
Dela via

DEVINFO structure (winddi.h)

The DEVINFO structure provides information about the driver and its private PDEV to the graphics engine.


typedef struct tagDEVINFO {
  FLONG    flGraphicsCaps;
  LOGFONTW lfDefaultFont;
  LOGFONTW lfAnsiVarFont;
  LOGFONTW lfAnsiFixFont;
  ULONG    cFonts;
  ULONG    iDitherFormat;
  USHORT   cxDither;
  USHORT   cyDither;
  HPALETTE hpalDefault;
  FLONG    flGraphicsCaps2;



Is a set of flags that describe graphics capabilities of the graphics driver and/or its hardware. These flags are defined in the following table.

Flag Definition
GCAPS_ALTERNATEFILL Handles alternating fills.
GCAPS_ARBRUSHOPAQUE Supports an arbitrary brush for text opaque rectangle (background color).
GCAPS_ARBRUSHTEXT Supports an arbitrary brush for the text foreground color.
GCAPS_ASYNCCHANGE This flag is obsolete. In legacy drivers, this flag indicates that the driver can change the pointer shape in hardware while other drawing is occurring on the device.
GCAPS_ASYNCMOVE The driver can move the pointer in hardware while other drawing is occurring on the device.
GCAPS_BEZIERS Handles Bezier curves.
GCAPS_CMYKCOLOR The driver supports the CYMK color space.
GCAPS_COLOR_DITHER Handles color dithering to a PDEV-compatible surface.
GCAPS_DIRECTDRAW This flag is obsolete.
GCAPS_DITHERONREALIZE Specifies that GDI can call DrvRealizeBrush with the RGB to be dithered directly.
GCAPS_DONTJOURNAL Disallows metafile printing to this printer driver. This is valid only for printer DCs and will generally result in slower return-to-application time when printing.
GCAPS_FONT_RASTERIZER Device hardware can rasterize TrueType fonts.
GCAPS_FORCEDITHER Allows dithering on all geometric pens.
GCAPS_GEOMETRICWIDE Handles geometric widening.
GCAPS_GRAY16 Handles antialiased text natively.
GCAPS_HALFTONE Handles halftoning.
GCAPS_HIGHRESTEXT This flag is obsolete. In legacy drivers, this flag indicates that the driver is requesting glyph positions as returned by the STROBJ in FIX point coordinates.
GCAPS_HORIZSTRIKE This flag is obsolete. In legacy drivers, this flag indicates that the driver handles horizontal strikeouts in DrvTextOut.
GCAPS_ICM Indicates that color management operations can be performed by the driver or printer hardware.
GCAPS_LAYERED Indicates that this is a layer or mirror driver for remoting. Printer drivers cannot be layer drivers.
GCAPS_MONO_DITHER Handles monochrome dithering.
GCAPS_NO64BITMEMACCESS This flag is obsolete.
GCAPS_NUP Indicates that "N-up" printing is supported.
GCAPS_OPAQUERECT Handles opaque rectangles in DrvTextOut.
GCAPS_PALMANAGED Supports palette management.
GCAPS_PANNING When GDI is simulating the pointer, it should call DrvMovePointer to notify the driver of the current cursor position. This allows the driver to handle panning virtual displays.
GCAPS_SCREENPRECISION The rasterizer (font engine) should choose a screen (soft) font over a device font when choosing a font for which there is no exact match.
GCAPS_VECTORFONT Handles stroking of vector fonts in DrvTextOut.
GCAPS_VERTSTRIKE This flag is obsolete. In legacy drivers, this flag indicated that the driver handled vertical strikeouts in DrvTextOut.
GCAPS_WINDINGFILL Handles winding mode fills. See Path Fill Modes for more information.
GCAPS2_REMOTEDRIVER Indicates that the display driver is used to support a remote user session.


Is an Extended Logical Font structure that specifies the default font for a device. For more information about this structure, see EXTLOGFONT in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.


Is an Extended Logical Font structure that specifies the default variable-pitch font for a device. For more information about this structure, see EXTLOGFONT in the Windows SDK documentation.


Is an Extended Logical Font structure that specifies the default fixed-pitch (monospaced) font for a device. For more information about this structure, see EXTLOGFONT in the Windows SDK documentation.


Specifies the number of device fonts. GDI assumes that the device can draw text with this number of fonts on its own surfaces and that the driver can provide metrics information about the fonts. If the driver sets cFonts to -1, GDI will wait until fonts are needed to query the driver for the actual number of fonts it supports in a call to DrvQueryFont.


