Data Access and Storage
Overview of the Data Access and Storage technology.
To develop Data Access and Storage, you need these headers:
- bindlink.h
- clfs.h
- clfsmgmt.h
- clfsmgmtw32.h
- clfsw32.h
- dskquota.h
- fileapi.h
- fileapifromapp.h
- ioringapi.h
- ktmtypes.h
- ktmw32.h
- lmshare.h
- lmstats.h
- lzexpand.h
- ntioring_x.h
- ntmsapi.h
- ntmsmli.h
- nvme.h
- txfw32.h
- winefs.h
- wofapi.h
- wow64apiset.h
For programming guidance for this technology, see:
- Removable Storage Manager
- Common Log File System
- Local File Systems
- Kernel Transaction Manager
- Network Share Management
FSCTL_CREATE_OR_GET_OBJECT_ID Retrieves the object identifier for the specified file or directory. If no object identifier exists, using FSCTL_CREATE_OR_GET_OBJECT_ID creates one. |
FSCTL_CSV_CONTROL Retrieves the results of a CSV control operation. |
FSCTL_CSV_QUERY_DOWN_LEVEL_FILE_SYSTEM_CHARACTERISTICS Retrieves information about a file system for which CSVFS is a proxy. |
FSCTL_DELETE_OBJECT_ID Removes the object identifier from a specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_DELETE_REPARSE_POINT Deletes a reparse point from the specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_TO_FILE Instructs the file system to copy a range of file bytes on behalf of an application. |
FSCTL_EXTEND_VOLUME Increases the size of a mounted volume. |
FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM Indicates ranges within the specified file that do not need to be stored by the storage system. |
FSCTL_FILESYSTEM_GET_STATISTICS Retrieves the information from various file system performance counters. |
FSCTL_FILESYSTEM_GET_STATISTICS_EX Retrieves the information from various file system performance counters.Support for this control code started with Windows 10. |
FSCTL_FIND_FILES_BY_SID Searches a directory for a file whose creator owner matches the specified SID. |
FSCTL_GET_BOOT_AREA_INFO Retrieves the locations of boot sectors for a volume. |
FSCTL_GET_COMPRESSION Retrieves the current compression state of a file or directory on a volume whose file system supports per-stream compression. |
FSCTL_GET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION Retrieves the integrity status of a file or directory on a ReFS volume. (FSCTL_GET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION) |
FSCTL_GET_NTFS_FILE_RECORD Retrieves the first file record that is in use and is of a lesser than or equal ordinal value to the requested file reference number. |
FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA Retrieves information about the specified NTFS file system volume. |
FSCTL_GET_OBJECT_ID Retrieves the object identifier for the specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_GET_REPAIR Retrieves information about the NTFS file system's self-healing mechanism. |
FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT Retrieves the reparse point data associated with the file or directory identified by the specified handle. |
FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTER_BASE Returns the sector offset to the first logical cluster number (LCN) of the file system relative to the start of the volume. |
FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS Given a file handle, retrieves a data structure that describes the allocation and location on disk of a specific file, or, given a volume handle, the locations of bad clusters on a volume. |
FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP Retrieves a bitmap of occupied and available clusters on a volume. |
FSCTL_INITIATE_REPAIR Triggers the NTFS file system to start a self-healing cycle on a single file. |
FSCTL_IS_CSV_FILE Determines whether a file is stored on a CSVFS volume, or retrieves namespace information. (FSCTL_IS_CSV_FILE) |
FSCTL_IS_FILE_ON_CSV_VOLUME Determines whether a file is stored on a CSVFS volume, or retrieves namespace information. (FSCTL_IS_FILE_ON_CSV_VOLUME) |
FSCTL_IS_VOLUME_MOUNTED Determines whether the specified volume is mounted, or if the specified file or directory is on a mounted volume. |
FSCTL_IS_VOLUME_OWNED_BYCSVFS Determines whether a volume is locked by CSVFS. |
FSCTL_LOOKUP_STREAM_FROM_CLUSTER Given a handle to a NTFS volume or a file on a NTFS volume, returns a chain of data structures that describes streams that occupy the specified clusters. |
FSCTL_MAKE_MEDIA_COMPATIBLE Closes an open UDF session on write-once media to make the media ROM compatible. |
FSCTL_MARK_HANDLE Marks a specified file or directory and its change journal record with information about changes to that file or directory. |
FSCTL_MOVE_FILE Relocates one or more virtual clusters of a file from one logical cluster to another within the same volume. This operation is used during defragmentation. |
FSCTL_OPBATCH_ACK_CLOSE_PENDING Notifies a server that a client application is ready to close a file. |
FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_ACK_NO_2 Responds to notification that an opportunistic lock on a file is about to be broken. Use this operation to unlock all opportunistic locks on the file but keep the file open. |
FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_ACKNOWLEDGE Responds to notification that an exclusive opportunistic lock on a file is about to be broken. Use this operation to indicate that the file should receive a level 2 opportunistic lock. |
FSCTL_OPLOCK_BREAK_NOTIFY Enables the calling application to wait for completion of an opportunistic lock break. |
FSCTL_QUERY_ALLOCATED_RANGES Scans a file or alternate stream looking for ranges that may contain nonzero data. |
FSCTL_QUERY_FILE_SYSTEM_RECOGNITION Queries for file system recognition information on a volume. |
FSCTL_QUERY_ON_DISK_VOLUME_INFO Requests UDF-specific volume information. |
FSCTL_QUERY_REGION_INFO Retrieves the storage tier regions defined for a volume that supports data tiering. |
FSCTL_QUERY_SPARING_INFO Retrieves the defect management properties of the volume. Used for UDF file systems. |
FSCTL_QUERY_STORAGE_CLASSES Retrieves the storage tiers defined for a volume that supports data tiering. |
FSCTL_READ_FROM_PLEX Reads from the specified plex. |
FSCTL_RECALL_FILE Recalls a file from storage media that Remote Storage manages, which is the hierarchical storage management software. |
FSCTL_REPAIR_COPIES Repair data corruption by selecting the proper copy to use. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_BATCH_OPLOCK Requests a batch opportunistic lock on a file. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_FILTER_OPLOCK Requests a filter opportunistic lock on a file. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK Requests an opportunistic lock (oplock) on a file and acknowledges that an oplock break has occurred. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK_LEVEL_1 Requests a level 1 opportunistic lock on a file. |
FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK_LEVEL_2 Requests a level 2 opportunistic lock on a file. |
FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION Sets the compression state of a file or directory on a volume whose file system supports per-file and per-directory compression. |
FSCTL_SET_DEFECT_MANAGEMENT Sets the software defect management state for the specified file. Used for UDF file systems. |
