the table being restored.
  • You cannot restore a table to an older version where the data files were deleted manually or by vacuum. Restoring to this version partially is still possible if spark.sql.files.ignoreMissingFiles is set to true.
  • The timestamp format for restoring to an earlier state is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Providing only a date(yyyy-MM-dd) string is also supported.
RESTORE TABLE target_table TO VERSION AS OF <version>;
RESTORE TABLE target_table TO TIMESTAMP AS OF <timestamp>;

For syntax details, see RESTORE.


Restore is considered a data-changing operation. Delta Lake log entries added by the RESTORE command contain dataChange set to true. If there is a downstream application, such as a Structured streaming job that processes the updates to a Delta Lake table, the data change log entries added by the restore operation are considered as new data updates, and processing them may result in duplicate data.

For example:

Table version Operation Delta log updates Records in data change log updates
0 INSERT AddFile(/path/to/file-1, dataChange = true) (name = Viktor, age = 29, (name = George, age = 55)
1 INSERT AddFile(/path/to/file-2, dataChange = true) (name = George, age = 39)
2 OPTIMIZE AddFile(/path/to/file-3, dataChange = false), RemoveFile(/path/to/file-1), RemoveFile(/path/to/file-2) (No records as Optimize compaction does not change the data in the table)
3 RESTORE(version=1) RemoveFile(/path/to/file-3), AddFile(/path/to/file-1, dataChange = true), AddFile(/path/to/file-2, dataChange = true) (name = Viktor, age = 29), (name = George, age = 55), (name = George, age = 39)

In the preceding example, the RESTORE command results in updates that were already seen when reading the Delta table version 0 and 1. If a streaming query was reading this table, then these files will be considered as newly added data and will be processed again.

Restore metrics

RESTORE reports the following metrics as a single row DataFrame once the operation is complete:

  • table_size_after_restore: The size of the table after restoring.

  • num_of_files_after_restore: The number of files in the table after restoring.

  • num_removed_files: Number of files removed (logically deleted) from the table.

  • num_restored_files: Number of files restored due to rolling back.

  • removed_files_size: Total size in bytes of the files that are removed from the table.

  • restored_files_size: Total size in bytes of the files that are restored.

    Restore metrics example

Examples of using Delta Lake time travel

  • Fix accidental deletes to a table for the user 111:

    INSERT INTO my_table
      SELECT * FROM my_table TIMESTAMP AS OF date_sub(current_date(), 1)
      WHERE userId = 111
  • Fix accidental incorrect updates to a table:

    MERGE INTO my_table target
      USING my_table TIMESTAMP AS OF date_sub(current_date(), 1) source
      ON source.userId = target.userId
  • Query the number of new customers added over the last week.

    SELECT count(distinct userId)
    FROM my_table  - (
      SELECT count(distinct userId)
      FROM my_table TIMESTAMP AS OF date_sub(current_date(), 7))

How do I find the last commit’s version in the Spark session?

To get the version number of the last commit written by the current SparkSession across all threads and all tables, query the SQL configuration spark.databricks.delta.lastCommitVersionInSession.


SET spark.databricks.delta.lastCommitVersionInSession





If no commits have been made by the SparkSession, querying the key returns an empty value.


If you share the same SparkSession across multiple threads, it’s similar to sharing a variable across multiple threads; you may hit race conditions as the configuration value is updated concurrently.