xpsobjectmodel.h header
This header is used by XPS Documents. For more information, see:
xpsobjectmodel.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IXpsOMBrush Defines objects that are used to paint graphical objects. Classes that derive from IXpsOMBrush describe how the area is painted. |
IXpsOMCanvas A group of visual elements and related properties. |
IXpsOMColorProfileResource Provides an IStream interface to a color profile resource. |
IXpsOMColorProfileResourceCollection A collection of IXpsOMColorProfileResource interface pointers. |
IXpsOMCoreProperties This interface provides access to the metadata that is stored in the Core Properties part of the XPS document. |
IXpsOMDashCollection A collection of XPS_DASH structures. |
IXpsOMDictionary The dictionary is used by an XPS package to share resources. |
IXpsOMDocument An ordered sequence of fixed pages and document-level resources that make up the document. |
IXpsOMDocumentCollection A collection of IXpsOMDocument interface pointers. |
IXpsOMDocumentSequence The root object that has the XPS document content. |
IXpsOMDocumentStructureResource Provides access to the XML content of the resource stream of the DocumentStructure part. |
IXpsOMFontResource Provides an IStream interface to a font resource. |
IXpsOMFontResourceCollection A collection of IXpsOMFontResource interface pointers. |
IXpsOMGeometry Describes the shape of a path or of a clipping region. |
IXpsOMGeometryFigure Describes one portion of the path or clipping region that is specified by an IXpsOMGeometry interface. |
IXpsOMGeometryFigureCollection A collection of IXpsOMGeometryFigure interface pointers. |
IXpsOMGlyphs Describes the text that appears on a page. |
IXpsOMGlyphsEditor Allows batch modification of properties that affect the text content in an IXpsOMGlyphs interface. |
IXpsOMGradientBrush This interface describes a gradient that is made up of gradient stops. Classes that inherit from IXpsOMGradientBrush specify different ways of interpreting gradient stops. |
IXpsOMGradientStop Represents a single color and location within a gradient. |
IXpsOMGradientStopCollection A collection of IXpsOMGradientStop interface pointers. |
IXpsOMImageBrush A brush that uses a raster image as a source. |
IXpsOMImageResource Provides an IStream interface to an image resource. |
IXpsOMImageResourceCollection A collection of IXpsOMImageResource interface pointers. |
IXpsOMLinearGradientBrush Specifies a linear gradient, which is the color gradient along a vector. |
IXpsOMMatrixTransform Specifies an affine matrix transform that can be applied to other objects in the object model. |
IXpsOMNameCollection A collection of name strings. |
IXpsOMObjectFactory Creates objects in the XPS document object model. |
IXpsOMPackage Provides the top-level entry into the XPS object model tree. |
IXpsOMPackageTarget Provides the method to create an IXpsOMPackageWriter that can be used by a print job that was created by the StartXpsPrintJob1 function. |
IXpsOMPackageWriter Incrementally writes the parts of an XPS document to a package file. |
IXpsOMPage Provides the root node of a tree of objects that hold the contents of a single page. |
IXpsOMPageReference Enables virtualization of pages in an XPS document. |
IXpsOMPageReferenceCollection A collection of IXpsOMPageReference interface pointers. |
IXpsOMPart The base interface for all XPS document part interfaces. |
IXpsOMPartResources Provides access to all shared, part-based resources of the XPS document. |
IXpsOMPartUriCollection A collection of IOpcPartUri interface pointers. |
IXpsOMPath Describes a non-text visual item. |
IXpsOMPrintTicketResource Provides an IStream interface to a PrintTicket resource. |
IXpsOMRadialGradientBrush Specifies a radial gradient. |
IXpsOMRemoteDictionaryResource Provides an interface that enables pages in an XPS package to share resources. |
IXpsOMRemoteDictionaryResourceCollection A collection of IXpsOMRemoteDictionaryResource interface pointers. |
IXpsOMResource Used as the base interface for the resource interfaces of the XPS object model. |
IXpsOMShareable The base interface for sharable interfaces. |
IXpsOMSignatureBlockResource Provides an IStream interface to a signature block resource. |
IXpsOMSignatureBlockResourceCollection A collection of IXpsOMSignatureBlockResource interface pointers. |
IXpsOMSolidColorBrush A single-color brush. |
IXpsOMStoryFragmentsResource Provides access to the content of the resource stream of a page's StoryFragments part. |
IXpsOMThumbnailGenerator Generates a thumbnail image resource. |
IXpsOMTileBrush A tile brush uses a visual image to paint a region by repeating the image. |
IXpsOMVisual The base interface for path, canvas, and glyph interfaces. |
IXpsOMVisualBrush A brush that uses a visual element as a source. |
IXpsOMVisualCollection A collection of IXpsOMVisual interface pointers. |
XPS_COLOR The contents of the XPS_COLOR structure when the colorType is XPS_COLOR_TYPE_CONTEXT. |
XPS_DASH This structure describes a dash element of a path. |
XPS_GLYPH_INDEX Describes the placement and location of a glyph. |
XPS_GLYPH_MAPPING Describes a glyph-to-index mapping. |
XPS_MATRIX Describes the left two columns of a 3-by-3 matrix. |
XPS_POINT Represents an x- and y-coordinate pair in two-dimensional space. (XPS_POINT) |
XPS_RECT Describes the width, height, and location of a rectangle. (XPS_RECT) |
XPS_SIZE Describes the size of an object. |
XPS_COLOR_INTERPOLATION Describes the gamma function used for color interpolation. |
XPS_COLOR_TYPE Describes the color type used by the XPS_COLOR structure. |
XPS_DASH_CAP Specifies the style of a dash cap on a dashed stroke. |
XPS_FILL_RULE The rule used by a composite shape to determine whether a given point is part of the geometry. |
XPS_FONT_EMBEDDING Describes the option for embedding a font. |
XPS_IMAGE_TYPE Describes the image type. |
XPS_INTERLEAVING Specifies whether the content of the XPS OM will be interleaved when it is written to a file or a stream. |
XPS_LINE_CAP Specifies the shapes of line segment caps. |
XPS_LINE_JOIN Describes the joint made by two intersecting line segments. |
XPS_OBJECT_TYPE Describes the type of an object that is derived from IXpsOMShareable. |
XPS_SEGMENT_STROKE_PATTERN Indicates whether all, some, or none of the segments in a figure are stroked. |
XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE Describes a line segment. |
XPS_SPREAD_METHOD Describes how the spread region is to be filled. |
XPS_STYLE_SIMULATION Describes the simulation style of a font or glyph. |
XPS_THUMBNAIL_SIZE Describes the size of a thumbnail image. |
XPS_TILE_MODE Describes the tiling behavior of a tile brush. |