FSCTL_SET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION Retrieves the integrity status of a file or directory on a ReFS volume. (FSCTL_SET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION) |
FSCTL_SET_OBJECT_ID Sets the object identifier for the specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_SET_OBJECT_ID_EXTENDED Modifies user data associated with the object identifier for the specified file or directory. |
FSCTL_SET_REPAIR Sets the mode of an NTFS file system's self-healing capability. |
FSCTL_SET_REPARSE_POINT Sets a reparse point on a file or directory. |
FSCTL_SET_SPARSE Marks the indicated file as sparse or not sparse. In a sparse file, large ranges of zeros may not require disk allocation. |
FSCTL_SET_ZERO_DATA Fills a specified range of a file with zeros (0). |
FSCTL_SET_ZERO_ON_DEALLOCATION Indicates an NTFS file system file handle should have its clusters filled with zeros when it is deallocated. |
FSCTL_SHRINK_VOLUME Signals that the volume is to be prepared to perform the shrink operation, the shrink operation is to be committed, or the shrink operation is to be terminated. |
FSCTL_TXFS_CREATE_MINIVERSION Creates a new miniversion for the specified file. Miniversions allow you to refer to a snapshot of the file during a transaction. Miniversions are discarded when a transaction is committed or rolled back. |
FSCTL_TXFS_GET_METADATA_INFO Retrieves Transacted NTFS (TxF) metadata for a file and the GUID of the transaction that has locked the specified file (if the file is locked). |
FSCTL_TXFS_GET_TRANSACTED_VERSION Returns a TXFS_GET_TRANSACTED_VERSION structure. The structure identifies the most recently committed version of the specified file, the version number of the handle. |
FSCTL_TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES Returns a list of all files currently locked by the specified transaction. If the return value is ERROR_MORE_DATA, it returns the length of the buffer required to hold the complete list of files at the time of this call. |
FSCTL_TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS Returns a list of all the transactions currently involved in the specified resource manager. |
FSCTL_TXFS_MODIFY_RM Sets the log mode and log parameter information for a secondary resource manager (RM). |
FSCTL_TXFS_QUERY_RM_INFORMATION Retrieves information for a resource manager (RM). |
FSCTL_TXFS_READ_BACKUP_INFORMATION Returns Transactional NTFS (TxF) specific information for the specified file. |
FSCTL_TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION The FSCTL_TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION control code controls setting, clearing, and rolling back to the specified savepoint. |
FSCTL_TXFS_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE Returns a Boolean value that indicates if there were any transactions active on the associated volume when the snapshot was taken. This call is only valid for read-only snapshot volumes. |
FSCTL_TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION Writes Transactional NTFS (TxF) specific information to a specified file. |
FSCTL_USN_TRACK_MODIFIED_RANGES Enables range tracking feature for update sequence number (USN) change journal stream on a target volume, or modifies already enabled range tracking parameters. |
FSCTL_WAIT_FOR_REPAIR Returns when the specified repairs are completed. |
IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK Initializes the specified disk and disk partition table using the information in the CREATE_DISK structure. |
IOCTL_DISK_DELETE_DRIVE_LAYOUT Removes the boot signature from the master boot record, so that the disk will be formatted from sector zero to the end of the disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS Formats a specified, contiguous set of tracks on a floppy disk. To provide additional parameters, use IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS_EXinstead. |
IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS_EX Formats a specified, contiguous set of tracks on a floppy disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_CACHE_INFORMATION Retrieves the disk cache configuration data. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DISK_ATTRIBUTES Retrieves the attributes of the specified disk device. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY Retrieves information about the physical disk's geometry:_type, number of cylinders, tracks per cylinder, sectors per track, and bytes per sector. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY_EX Retrieves extended information about the physical disk's geometry:_type, number of cylinders, tracks per cylinder, sectors per track, and bytes per sector. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT Retrieves information for each entry in the partition tables for a disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX Retrieves extended information for each entry in the partition tables for a disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO Retrieves the length of the specified disk, volume, or partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO Retrieves information about the type, size, and nature of a disk partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX Retrieves extended information about the type, size, and nature of a disk partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_GROW_PARTITION Enlarges the specified partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_IS_WRITABLE Determines whether the specified disk is writable. |
IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE Enables performance counters that provide disk performance information. |
IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE_OFF Disables the performance counters that provide disk performance information. |
IOCTL_DISK_REASSIGN_BLOCKS Directs the disk device to map one or more blocks to its spare-block pool. (IOCTL_DISK_REASSIGN_BLOCKS) |
IOCTL_DISK_REASSIGN_BLOCKS_EX Directs the disk device to map one or more blocks to its spare-block pool. (IOCTL_DISK_REASSIGN_BLOCKS_EX) |
IOCTL_DISK_RESET_SNAPSHOT_INFO Clears all Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) hardware-based shadow copy (also called "snapshot") information from the disk. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_CACHE_INFORMATION Sets the disk configuration data. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_DISK_ATTRIBUTES Sets the attributes of the specified disk device. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT Partitions a disk as specified by drive layout and partition information data. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT_EX Partitions a disk according to the specified drive layout and partition information data. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_PARTITION_INFO Sets partition information for the specified disk partition. |
IOCTL_DISK_SET_PARTITION_INFO_EX Sets partition information for the specified disk partition, including layout information for AT and EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) partitions. |
IOCTL_DISK_UPDATE_PROPERTIES Invalidates the cached partition table and re-enumerates the device. |
