
Dela via

TOUCHINPUT structure (winuser.h)

Encapsulates data for touch input.


typedef struct tagTOUCHINPUT {
  LONG      x;
  LONG      y;
  HANDLE    hSource;
  DWORD     dwID;
  DWORD     dwFlags;
  DWORD     dwMask;
  DWORD     dwTime;
  ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo;
  DWORD     cxContact;
  DWORD     cyContact;



The x-coordinate (horizontal point) of the touch input. This member is indicated in hundredths of a pixel of physical screen coordinates.


The y-coordinate (vertical point) of the touch input. This member is indicated in hundredths of a pixel of physical screen coordinates.


A device handle for the source input device. Each device is given a unique provider at run time by the touch input provider. See Examples section below.


A touch point identifier that distinguishes a particular touch input. This value stays consistent in a touch contact sequence from the point a contact comes down until it comes back up. An ID may be reused later for subsequent contacts.


A set of bit flags that specify various aspects of touch point press, release, and motion. The bits in this member can be any reasonable combination of the values in the Remarks section.


A set of bit flags that specify which of the optional fields in the structure contain valid values. The availability of valid information in the optional fields is device-specific. Applications should use an optional field value only when the corresponding bit is set in dwMask. This field may contain a combination of the dwMask flags mentioned in the Remarks section.


The time stamp for the event, in milliseconds. The consuming application should note that the system performs no validation on this field; when the TOUCHINPUTMASKF_TIMEFROMSYSTEM flag is not set, the accuracy and sequencing of values in this field are completely dependent on the touch input provider.


An additional value associated with the touch event.


The width of the touch contact area in hundredths of a pixel in physical screen coordinates. This value is only valid if the dwMask member has the TOUCHEVENTFMASK_CONTACTAREA flag set.


The height of the touch contact area in hundredths of a pixel in physical screen coordinates. This value is only valid if the dwMask member has the TOUCHEVENTFMASK_CONTACTAREA flag set.


The following table lists the flags for the dwFlags member.

Flag Value Description
TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE 0x0001 Movement has occurred. Cannot be combined with TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN.
TOUCHEVENTF_DOWN 0x0002 The corresponding touch point was established through a new contact. Cannot be combined with TOUCHEVENTF_MOVE or TOUCHEVENTF_UP.
TOUCHEVENTF_UP 0x0004 A touch point was removed.
TOUCHEVENTF_INRANGE 0x0008 A touch point is in range. This flag is used to enable touch hover support on compatible hardware. Applications that do not want support for hover can ignore this flag.
TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY 0x0010 Indicates that this TOUCHINPUT structure corresponds to a primary contact point. See the following text for more information on primary touch points.
TOUCHEVENTF_NOCOALESCE 0x0020 When received using GetTouchInputInfo, this input was not coalesced.
TOUCHEVENTF_PEN 0x0040 The touch event was triggered by a stylus device.
TOUCHEVENTF_PALM 0x0080 The touch event was triggered by the user's palm.
Note   If the target hardware on a machine does not support hover, when the TOUCHEVENTF_UP flag is set, the TOUCHEVENTF_INRANGE flag is cleared. If the target hardware on a machine supports hover, the TOUCHEVENTF_UP and TOUCHEVENTF_INRANGE flags will be set independently.
The following table lists the flags for the dwMask member.
Flag Value Description
TOUCHINPUTMASKF_CONTACTAREA 0x0004 cxContact and cyContact are valid. See the following text for more information on primary touch points.
TOUCHINPUTMASKF_EXTRAINFO 0x0002 dwExtraInfo is valid.
TOUCHINPUTMASKF_TIMEFROMSYSTEM 0x0001 The system time was set in the TOUCHINPUT structure.

A touch point is designated as primary when it is the first touch point to be established from a previous state of no touch points. The TOUCHEVENTF_PRIMARY flag continues to be set for all subsequent events for the primary touch point until the primary touch point is released. Note that a TOUCHEVENTF_UP event on the primary touch point does not necessarily designate the end of a Windows Touch operation; the current Windows Touch operation proceeds from the establishment of the primary touch point until the last touch point is released.

Note that a solitary touch point or, in a set of simultaneous touch points, the first to be detected, is designated the primary. The system mouse position follows the primary touch point and, in addition to touch messages, also generates WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_MOUSEMOVE, and WM_LBUTTONUP messages in response to actions on a primary touch point. The primary touch point can also generate WM_RBUTTONDOWN and WM_RBUTTONUP messages using the press and hold gesture.

Note that the touch point identifier may be dynamic and is associated with a given touch point only as long as the touch point persists. If contact is broken and then resumed (for example, if a finger is removed from the surface and then pressed down again), the same touch point (the same finger, pen, or other such device) may receive a different touch point identifier.

The following type is defined to represent a constant pointer to a TOUCHINPUT structure.



Note  In the following example, the pInputs array is not sorted. Use the dwID value to track specific touch points.
UINT cInputs = LOWORD(wParam);
PTOUCHINPUT pInputs = new TOUCHINPUT[cInputs];
if (NULL != pInputs)
    if (GetTouchInputInfo((HTOUCHINPUT)lParam,
        // process pInputs
        if (!CloseTouchInputHandle((HTOUCHINPUT)lParam))
            // error handling
        // GetLastError() and error handling
    delete [] pInputs;
    // error handling, presumably out of memory
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);

The following example shows how to get the device information from the hSource member. This example uses GetRawInputDevice to retrieve information about the device.

for (UINT i = 0; i < cInputs; i++){
  TOUCHINPUT ti = pInputs[i];      
  ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(RID_DEVICE_INFO));
  info.cbSize = sizeof(RID_DEVICE_INFO);
  UINT size = 0;
  if (GetRawInputDeviceInfo(ti.hSource, RIDI_DEVICEINFO, &info, &size)){
    DWORD err = GetLastError();


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Header winuser.h (include Windows.h)

See also

