Supported metrics for Microsoft.Cache/redis
The following table lists the metrics available for the Microsoft.Cache/redis resource type.
Table headings
Metric - The metric display name as it appears in the Azure portal.
Name in Rest API - Metric name as referred to in the REST API.
Unit - Unit of measure.
Aggregation - The default aggregation type. Valid values: Average, Minimum, Maximum, Total, Count.
Dimensions - Dimensions available for the metric.
Time Grains - Intervals at which the metric is sampled. For example, PT1M
indicates that the metric is sampled every minute, PT30M
every 30 minutes, PT1H
every hour, and so on.
DS Export- Whether the metric is exportable to Azure Monitor Logs via Diagnostic Settings.
For information on exporting metrics, see - Metrics export using data collection rules and Create diagnostic settings in Azure Monitor.
For information on metric retention, see Azure Monitor Metrics overview.
For a list of supported logs, see Supported log categories - Microsoft.Cache/redis
Metric | Name in REST API | Unit | Aggregation | Dimensions | Time Grains | DS Export |
Cache Hits (Instance Based) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
allcachehits |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Instance Based) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
allcachemisses |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Instance Based) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
allcacheRead |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Instance Based) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
allcacheWrite |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Instance Based) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
allconnectedclients |
Count | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Connections Closed Per Second (Instance Based) The number of instantaneous connections closed per second on the cache via port 6379 or 6380 (SSL). For more details, see |
allConnectionsClosedPerSecond |
CountPerSecond | Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count | ShardId , Primary , Ssl |
PT1M | Yes |
Connections Created Per Second (Instance Based) The number of instantaneous connections created per second on the cache via port 6379 or 6380 (SSL). For more details, see |
allConnectionsCreatedPerSecond |
CountPerSecond | Average, Minimum, Maximum, Count | ShardId , Primary , Ssl |
PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Instance Based) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
allevictedkeys |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Instance Based) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
allexpiredkeys |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Instance Based) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
allgetcommands |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Instance Based) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
alloperationsPerSecond |
Count | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Instance Based) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
allpercentprocessortime |
Percent | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Instance Based) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
allserverLoad |
Percent | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Instance Based) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
allsetcommands |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Instance Based) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
alltotalcommandsprocessed |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Instance Based) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
alltotalkeys |
Count | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Instance Based) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
allusedmemory |
Bytes | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory Percentage (Instance Based) The percentage of cache memory used for key/value pairs. For more details, see |
allusedmemorypercentage |
Percent | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Instance Based) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
allusedmemoryRss |
Bytes | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 0) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits0 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 1) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits1 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 2) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits2 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 3) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits3 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 4) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits4 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 5) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits5 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 6) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits6 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 7) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits7 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 8) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits8 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Hits (Shard 9) The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see |
cachehits9 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Latency Microseconds (Preview) The latency to the cache in microseconds. For more details, see |
cacheLatency |
Count | Average | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 0) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses0 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 1) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses1 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 2) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses2 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 3) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses3 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 4) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses4 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 5) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses5 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 6) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses6 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 7) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses7 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 8) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses8 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Misses (Shard 9) The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see |
cachemisses9 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Miss Rate The % of get requests that miss. For more details, see |
cachemissrate |
Percent | Total (Sum) | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 0) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead0 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 1) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead1 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 2) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead2 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 3) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead3 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 4) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead4 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 5) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead5 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 6) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead6 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 7) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead7 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 8) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead8 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Read (Shard 9) The amount of data read from the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheRead9 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 0) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite0 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 1) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite1 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 2) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite2 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 3) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite3 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 4) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite4 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 5) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite5 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 6) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite6 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 7) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite7 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 8) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite8 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Cache Write (Shard 9) The amount of data written to the cache in bytes per second. For more details, see |
cacheWrite9 |
BytesPerSecond | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients |
Count | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 0) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients0 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 1) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients1 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 2) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients2 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 3) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients3 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 4) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients4 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 5) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients5 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 6) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients6 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 7) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients7 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 8) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients8 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients (Shard 9) The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see |
connectedclients9 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Connected Clients using Microsoft Entra Token (Instance Based) (Preview) The number of client connections to the cache using Microsoft Entra Token. For more details, see |
ConnectedClientsUsingAADToken |
Count | Maximum | ShardId , Port , Primary |
PT1M | Yes |
Errors The number errors that occured on the cache. For more details, see |
errors |
Count | Maximum | ShardId , ErrorType |
PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 0) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys0 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 1) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys1 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 2) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys2 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 3) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys3 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 4) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys4 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 5) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys5 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 6) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys6 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 7) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys7 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 8) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys8 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Evicted Keys (Shard 9) The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see |
evictedkeys9 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 0) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys0 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 1) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys1 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 2) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys2 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 3) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys3 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 4) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys4 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 5) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys5 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 6) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys6 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 7) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys7 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 8) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys8 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Expired Keys (Shard 9) The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see |
