ntdsapi.h header
This header is used by multiple technologies. For more information, see:
ntdsapi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
DsAddSidHistoryA Retrieves the primary account security identifier (SID) of a security principal from one domain and adds it to the sIDHistory attribute of a security principal in another domain in a different forest. (ANSI) |
DsAddSidHistoryW Retrieves the primary account security identifier (SID) of a security principal from one domain and adds it to the sIDHistory attribute of a security principal in another domain in a different forest. (Unicode) |
DsBindA Binds to a domain controller. (ANSI) |
DsBindByInstanceA Explicitly binds to any AD LDS or Active Directory instance. (ANSI) |
DsBindByInstanceW Explicitly binds to any AD LDS or Active Directory instance. (Unicode) |
DsBindingSetTimeout The DsBindingSetTimeout function sets the timeout value that is honored by all RPC calls that use the specified binding handle. RPC calls that required more time than the timeout value are canceled. |
DsBindToISTGA Binds to the computer that holds the Inter-Site Topology Generator (ISTG) role in the domain of the local computer. (ANSI) |
DsBindToISTGW Binds to the computer that holds the Inter-Site Topology Generator (ISTG) role in the domain of the local computer. (Unicode) |
DsBindW Binds to a domain controller. (Unicode) |
DsBindWithCredA Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials. (ANSI) |
DsBindWithCredW Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials. (Unicode) |
DsBindWithSpnA Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials and a specific service principal name (SPN) for mutual authentication. (DsBindWithSpnA) |
DsBindWithSpnExA Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials and a specific service principal name (SPN) for mutual authentication. (DsBindWithSpnExA) |
DsBindWithSpnExW Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials and a specific service principal name (SPN) for mutual authentication. (DsBindWithSpnExW) |
DsBindWithSpnW Binds to a domain controller using the specified credentials and a specific service principal name (SPN) for mutual authentication. (DsBindWithSpnW) |
DsClientMakeSpnForTargetServerA Constructs a service principal name (SPN) that identifies a specific server to use for authentication. (ANSI) |
DsClientMakeSpnForTargetServerW Constructs a service principal name (SPN) that identifies a specific server to use for authentication. (Unicode) |
DsCrackNamesA Converts an array of directory service object names from one format to another. (ANSI) |
DsCrackNamesW Converts an array of directory service object names from one format to another. (Unicode) |
DsFreeDomainControllerInfoA The DsFreeDomainControllerInfo function frees memory that is allocated by DsGetDomainControllerInfo for data about the domain controllers in a domain. (ANSI) |
DsFreeDomainControllerInfoW The DsFreeDomainControllerInfo function frees memory that is allocated by DsGetDomainControllerInfo for data about the domain controllers in a domain. (Unicode) |
DsFreeNameResultA Frees the memory held by a DS_NAME_RESULT structure. (ANSI) |
DsFreeNameResultW Frees the memory held by a DS_NAME_RESULT structure. (Unicode) |
DsFreePasswordCredentials Frees memory allocated for a credentials structure by the DsMakePasswordCredentials function. |
DsFreeSchemaGuidMapA Frees memory that the DsMapSchemaGuids function has allocated for a DS_SCHEMA_GUID_MAP structure. (ANSI) |
DsFreeSchemaGuidMapW Frees memory that the DsMapSchemaGuids function has allocated for a DS_SCHEMA_GUID_MAP structure. (Unicode) |
DsFreeSpnArrayA Frees an array returned from the DsGetSpn function. (ANSI) |
DsFreeSpnArrayW Frees an array returned from the DsGetSpn function. (Unicode) |
DsGetDomainControllerInfoA Retrieves data about the domain controllers in a domain. (ANSI) |
DsGetDomainControllerInfoW Retrieves data about the domain controllers in a domain. (Unicode) |
DsGetSpnA The DsGetSpn function constructs an array of one or more service principal names (SPNs). Each name in the array identifies an instance of a service. These SPNs may be registered with the directory service (DS) using the DsWriteAccountSpn function. (ANSI) |
DsGetSpnW The DsGetSpn function constructs an array of one or more service principal names (SPNs). Each name in the array identifies an instance of a service. These SPNs may be registered with the directory service (DS) using the DsWriteAccountSpn function. (Unicode) |
DsInheritSecurityIdentityA Appends the objectSid and sidHistory attributes of SrcPrincipal to the sidHistory of DstPrincipal and then deletes SrcPrincipal, all in a single transaction. (ANSI) |
DsInheritSecurityIdentityW Appends the objectSid and sidHistory attributes of SrcPrincipal to the sidHistory of DstPrincipal and then deletes SrcPrincipal, all in a single transaction. (Unicode) |
DsListDomainsInSiteA Lists all the domains in a site. (ANSI) |
DsListDomainsInSiteW Lists all the domains in a site. (Unicode) |
DsListInfoForServerA The DsListInfoForServer function lists miscellaneous data for a server. (ANSI) |
DsListInfoForServerW The DsListInfoForServer function lists miscellaneous data for a server. (Unicode) |