IOCTL_DISK_VERIFY Verifies the specified extent on a fixed disk. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP Windows applications can use this control code to specify a maximum operational power consumption level for a storage device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE Windows applications can use this control code to activate a firmware image on a specified device. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD Windows applications can use this control code to download a firmware image to the target device, but not activate it. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_FIRMWARE_GET_INFO Windows applications can use this control code to query the storage device for detailed firmware information. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_PROTOCOL_COMMAND Windows applications can use this control code to return properties of a storage device or adapter. The request indicates the kind of information to retrieve, such as inquiry data for a device or capabilities and limitations of an adapter. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY Windows applications can use this control code to return the properties of a storage device or adapter. |
IOCTL_STORAGE_SET_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD Windows applications can use this control code to set the temperature threshold of a device (when it's supported by the device). |
IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_GPT_ATTRIBUTES Retrieves the attributes for a volume. |
IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS Retrieves the physical location of a specified volume on one or more disks. |
IOCTL_VOLUME_IS_CLUSTERED Determines whether the specified volume is clustered. |
IOCTL_VOLUME_OFFLINE Takes a volume offline. |
IOCTL_VOLUME_ONLINE Brings a volume online. |
CLFS_CONTEXT_MODE Specifies a context mode type that indicates the direction and access methods that a client uses to scan a log. |
CLFS_IOSTATS_CLASS Defines types of I/O statistics reported by CLFS and is used when a client calls GetLogIoStatistics. |
CLFS_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE Specifies whether a log is ephemeral. |
CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE The CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE enumeration lists the valid policy types. |
COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE Indicates the phase of a copy at the time of an error. |
COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION Returned by the CopyFile2ProgressRoutine callback function to indicate what action should be taken for the pending copy operation. |
COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE Indicates the type of message passed in the COPYFILE2_MESSAGE structure to the CopyFile2ProgressRoutine callback function. |
CREATE_BIND_LINK_FLAGS These flags can be passed in to CreateBindLink to change the default bind link behavior to suit the needs of the user. |
CSV_CONTROL_OP Specifies the type of CSV control operation to use with the FSCTL_CSV_CONTROL control code. |
FILE_ID_TYPE Discriminator for the union in the FILE_ID_DESCRIPTOR structure. |
FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS Identifies the type of file information that GetFileInformationByHandleEx should retrieve or SetFileInformationByHandle should set. |
FILE_INFO_BY_NAME_CLASS Identifies the type of file information that GetFileInformationByName should retrieve. |
FILE_STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE Specifies the storage media type. |
FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS Defines values that are used with the FindFirstFileEx function to specify the information level of the returned data. |
FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS Defines values that are used with the FindFirstFileEx function to specify the type of filtering to perform. |
GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS Defines values that are used with the GetFileAttributesEx and GetFileAttributesTransacted functions to specify the information level of the returned data. |
IORING_CREATE_ADVISORY_FLAGS Specifies advisory flags for creating an I/O ring with a call to CreateIoRing. |
IORING_CREATE_REQUIRED_FLAGS Specifies required flags for creating an I/O ring with a call to CreateIoRing. |
IORING_FEATURE_FLAGS Represents feature support for the an I/O ring API version. |
IORING_OP_CODE Specifies the type of an I/O ring operation. |
IORING_REF_KIND Specifies the type of an IORING_HANDLE_REF structure. |
IORING_SQE_FLAGS Specifies kernel behavior options for I/O ring submission queue entries. |
IORING_VERSION Specifies the IORING API version. |
MEDIA_TYPE Represents the various forms of device media. |
NtmsObjectsTypes The NtmsObjectsTypes enumeration type specifies the types of RSM objects. |
NVME_ACCESS_FREQUENCIES Defines values that indicate the frequency of read and write access to a Logical Block Addressing (LBA) range. |
NVME_ACCESS_LATENCIES Defines values that indicate the latency of a read and write operation. |
NVME_ADMIN_COMMANDS Defines values that specify a command in the Admin command set which. The Admin command set contains commands that may be submitted to the Admin Submission Queue. |
NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES Contains values that indicate a general error event type. |
NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_HEALTH_STATUS_CODES Contains values that indicate a SMART/Health Status event type. |
NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_IO_COMMAND_SET_STATUS_CODES Contains values that indicate an I/O Command Set event type. |
NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_NOTICE_CODES Contains values that indicate a Notice event type. |
NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPES Contains values that indicate an asynchronous event type. |
NVME_CC_SHN_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATIONS Contains values that indicate a Controller Configuration (CC) shutdown notification. |
NVME_CMBSZ_SIZE_UNITS Contains values that specify the size units that indicate the size of the Controller Memory Buffer. |
NVME_COMMAND_EFFECT_SBUMISSION_EXECUTION_LIMITS Contains values that indicate the command submission and execution recommendations for the associated command. |
NVME_CSTS_SHST_SHUTDOWN_STATUS Contains values that indicate the status of shutdown processing that is initiated by the host setting the SHN field in the NVME_CONTROLLER_CONFIGURATION structure. |
NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS Contains a value that specifies a directive type for an Identify operation. |
NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_STREAMS_OPERATIONS Contains values that indicate a directive type for a Streams operation. |
NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS Contains a value that specifies a directive type sent to an Identify operation. |
NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_STREAMS_OPERATIONS Contains values that indicate a directive type sent to a Streams operation. |
NVME_DIRECTIVE_TYPES Contains values that indicate a type of directive. |
NVME_FEATURE_VALUE_CODES Contains values that indicate which value of a feature should be retrieved or configured by the NVME_ADMIN_COMMAND_GET_FEATURES and NVME_ADMIN_COMMAND_SET_FEATURES Admin commands. |