expiredkeys9 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Geo-replication Connectivity Lag Time in seconds since last successful data synchronization with geo-primary cache. Value will continue to increase if the link status is down. For more details, see |
GeoReplicationConnectivityLag |
Seconds | Average, Minimum, Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Geo-replication Data Sync Offset Approximate amount of data in bytes that needs to be synchronized to geo-secondary cache. For more details, see |
GeoReplicationDataSyncOffset |
Bytes | Average, Minimum, Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Geo-replication Full Sync Event Finished Fired on completion of a full synchronization event between geo-replicated caches. This metric reports 0 most of the time because geo-replication uses partial resynchronizations for any new data added after the initial full synchronization. For more details, see |
GeoReplicationFullSyncEventFinished |
Count | Count | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Geo-replication Full Sync Event Started Fired on initiation of a full synchronization event between geo-replicated caches. This metric reports 0 most of the time because geo-replication uses partial resynchronizations for any new data added after the initial full synchronization. For more details, see |
GeoReplicationFullSyncEventStarted |
Count | Count | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Geo-replication Healthy The health status of geo-replication link. 1 if healthy and 0 if disconnected or unhealthy. For more details, see |
GeoReplicationHealthy |
Count | Average, Minimum, Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Gets The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 0) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands0 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 1) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands1 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 2) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands2 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 3) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands3 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 4) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands4 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 5) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands5 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 6) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands6 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 7) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands7 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 8) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands8 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Gets (Shard 9) The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see |
getcommands9 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
99th percentile latency Measures the worst-case (99th percentile) latency of server-side commands in microseconds. Measured by issuing PING commands from the load balancer to the Redis server and tracking the time to respond. |
LatencyP99 |
Count | Average, Minimum, Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond |
Count | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 0) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond0 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 1) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond1 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 2) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond2 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 3) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond3 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 4) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond4 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 5) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond5 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 6) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond6 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 7) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond7 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 8) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond8 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Operations Per Second (Shard 9) The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see |
operationsPerSecond9 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime |
Percent | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 0) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime0 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 1) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime1 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 2) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime2 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 3) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime3 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 4) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime4 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 5) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime5 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 6) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime6 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 7) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime7 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 8) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime8 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
CPU (Shard 9) The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see |
percentProcessorTime9 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad |
Percent | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 0) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad0 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 1) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad1 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 2) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad2 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 3) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad3 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 4) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad4 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 5) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad5 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 6) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad6 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 7) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad7 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 8) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad8 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Server Load (Shard 9) The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see |
serverLoad9 |
Percent | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 0) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands0 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 1) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands1 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 2) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands2 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 3) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands3 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 4) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands4 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 5) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands5 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 6) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands6 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 7) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands7 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 8) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands8 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Sets (Shard 9) The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see |
setcommands9 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed |
Count | Total (Sum) | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 0) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed0 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 1) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed1 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 2) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed2 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 3) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed3 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 4) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed4 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 5) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed5 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 6) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed6 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 7) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed7 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 8) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed8 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Operations (Shard 9) The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see |
totalcommandsprocessed9 |
Count | Total (Sum) | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys |
Count | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 0) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys0 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 1) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys1 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 2) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys2 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 3) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys3 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 4) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys4 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 5) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys5 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 6) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys6 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 7) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys7 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 8) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys8 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Total Keys (Shard 9) The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see |
totalkeys9 |
Count | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory |
Bytes | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 0) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory0 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 1) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory1 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 2) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory2 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 3) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory3 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 4) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory4 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 5) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory5 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 6) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory6 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 7) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory7 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 8) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory8 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory (Shard 9) The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see |
usedmemory9 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory Percentage The percentage of cache memory used for key/value pairs. For more details, see |
usedmemorypercentage |
Percent | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss |
Bytes | Maximum | ShardId |
PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 0) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss0 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 1) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss1 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 2) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss2 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 3) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss3 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 4) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss4 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 5) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss5 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 6) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss6 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 7) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss7 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 8) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss8 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |
Used Memory RSS (Shard 9) The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see |
usedmemoryRss9 |
Bytes | Maximum | <none> | PT1M | Yes |