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Creating a New COM+ Application

Creating a new COM+ application requires two basic steps, as follows:

To create an empty COM+ application

  1. In the console tree of the Component Services administrative tool, select the computer on which you want to create an application.

  2. Select the COM+ Applications folder for that computer.

  3. On the Action menu, point to New, and then click Application. You can also right-click the COM+ Applications folder, point to New, and then click Application.

  4. On the Welcome page of the COM+ Application Install Wizard, click Next, and then in the Install or Create a New Application dialog box, click Create an empty application.

  5. In the box provided, type a name for the new application. (Note that the following special characters cannot be used in an application name: \, /, ~, !, @, #, %, ^, &, *, (, ), |, }, {, ], [, ', ", >, <, ., ?, :, and ;.) Under Activation type, click Library application or Server application. Click Next.


    A server application runs in its own process. Server applications can support all COM+ services. A library application runs in the process of the client that creates it. Library applications can use role-based security but do not support remote access or queued components.


  6. In the Set Application Identity dialog box, choose an identity under which the application will run. If you select This user, type the user name and password. You must also retype the password in the Confirm password box. Click Next. (The default selection for application identity is Interactive User. The interactive user is the user logged on to the server computer at any given time. You can select a different user by selecting This user and entering a specific user or group.)


    The Set Application Identity dialog box appears only if you selected Server application for the new application's activation type in the COM Application Install Wizard's preceding dialog box. The identity property is not used for library applications.


  7. In the Add Application Roles dialog box, add any roles you want to associate with the application. By default, only the CreatorOwner role is defined. For information on roles, see Role-Based Security Administration.

  8. In the Add Users to Roles dialog box, populate each role you created in the last step with the users, groups, or built-in security principals to which you want to grant the privileges associated with that role. By default, the interactive user is placed in the CreatorOwner role.

  9. Click Finish.

The new application will now be displayed under the COM+ Applications folder in the console tree of the Component Services administrative tool.


As of Windows Server 2003, access checks are enabled by default when creating a COM+ application. In previous versions, access checks were disabled by default at the application level. The result is that by default, access to a COM+ application is allowed only to users that are in the roles associated with the application. (See Role-Based Security Administration.) Alternatively, you can allow access to all users by disabling access checks on a COM+ application. (See Enabling Access Checks for an Application.)


Copying Components

Deleting a COM+ Application

Importing Components

Installing New Components

Moving Components

Removing a Component from a COM+ Application