DsListRolesA The DsListRoles function lists roles recognized by the server. (ANSI) |
DsListRolesW The DsListRoles function lists roles recognized by the server. (Unicode) |
DsListServersForDomainInSiteA Lists all the servers in a domain in a site. (ANSI) |
DsListServersForDomainInSiteW Lists all the servers in a domain in a site. (Unicode) |
DsListServersInSiteA Lists all the servers in a site. (ANSI) |
DsListServersInSiteW Lists all the servers in a site. (Unicode) |
DsListSitesA Lists all the sites in the enterprise forest. (ANSI) |
DsListSitesW Lists all the sites in the enterprise forest. (Unicode) |
DsMakePasswordCredentialsA Constructs a credential handle suitable for use with the DsBindWithCred function. (ANSI) |
DsMakePasswordCredentialsW Constructs a credential handle suitable for use with the DsBindWithCred function. (Unicode) |
DsMapSchemaGuidsA Converts GUIDs of directory service schema objects to their display names. (ANSI) |
DsMapSchemaGuidsW Converts GUIDs of directory service schema objects to their display names. (Unicode) |
DsQuerySitesByCostA Gets the communication cost between one site and one or more other sites. (ANSI) |
DsQuerySitesByCostW Gets the communication cost between one site and one or more other sites. (Unicode) |
DsQuerySitesFree Frees the memory allocated by the DsQuerySitesByCost function. |
DsRemoveDsDomainA Removes all traces of a domain naming context from the global area of the directory service. (ANSI) |
DsRemoveDsDomainW Removes all traces of a domain naming context from the global area of the directory service. (Unicode) |
DsRemoveDsServerA The DsRemoveDsServer function removes all traces of a directory service agent (DSA) from the global area of the directory service. (ANSI) |
DsRemoveDsServerW The DsRemoveDsServer function removes all traces of a directory service agent (DSA) from the global area of the directory service. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaAddA Adds a replication source reference to a destination naming context. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaAddW Adds a replication source reference to a destination naming context. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaConsistencyCheck Invokes the Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) to verify the replication topology. |
DsReplicaDelA Removes a replication source reference from a destination naming context (NC). (ANSI) |
DsReplicaDelW Removes a replication source reference from a destination naming context (NC). (Unicode) |
DsReplicaFreeInfo Frees the replication state data structure allocated by the DsReplicaGetInfo or DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DsReplicaGetInfo2W Retrieves replication state data from the directory service. This function allows paging of results in cases where there are more than 1000 entries to retrieve. |
DsReplicaGetInfoW Retrieves replication state data from the directory service. |
DsReplicaModifyA Modifies an existing replication source reference for a destination naming context. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaModifyW Modifies an existing replication source reference for a destination naming context. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaSyncA Synchronizes a destination naming context (NC) with one of its sources. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaSyncAllA Synchronizes a server with all other servers, using transitive replication, as necessary. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaSyncAllW Synchronizes a server with all other servers, using transitive replication, as necessary. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaSyncW Synchronizes a destination naming context (NC) with one of its sources. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaUpdateRefsA Adds or removes a replication reference for a destination from a source naming context. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaUpdateRefsW Adds or removes a replication reference for a destination from a source naming context. (Unicode) |
DsReplicaVerifyObjectsA Verifies all objects for a naming context with a source. (ANSI) |
DsReplicaVerifyObjectsW Verifies all objects for a naming context with a source. (Unicode) |
DsServerRegisterSpnA The DsServerRegisterSpn function composes two SPNs for a host-based service. (ANSI) |
DsServerRegisterSpnW The DsServerRegisterSpn function composes two SPNs for a host-based service. (Unicode) |
DsUnBindA The DsUnBind function finds an RPC session with a domain controller and unbinds a handle to the directory service (DS). (ANSI) |
DsUnBindW The DsUnBind function finds an RPC session with a domain controller and unbinds a handle to the directory service (DS). (Unicode) |
DsWriteAccountSpnA Writes an array of service principal names (SPNs) to the servicePrincipalName attribute of a specified user or computer account object in Active Directory Domain Services. (ANSI) |