NVME_FEATURES Contains values that indicate which feature should be retrieved or configured by the NVME_ADMIN_COMMAND_GET_FEATURES and NVME_ADMIN_COMMAND_SET_FEATURES Admin commands. |
NVME_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE_ACTIONS Contains values that indicate the action that is taken on the image downloaded by the Firmware Image Download command or on a previously downloaded and placed image. |
NVME_FUSED_OPERATION_CODES Contains values that indicate whether a command is the first or second command in a fused operation. |
NVME_IDENTIFY_CNS_CODES Contains values that indicate the type of controller or namespace information that will be returned in the Controller or Namespace Structure (CNS) member of the NVME_CDW10_IDENTIFY structure. |
NVME_LBA_RANGE_TYPES Contains values that indicate the type of Logical Block Addressing (LBA) range in an NVME_LBA_RANGET_TYPE_ENTRY structure. |
NVME_LOG_PAGES Contains values that indicate the log pages that can be retrieved by the Get Log Page NVME_ADMIN_COMMAND_GET_LOG_PAGE Admin Command. |
NVME_NVM_COMMANDS Contains values that indicate a command in the NVM Command Set. |
NVME_NVM_QUEUE_PRIORITIES Contains values that indicate a priority which can be assigned to an I/O Submission Queue for consideration by an arbitration mechanism if one is supported by the controller. |
NVME_PROTECTION_INFORMATION_TYPES Contains values that indicate whether end-to-end data protection is enabled, and if it is, specifies the type of protection information. |
NVME_RESERVATION_NOTIFICATION_TYPES Contains values that indicate the type of reservation notification in a Reservation Notification log page. |
NVME_SECURE_ERASE_SETTINGS Contains values that specify whether or what type of a secure erase operation should be performed as part of a Format NVM command. |
NVME_STATUS_COMMAND_SPECIFIC_CODES Contains values indicating status that is specific to a particular command. |
NVME_STATUS_GENERIC_COMMAND_CODES Contains values that indicate a status associated with the command that is generic across many different types of commands. |
NVME_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR_CODES Contains values that indicate an error associated with the NVM media or indicate a data integrity type error. |
NVME_STATUS_TYPES Contains values indicating the type of status code that is posted by the controller in a completion queue entry when a command is completed. |
NVME_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_TYPES Contains values that indicate the type of threshold for the temperature of the overall device (controller and NVM included). |
PARTITION_STYLE Represents the format of a partition. |
PRIORITY_HINT Defines values that are used with the FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO structure to specify the priority hint for a file I/O operation. |
READ_DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS Indicates the possible types of information that an application that calls the ReadDirectoryChangesExW function can request. |
STORAGE_COMPONENT_HEALTH_STATUS Specifies the health status of a storage component. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR Specifies the form factor of a device. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP_UNITS The units of the maximum power threshold. |
STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID Enumerates the possible values of the PropertyId member of the STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY structure passed as input to the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request to retrieve the properties of a storage device or adapter. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_ATA_DATA_TYPE The ATA protocol data type. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_NVME_DATA_TYPE Describes the type of NVMe protocol-specific data that's to be queried during an IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_TYPE Specifies the protocol of a storage device. |
STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE Used by the STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY structure passed to the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to indicate what information is returned about a property of a storage device or adapter. |
STREAM_INFO_LEVELS Defines values that are used with the FindFirstStreamW function to specify the information level of the returned data. |
TRANSACTION_OUTCOME Defines the outcomes (results) that KTM can assign to a transaction. |
WRITE_CACHE_CHANGE Indicates whether the write cache features of a device are changeable. |
WRITE_CACHE_ENABLE Indicates whether the write cache is enabled or disabled. |
WRITE_CACHE_TYPE Specifies the cache type. |
WRITE_THROUGH Specifies whether a storage device supports write-through caching. |
AccessNtmsLibraryDoor The AccessNtmsLibraryDoor function unlocks the door of the specified library. If the library is busy, RSM queues the request and returns successfully. |
Add Adds an IDiskQuotaUser pointer to the batch list. |
AddLogContainer Adds a container to the physical log that is associated with the log handle�if the calling process has write access to the .blf file and the ability to create files in the target directory of the container. |
AddLogContainerSet Adds multiple log containers to the physical log that is associated with the log handle�if the calling process has access to the log handle. |
AddNtmsMediaType The AddNtmsMediaType function adds the specified media type to the specified library if there is not currently a relation in the library object. The function then creates the system media pools if they do not exist. |
AddUserName Adds a new quota entry on the volume for the specified user. The user is identified by domain and account name. |
AddUserSid Adds a new quota entry on the volume for the specified user. The user is identified by security identifier (SID). |
AddUsersToEncryptedFile Adds user keys to the specified encrypted file. |
AdvanceLogBase Advances the base log sequence number (LSN) of a log stream to the specified LSN. |
AlignReservedLog Calculates the sector-aligned reservation size for a set of reserved records. |
AllocateNtmsMedia The AllocateNtmsMedia function allocates a piece of available media. |
AllocReservedLog Allocates sector-aligned space for a set of reserved records. |
AreFileApisANSI Determines whether the file I/O functions are using the ANSI or OEM character set code page. |
AreShortNamesEnabled The AreShortNamesEnabled function determines whether short names are enabled for the specified volume. |
BeginNtmsDeviceChangeDetection The BeginNtmsDeviceChangeDetection function allows the application to begin a device change detection session. |
BuildIoRingCancelRequest Attempts to cancel a previously submitted I/O ring operation. |
BuildIoRingReadFile Performs an asynchronous read from a file using an I/O ring. |
BuildIoRingRegisterBuffers Registers an array of buffers with the system for future I/O ring operations. |
BuildIoRingRegisterFileHandles Registers an array of file handles with the system for future I/O ring operations. |