Specifies the format of the bitmap. This parameter indicates how many bits of color information per pixel are requested, and must be one of the following values:

Value Meaning
BMF_1BPP Monochrome
BMF_4BPP 4 bits per pixel
BMF_8BPP 8 bits per pixel
BMF_16BPP 16 bits per pixel
BMF_24BPP 24 bits per pixel
BMF_32BPP 32 bits per pixel
BMF_4RLE 4 bits per pixel, run length encoded
BMF_8RLE 8 bits per pixel, run length encoded
BMF_JPEG JPEG compressed image
BMF_PNG PNG compressed image



Specify the dimensions of a dithered brush. If these members are nonzero, then the device can create a dithered brush for a given RGB color.


Handle to the default palette for the device. The driver should create the palette by calling EngCreatePalette. The driver associates a palette with a device by returning this handle to GDI.


Is a set of flags that describe additional graphics capabilities of the device driver. These flags are defined in the following table.

Flag Definition
GCAPS2_ALPHACURSOR Handles pointers with per-pixel alpha values.
GCAPS2_CHANGEGAMMARAMP The display device has a loadable hardware gamma ramp.
GCAPS2_EXCLUDELAYERED Indicates that this is an accessibility mirror driver. Mirror drivers that do not set this flag will still receive drawing primitives for layered HWNDs. See Mirror Drivers for more information.
GCAPS2_ICD_MULTIMON Informs GDI that the driver intends to handle DrvSetPixelFormat, DrvDescribePixelFormat, and DrvSwapBuffers calls in a multimon environment, even when the rectangle in the operation also intersects another device. Only one device is ever given the opportunity to handle those calls. If the capability is not specified and the region involved intersects more than one device, no driver is called.
GCAPS2_INCLUDEAPIBITMAPS When drawing calls are made to a device-independent bitmap (DIB), an accessibility mirror driver will be called. See Mirror Drivers for more information.
GCAPS2_JPEGSRC Device can accept JPEG compressed images (that is, images for which BMF_JPEG is set in the SURFOBJ structure).
GCAPS2_MOUSETRAILS Indicates that the driver supports mouse trails (a succession of cursor images showing the mouse's location during a short period of time). The driver is capable of handling the values GDI sends in the fl parameter of the DrvSetPointerShape function. The driver should use the SPS_LENGTHMASK and SPS_FREQMASK masks to obtain values for the length and frequency of the mouse trails. See DrvSetPointerShape for more information about these masks.
GCAPS2_PNGSRC Device can accept PNG compressed images (that is, images for which BMF_PNG is set in the SURFOBJ structure).
GCAPS2_SYNCFLUSH The driver supports a programmatic-based flush mechanism for batched graphics DDI calls. DrvSynchronizeSurface will be called whenever GDI must flush any drawing that is being batched by the driver.
GCAPS2_SYNCTIMER The driver supports a timer-based flush mechanism for batched graphics DDI calls. DrvSynchronizeSurface will be called periodically, based on a timer interval determined by GDI.


The driver's DrvEnablePDEV function fills in a DEVINFO structure; the driver should set only the members that are relevant to it. This structure is zero-initialized by GDI before DrvEnablePDEV is called. Applications do not have direct access to this structure.

If a driver sets GCAPS2_JPEGSRC or GCAPS2_PNGSRC in flGraphicsCaps2, the following rules apply:

  • The driver must provide a DrvQueryDeviceSupport function.
  • Every driver-defined graphics DDI function that receives a SURFOBJ structure as input must be able to either support the compressed format or return an error code. In the case of printer drivers, to support the compressed format, the driver must be able to perform either one of the following tasks:
    • If the print device can process the JPEG/PNG compressed format, the printer driver should pass the compressed format through to its page description language (PDL) output.
    • If the print device cannot process the JPEG/PNG compressed format, the printer driver must first convert the compressed JPEG/PNG format into another image format that the print device can process. The printer driver can then make the image information available in the driver's PDL output.
      Note  In the case of converting from JPEG/PNG to the bitmap format, the printer driver must not use GDI functions. For example, the driver can use the Windows Imaging Component (WIC) APIs instead to do the conversion.
  • The driver must be able to handle complex clip regions for images that use the compressed format.
  • For driver-defined graphics DDI functions that receive a ROP4 input argument, only 0xCCCC is used with JPEG and PNG formats.


Requirement Value
Header winddi.h (include Winddi.h)

See also