DsWriteAccountSpnW Writes an array of service principal names (SPNs) to the servicePrincipalName attribute of a specified user or computer account object in Active Directory Domain Services. (Unicode) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1A The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (ANSI) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1W The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (Unicode) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_2A The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_2 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (ANSI) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_2W The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_2 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (Unicode) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_3A The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_3 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (ANSI) |
DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_3W The DS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_3 structure contains data about a domain controller. This structure is returned by the DsGetDomainControllerInfo function. (Unicode) |
DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEMA The DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM structure contains a name converted by the DsCrackNames function, along with associated error and domain data. (ANSI) |
DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEMW The DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM structure contains a name converted by the DsCrackNames function, along with associated error and domain data. (Unicode) |
DS_NAME_RESULTA The DS_NAME_RESULT structure is used with the DsCrackNames function to contain the names converted by the function. (ANSI) |
DS_NAME_RESULTW The DS_NAME_RESULT structure is used with the DsCrackNames function to contain the names converted by the function. (Unicode) |
DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA The DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions to contain replication state data for an object attribute. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_2 The DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_2 structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions to contain replication state data for an object attribute. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_BLOB The DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_BLOB structure is used to contain replication state data for an object attribute. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA The DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide metadata for a collection of attribute values. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA_2 Used with the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide metadata for a collection of attribute values. |
DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA_EXT Provides metadata for a collection of attribute replication values. |
DS_REPL_CURSOR The DS_REPL_CURSOR structure contains inbound replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DS_REPL_CURSOR_2 The DS_REPL_CURSOR_2 structure contains inbound replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. This structure is an enhanced version of the DS_REPL_CURSOR structure. |
DS_REPL_CURSOR_3W The DS_REPL_CURSOR_3 structure contains inbound replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. |
DS_REPL_CURSOR_BLOB The DS_REPL_CURSOR_BLOB structure contains inbound replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context. |
DS_REPL_CURSORS The DS_REPL_CURSORS structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context. |
DS_REPL_CURSORS_2 The DS_REPL_CURSORS_2 structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context. |
DS_REPL_CURSORS_3W The DS_REPL_CURSORS_3 structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function to provide replication state data with respect to all replicas of a given naming context. |
DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILURESW The DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILURES structure contains an array of DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILURE structures, which in turn contain replication state data with respect to inbound replication partners, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILUREW The DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILURE structure contains replication state data about a specific inbound replication partner, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. |
DS_REPL_KCC_DSA_FAILUREW_BLOB Contains replication state data with respect to a specific inbound replication partner. |
DS_REPL_NEIGHBORSW The DS_REPL_NEIGHBORS structure is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions to provide inbound replication state data for naming context and source server pairs. |
DS_REPL_NEIGHBORW Contains inbound replication state data for a particular naming context and source server pair, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DS_REPL_NEIGHBORW_BLOB Contains inbound replication state data for a particular naming context and source server pair. |
DS_REPL_OBJ_META_DATA The DS_REPL_OBJ_META_DATA structure contains an array of DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA structures. These structures contain replication state data for past and present attributes for a given object. |