CancelIo Cancels all pending input and output (I/O) operations that are issued by the calling thread for the specified file. |
CancelIoEx Marks any outstanding I/O operations for the specified file handle. The function only cancels I/O operations in the current process, regardless of which thread created the I/O operation. |
CancelNtmsLibraryRequest The CancelNtmsLibraryRequest function cancels outstanding RSM requests, such as calls to the CleanNtmsDrive function. If the library is busy, RSM queues the cancellation and returns success. |
CancelNtmsOperatorRequest The CancelNtmsOperatorRequest function cancels the specified RSM operator request. |
CancelSynchronousIo Marks pending synchronous I/O operations that are issued by the specified thread as canceled. |
ChangeNtmsMediaType The ChangeNtmsMediaType function moves the specified PMID to the specified target media pool and sets the PMID's media type identifier to the media type of the target media pool. |
CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3A Determines whether the specified name can be used to create a file on a FAT file system. (ANSI) |
CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3W Determines whether the specified name can be used to create a file on a FAT file system. (Unicode) |
CLAIMMEDIALABEL The ClaimMediaLabel callback function determines whether a specified media label was created by the media's associated application. |
CleanNtmsDrive The CleanNtmsDrive function queues a cleaning request for the specified drive for cleaning. |
ClfsLsnEqual Determines whether two LSNs from the same stream are equal. |
ClfsLsnGreater Determines whether one LSN is greater than another LSN. The two LSNs must be from the same stream. |
ClfsLsnLess Determines whether one LSN is less than another LSN. The two LSNs must be from the same stream. |
ClfsLsnNull Determines whether a specified LSN is equal to the smallest possible LSN, which is CLFS_LSN_NULL. |
Clone Creates another enumerator of user quota entries that contains the same enumeration state as the current one. |
CloseAndResetLogFile Resets the log file and then shuts the log. |
CloseEncryptedFileRaw Closes an encrypted file after a backup or restore operation, and frees associated system resources. |
CloseIoRing Closes an HIORING handle that was previously opened with a call to CreateIoRing. |
CloseNtmsNotification The CloseNtmsNotification function closes the specified open notification channel. |
CloseNtmsSession The CloseNtmsSession function closes the specified RSM session. |
CommitComplete Indicates that a resource manager (RM) has finished committing a transaction that was requested by the transaction manager (TM). |
CommitEnlistment Commits the transaction associated with this enlistment handle. This function is used by communication resource managers (sometimes called superior transaction managers). |
CommitTransaction Requests that the specified transaction be committed. (CommitTransaction) |
CommitTransactionAsync Requests that the specified transaction be committed. (CommitTransactionAsync) |
CopyFile The CopyFile function (winbase.h) copies an existing file to a new file. |
CopyFile2 Copies an existing file to a new file, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (CopyFile2) |
CopyFileA Copies an existing file to a new file. (CopyFileA) |
CopyFileExA Copies an existing file to a new file, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (CopyFileExA) |
CopyFileExW Copies an existing file to a new file, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (CopyFileExW) |
CopyFileFromAppW Copies an existing file to a new file. The behavior of this function is identical to CopyFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
CopyFileTransactedA Copies an existing file to a new file as a transacted operation, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (ANSI) |
CopyFileTransactedW Copies an existing file to a new file as a transacted operation, notifying the application of its progress through a callback function. (Unicode) |
CopyFileW The CopyFileW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) copies an existing file to a new file. |
CreateBindLink This API allows admins to create a bind link between a virtual path and a backing path. |
CreateDirectory The CreateDirectory function (winbase.h) creates a new directory. |
CreateDirectoryA Creates a new directory. (CreateDirectoryA) |
CreateDirectoryExA Creates a new directory with the attributes of a specified template directory. (ANSI) |
CreateDirectoryExW Creates a new directory with the attributes of a specified template directory. (Unicode) |
CreateDirectoryFromAppW Creates a new directory. The behavior of this function is identical to CreateDirector, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
CreateDirectoryTransactedA Creates a new directory as a transacted operation, with the attributes of a specified template directory. (ANSI) |
CreateDirectoryTransactedW Creates a new directory as a transacted operation, with the attributes of a specified template directory. (Unicode) |
CreateDirectoryW Creates a new directory. (CreateDirectoryW) |
CreateEnlistment Creates an enlistment, sets its initial state, and opens a handle to the enlistment with the specified access. |
CreateEnumUsers Creates an enumerator object for enumerating quota users on the volume. |
CreateFile2 Creates or opens a file or I/O device. |
CreateFile2FromAppW Creates or opens a file or I/O device. The behavior of this function is identical to CreateFile2, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
CreateFileA Creates or opens a file or I/O device. The most commonly used I/O devices are as follows:_file, file stream, directory, physical disk, volume, console buffer, tape drive, communications resource, mailslot, and pipe. (ANSI) |
CreateFileFromAppW Creates or opens a file or I/O device. The behavior of this function is identical to CreateFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
CreateFileTransactedA Creates or opens a file, file stream, or directory as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
CreateFileTransactedW Creates or opens a file, file stream, or directory as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
CreateFileW Creates or opens a file or I/O device. The most commonly used I/O devices are as follows:_file, file stream, directory, physical disk, volume, console buffer, tape drive, communications resource, mailslot, and pipe. (Unicode) |
CreateHardLinkA Establishes a hard link between an existing file and a new file. (ANSI) |
CreateHardLinkTransactedA Establishes a hard link between an existing file and a new file as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
CreateHardLinkTransactedW Establishes a hard link between an existing file and a new file as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
CreateHardLinkW Establishes a hard link between an existing file and a new file. (Unicode) |
CreateIoCompletionPort Creates an input/output (I/O) completion port and associates it with a specified file handle, or creates an I/O completion port that is not yet associated with a file handle, allowing association at a later time. |
CreateIoRing Creates a new instance of an I/O ring submission/completion queue pair and returns a handle for referencing the I/O ring. |
CreateLogContainerScanContext Creates a scan context to use with ScanLogContainers to enumerate all log containers that are associated with a log, and performs the first scan. |
CreateLogFile Creates or opens a log. |
CreateLogMarshallingArea Creates a marshaling area for a log, and when successful it returns a marshaling context. Before creating a marshaling area, the log must have at least one container. |
CreateNtmsMediaA The CreateNtmsMedia function creates a PMID and side (or sides) for a new piece of offline media. The media is placed in the media pool specified for lpPhysicalMedia. (ANSI) |
CreateNtmsMediaPool The CreateNtmsMediaPool function creates a new application media pool. (CreateNtmsMediaPool) |
CreateNtmsMediaPoolA The CreateNtmsMediaPool function creates a new application media pool. (CreateNtmsMediaPoolA) |
CreateNtmsMediaPoolW The CreateNtmsMediaPoolW (Unicode) function creates a new application media pool. (CreateNtmsMediaPoolW) |
CreateNtmsMediaW The CreateNtmsMedia function creates a PMID and side (or sides) for a new piece of offline media. The media is placed in the media pool specified for lpPhysicalMedia. (Unicode) |
CreateResourceManager Creates a new resource manager (RM) object, and associates the RM with a transaction manager (TM). |
CreateSymbolicLinkA Creates a symbolic link. (ANSI) |
CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedA Creates a symbolic link as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedW Creates a symbolic link as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
CreateSymbolicLinkW Creates a symbolic link. (Unicode) |
CreateTransaction Creates a new transaction object. |
CreateTransactionManager Creates a new transaction manager (TM) object and returns a handle with the specified access. |
CreateUserBatch Creates a batching object for optimizing updates to the quota settings of multiple users simultaneously. |
DeallocateNtmsMedia The DeallocateNtmsMedia function deallocates the side associated with the specified logical media. |
DecommissionNtmsMedia The DecommissionNtmsMedia function moves a side from the Available state to the Decommissioned state. |
DecryptFileA Decrypts an encrypted file or directory. (ANSI) |
DecryptFileW Decrypts an encrypted file or directory. (Unicode) |
DefineDosDeviceA Defines, redefines, or deletes MS-DOS device names. (DefineDosDeviceA) |
DefineDosDeviceW Defines, redefines, or deletes MS-DOS device names. (DefineDosDeviceW) |
DeleteFile The DeleteFile function (winbase.h) deletes an existing file. |
DeleteFileA Deletes an existing file. (DeleteFileA) |
DeleteFileFromAppW Deletes an existing file. The behavior of this function is identical to DeleteFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
DeleteFileTransactedA Deletes an existing file as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
DeleteFileTransactedW Deletes an existing file as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
DeleteFileW Deletes an existing file. (DeleteFileW) |
DeleteLogByHandle Marks the specified log for deletion. The log is actually deleted when all handles, marshaling areas, and read contexts to the log are closed. If the log is a physical log, its underlying containers are deleted. |
DeleteLogFile Marks a log for deletion. The log is actually deleted when all handles, marshaling areas, and read contexts to the log are closed. If the log is a physical log, its underlying containers are deleted. |
DeleteLogMarshallingArea Deletes a marshaling area that is created by a successful call to CreateLogMarshallingArea. |
DeleteNtmsDrive The DeleteNtmsDrive function deletes a drive from the RSM database. The drive must have a dwOperationalState of NTMS_NOT_PRESENT. |
DeleteNtmsLibrary The DeleteNtmsLibrary function deletes a library, and all the devices contained in the library, from the RSM database. All media in the library is moved to the offline library. |
DeleteNtmsMedia The DeleteNtmsMedia function deletes a physical piece of offline media from RSM by removing all references to the specified media from the database. |
DeleteNtmsMediaPool The DeleteNtmsMediaPool function deletes the specified application media pool. |
DeleteNtmsMediaType The DeleteNtmsMediaType function deletes the specified media type relation from the specified library, provided that the library does not contain any physical media objects of the specified media type. |
DeleteNtmsRequests The DeleteNtmsRequests function deletes a request or a list of requests from the RSM database. |
DeleteUser Removes a user entry from the volume quota information file. |
DeleteVolumeMountPointA Deletes a drive letter or mounted folder. (DeleteVolumeMountPointA) |
DeleteVolumeMountPointW Deletes a drive letter or mounted folder. (DeleteVolumeMountPointW) |
DeregisterManageableLogClient Deregisters a client with the log manager. |
DisableNtmsObject The DisableNtmsObject function disables the specified RSM object. |
DismountNtmsDrive The DismountNtmsDrive function queues a command to move the media in the specified drive to its storage slot. This function should be paired with the MountNtmsMedia function. |
DismountNtmsMedia The DismountNtmsMedia function queues a command to move the specified media in a drive to its storage. This function should be paired with the MountNtmsMedia function. |
DumpLogRecords Scans a specified log; filters log records based on record type; and places the records in an output file stream that the caller opens. |
DuplicateEncryptionInfoFile Copies the EFS metadata from one file or directory to another. |
EjectDiskFromSADriveA The EjectDiskFromSADrive function ejects the media that is in a standalone removable drive. (ANSI) |
EjectDiskFromSADriveW The EjectDiskFromSADrive function ejects the media that is in a standalone removable drive. (Unicode) |
EjectNtmsCleaner The EjectNtmsCleaner function ejects the cleaning cartridge from the currently reserved cleaner slot. |
EjectNtmsMedia The EjectNtmsMedia function ejects the specified medium from the port of the current library. If the library is busy, RSM queues EjectNtmsMedia and returns success. |
EnableNtmsObject The EnableNtmsObject function enables the specified object. |
EncryptFileA Encrypts a file or directory. (ANSI) |
EncryptFileW Encrypts a file or directory. (Unicode) |
EncryptionDisable Disables or enables encryption of the specified directory and the files in it. |
EndNtmsDeviceChangeDetection The EndNtmsDeviceChangeDetection function ends device change detection for any target devices specified using the SetNtmsDeviceChangeDetection function and closes the change detection handle. |
EnumerateNtmsObject The EnumerateNtmsObject function enumerates the RSM objects contained in the lpContainerId parameter. |
ExportNtmsDatabase The ExportNtmsDatabase function creates a consistent set of database files in the RSM database directory. |
FileEncryptionStatusA Retrieves the encryption status of the specified file. (ANSI) |
FileEncryptionStatusW Retrieves the encryption status of the specified file. (Unicode) |
FindClose Closes a file search handle opened by the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, FindFirstFileNameW, FindFirstFileNameTransactedW, FindFirstFileTransacted, FindFirstStreamTransactedW, or FindFirstStreamW functions. |