DS_REPL_OBJ_META_DATA_2 The DS_REPL_OBJ_META_DATA_2 structure contains an array of DS_REPL_ATTR_META_DATA_2 structures, which in turn contain replication state data for the attributes (past and present) for a given object, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. |
DS_REPL_OPW The DS_REPL_OP structure describes a replication task currently executing or pending execution, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo or DsReplicaGetInfo2 function. |
DS_REPL_OPW_BLOB The DS_REPL_OPW_BLOB structure describes a replication task currently executing or pending execution. |
DS_REPL_PENDING_OPSW Contains an array of DS_REPL_OP structures, which in turn describe the replication tasks currently executing and queued to execute, as returned by the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions. |
DS_REPL_QUEUE_STATISTICSW Used to contain replication queue statistics. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA Used with the DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA structure to contain attribute value replication metadata. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA_2 Used with the DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA_2 structure to contain attribute value replication metadata. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA_BLOB Used to contain attribute value replication metadata. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA_BLOB_EXT Contains attribute value replication metadata. |
DS_REPL_VALUE_META_DATA_EXT Contains attribute replication meta data for the DS_REPL_ATTR_VALUE_META_DATA_EXT structure. |
DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFOA The DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFO structure is used with the DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure to contain errors generated by the DsReplicaSyncAll function during replication. (ANSI) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFOW The DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFO structure is used with the DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure to contain errors generated by the DsReplicaSyncAll function during replication. (Unicode) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_SYNCA The DS_REPSYNCALL_SYNC structure identifies a single replication operation performed between a source, and destination, server by the DsReplicaSyncAll function. (ANSI) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_SYNCW The DS_REPSYNCALL_SYNC structure identifies a single replication operation performed between a source, and destination, server by the DsReplicaSyncAll function. (Unicode) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATEA The DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure contains status data about the replication performed by the DsReplicaSyncAll function. (ANSI) |
DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATEW The DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure contains status data about the replication performed by the DsReplicaSyncAll function. (Unicode) |
DS_SCHEMA_GUID_MAPA Contains the results of a call to DsMapSchemaGuids. (ANSI) |
DS_SCHEMA_GUID_MAPW Contains the results of a call to DsMapSchemaGuids. (Unicode) |
DS_SITE_COST_INFO The DS_SITE_COST_INFO structure is used with the DsQuerySitesByCost function to contain communication cost data. |
DS_KCC_TASKID Specifies tasks that Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) can execute. |
DS_NAME_ERROR The DS_NAME_ERROR enumeration defines the errors returned by the status member of the DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM structure. These are potential errors that may be encountered while a name is converted by the DsCrackNames function. |
DS_NAME_FLAGS The DS_NAME_FLAGS enumeration is used to define how the name syntax will be cracked. These flags are used by the DsCrackNames function. |
DS_NAME_FORMAT The DS_NAME_FORMAT enumeration provides formats to use for input and output names for the DsCrackNames function. |
DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE The DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE enumeration is used with the DsReplicaGetInfo and DsReplicaGetInfo2 functions to specify the type of replication data to retrieve. |
DS_REPL_OP_TYPE Used to indicate the type of replication operation that a given entry in the replication queue represents. |
DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR The DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR enumeration is used with the DS_REPSYNCALL_ERRINFO structure to indicate where in the replication process an error occurred. |
DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT The DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT enumeration is used with the DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure to define which event the DS_REPSYNCALL_UPDATE structure represents. |
DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE The DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE enumeration is used by the DsGetSPN function to identify the format for composing SPNs. |
DS_SPN_WRITE_OP The DS_SPN_WRITE_OP enumeration identifies the type of write operation that should be performed by the DsWriteAccountSpn function. |