FindCloseChangeNotification Stops change notification handle monitoring. |
FindFirstChangeNotificationA Creates a change notification handle and sets up initial change notification filter conditions. (ANSI) |
FindFirstChangeNotificationW Creates a change notification handle and sets up initial change notification filter conditions. (Unicode) |
FindFirstFileA Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name that matches a specific name (or partial name if wildcards are used). (ANSI) |
FindFirstFileExA Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name and attributes that match those specified. (FindFirstFileExA) |
FindFirstFileExFromAppW Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name and attributes that match those specified. |
FindFirstFileExW Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name and attributes that match those specified. (FindFirstFileExW) |
FindFirstFileNameTransactedW Creates an enumeration of all the hard links to the specified file as a transacted operation. The function returns a handle to the enumeration that can be used on subsequent calls to the FindNextFileNameW function. |
FindFirstFileNameW Creates an enumeration of all the hard links to the specified file. The FindFirstFileNameW function returns a handle to the enumeration that can be used on subsequent calls to the FindNextFileNameW function. |
FindFirstFileTransactedA Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name that matches a specific name as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
FindFirstFileTransactedW Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name that matches a specific name as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
FindFirstFileW Searches a directory for a file or subdirectory with a name that matches a specific name (or partial name if wildcards are used). (Unicode) |
FindFirstStreamTransactedW Enumerates the first stream in the specified file or directory as a transacted operation. |
FindFirstStreamW Enumerates the first stream with a ::$DATA stream type in the specified file or directory. |
FindFirstVolumeA Retrieves the name of a volume on a computer. (FindFirstVolumeA) |
FindFirstVolumeMountPointA Retrieves the name of a mounted folder on the specified volume. (ANSI) |
FindFirstVolumeMountPointW Retrieves the name of a mounted folder on the specified volume. (Unicode) |
FindFirstVolumeW Retrieves the name of a volume on a computer. (FindFirstVolumeW) |
FindNextChangeNotification Requests that the operating system signal a change notification handle the next time it detects an appropriate change. |
FindNextFileA Continues a file search from a previous call to the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, or FindFirstFileTransacted functions. (ANSI) |
FindNextFileNameW Continues enumerating the hard links to a file using the handle returned by a successful call to the FindFirstFileNameW function. |
FindNextFileW Continues a file search from a previous call to the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, or FindFirstFileTransacted functions. (Unicode) |
FindNextStreamW Continues a stream search started by a previous call to the FindFirstStreamW function. |
FindNextVolumeA Continues a volume search started by a call to the FindFirstVolume function. (FindNextVolumeA) |
FindNextVolumeMountPointA Continues a mounted folder search started by a call to the FindFirstVolumeMountPoint function. (ANSI) |
FindNextVolumeMountPointW Continues a mounted folder search started by a call to the FindFirstVolumeMountPoint function. (Unicode) |
FindNextVolumeW Continues a volume search started by a call to the FindFirstVolume function. (FindNextVolumeW) |
FindUserName Locates a specific entry in the volume quota information. |
FindUserSid Locates a specific user entry in the volume quota information. |
FindVolumeClose Closes the specified volume search handle. |
FindVolumeMountPointClose Closes the specified mounted folder search handle. |
FlushLogBuffers Forces all records appended to this marshaling area to be flushed to disk. |
FlushLogToLsn Forces all records appended to this marshaling area up to the record with the specified log sequence number (LSN) to be flushed to the disk. More records than specified may be flushed during this operation. |
FlushToDisk Writes user object changes to disk in a single call to the underlying file system. |
FreeEncryptionCertificateHashList Frees a certificate hash list. |
FreeReservedLog Reduces the number of reserved log records in a marshaling area made by calling ReserveAndAppendLog, ReserveAndAppendLogAligned, or AllocReservedLog. |
GetAccountStatus Retrieves the status of the user object's account. |
GetBinaryTypeA Determines whether a file is an executable (.exe) file, and if so, which subsystem runs the executable file. (ANSI) |
GetBinaryTypeW Determines whether a file is an executable (.exe) file, and if so, which subsystem runs the executable file. (Unicode) |
GetCompressedFileSizeA Retrieves the actual number of bytes of disk storage used to store a specified file. (ANSI) |
GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedA Retrieves the actual number of bytes of disk storage used to store a specified file as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedW Retrieves the actual number of bytes of disk storage used to store a specified file as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
GetCompressedFileSizeW Retrieves the actual number of bytes of disk storage used to store a specified file. (Unicode) |
GetCurrentClockTransactionManager Obtains a virtual clock value from a transaction manager. |
GetCurrentDirectory Retrieves the current directory for the current process. |
GetDefaultQuotaLimit Retrieves the default quota limit for the volume. |
GetDefaultQuotaLimitText Retrieves the default quota limit for the volume. The limit is expressed as a text string; for example, 10.5 MB. |
GetDefaultQuotaThreshold Retrieves the default quota warning threshold for the volume. |
GetDefaultQuotaThresholdText Retrieves the default warning threshold for the volume. |
GetDiskFreeSpaceA Retrieves information about the specified disk, including the amount of free space on the disk. (ANSI) |
GetDiskFreeSpaceExA Retrieves information about the amount of space that is available on a disk volume, which is the total amount of space, the total amount of free space, and the total amount of free space available to the user that is associated with the calling thread. (ANSI) |
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW Retrieves information about the amount of space that is available on a disk volume, which is the total amount of space, the total amount of free space, and the total amount of free space available to the user that is associated with the calling thread. (Unicode) |
GetDiskFreeSpaceW Retrieves information about the specified disk, including the amount of free space on the disk. (Unicode) |
GetDiskSpaceInformationA Gets disk space information for a volume at a given root path. |
GetDiskSpaceInformationW Gets disk space information for a volume at a given root path. |
GetDriveTypeA Determines whether a disk drive is a removable, fixed, CD-ROM, RAM disk, or network drive. (ANSI) |
GetDriveTypeW Determines whether a disk drive is a removable, fixed, CD-ROM, RAM disk, or network drive. (Unicode) |
GetEnlistmentId Obtains the identifier (ID) for the specified enlistment. |
GetEnlistmentRecoveryInformation Retrieves an opaque structure of recovery data from KTM. |
GetExpandedNameA Retrieves the original name of a compressed file, if the file was compressed by the Lempel-Ziv algorithm. (ANSI) |
GetExpandedNameW Retrieves the original name of a compressed file, if the file was compressed by the Lempel-Ziv algorithm. (Unicode) |
GetFileAttributesA Retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory. (ANSI) |
GetFileAttributesExA Retrieves attributes for a specified file or directory. (ANSI) |
GetFileAttributesExFromAppW Retrieves attributes for a specified file or directory. The behavior of this function is identical to GetFileAttributesEx, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
GetFileAttributesExW Retrieves attributes for a specified file or directory. (Unicode) |
GetFileAttributesTransactedA Retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
GetFileAttributesTransactedW Retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
GetFileAttributesW Retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory. (Unicode) |
GetFileBandwidthReservation Retrieves the bandwidth reservation properties of the volume on which the specified file resides. |
GetFileInformationByHandle Retrieves file information for the specified file. (GetFileInformationByHandle) |
GetFileInformationByHandleEx Retrieves file information for the specified file. (GetFileInformationByHandleEx) |
GetFileInformationByName Queries information about a file or directory, given the path to the file. |
GetFileSize Retrieves the size of the specified file, in bytes. |
GetFileSizeEx Retrieves the size of the specified file. |
GetFileType Retrieves the file type of the specified file. |
GetFinalPathNameByHandleA Retrieves the final path for the specified file. (ANSI) |
GetFinalPathNameByHandleW Retrieves the final path for the specified file. (Unicode) |
GetFullPathNameA Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file. (ANSI) |
GetFullPathNameTransactedA Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
GetFullPathNameTransactedW Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
GetFullPathNameW Retrieves the full path and file name of the specified file. (Unicode) |
GetID Retrieves a unique identifier (ID) number for the DiskQuotaUser object. |
GetIoRingInfo Gets information about the API version and queue sizes of an I/O ring. |
GetLogContainerName Retrieves the full path name of the specified container. |
GetLogFileInformation Returns a buffer that contains metadata about a specified log and its current state, which is defined by the CLFS_INFORMATION structure. |
GetLogicalDrives Retrieves a bitmask representing the currently available disk drives. |
GetLogicalDriveStringsA Fills a buffer with strings that specify valid drives in the system. (GetLogicalDriveStringsA) |
GetLogicalDriveStringsW Fills a buffer with strings that specify valid drives in the system. (GetLogicalDriveStringsW) |
GetLogIoStatistics Retrieves log I/O statistics for a dedicated or multiplexed log that is associated with the specified handle. |
GetLongPathNameA Converts the specified path to its long form. (ANSI) |
GetLongPathNameTransactedA Converts the specified path to its long form as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
GetLongPathNameTransactedW Converts the specified path to its long form as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
GetLongPathNameW Converts the specified path to its long form. (Unicode) |
GetName Retrieves the name strings associated with a disk quota user. |
GetNextLogArchiveExtent Retrieves the next set of archive extents in a log archive context. |
GetNotificationResourceManager Requests and receives a notification for a resource manager (RM). This function is used by the RM register to receive notifications when a transaction changes state. |
GetNotificationResourceManagerAsync Requests and receives asynchronous notification for a resource manager (RM). This function is used by the RM register to receive notifications when a transaction changes state. |
GetNtmsMediaPoolNameA The GetNtmsMediaPoolName function retrieves the specified media pool's full name hierarchy. (ANSI) |
GetNtmsMediaPoolNameW The GetNtmsMediaPoolName function retrieves the specified media pool's full name hierarchy. (Unicode) |
GetNtmsObjectAttributeA The GetNtmsObjectAttribute function retrieves the extended attribute (named private data) from the specified RSM object. (ANSI) |
GetNtmsObjectAttributeW The GetNtmsObjectAttribute function retrieves the extended attribute (named private data) from the specified RSM object. (Unicode) |
GetNtmsObjectInformation The GetNtmsObjectInformation function returns an object's information structure for the specified object. (GetNtmsObjectInformation) |
GetNtmsObjectInformationA The GetNtmsObjectInformation function returns an object's information structure for the specified object. (GetNtmsObjectInformationA) |
GetNtmsObjectInformationW The GetNtmsObjectInformationW (Unicode) function returns an object's information structure for the specified object. (GetNtmsObjectInformationW) |
GetNtmsObjectSecurity The GetNtmsObjectSecurity function reads the security descriptor for the specified RSM object. |
GetNtmsRequestOrder The GetNtmsRequestOrder function gets the order that the specified request will be processed in the library queue. |
GetNtmsUIOptionsA The GetNtmsUIOptions function obtains the list of computer names to which the specified type of user interface is being directed for the given object. (ANSI) |
GetNtmsUIOptionsW The GetNtmsUIOptions function obtains the list of computer names to which the specified type of user interface is being directed for the given object. (Unicode) |
GetQueuedCompletionStatus Attempts to dequeue an I/O completion packet from the specified I/O completion port. |
GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx Retrieves multiple completion port entries simultaneously. |
GetQuotaInformation Retrieves the values for the user's warning threshold, hard quota limit, and quota used. |
GetQuotaLimit Retrieves the user's quota limit value on the volume. |
GetQuotaLimitText Retrieves the user's quota limit for the volume. |
GetQuotaLogFlags Retrieves the flags that control the logging of user-related quota events on the volume. |
GetQuotaState Retrieves a set of flags describing the state of the quota system. |
GetQuotaThreshold Retrieves the user's warning threshold value on the volume. |
GetQuotaThresholdText Retrieves the user's warning threshold for the volume. |
GetQuotaUsed Retrieves the user's quota used value on the volume. |
GetQuotaUsedText Retrieves the user's quota used value for the volume. |
GetShortPathNameA Retrieves the short path form of the specified path. (GetShortPathNameA) |
GetShortPathNameW Retrieves the short path form of the specified path. (GetShortPathNameW) |
GetSid Retrieves the user's security identifier (SID). (IDiskQuotaUser.GetSid) |
GetSidLength Retrieves the length of the user's security identifier (SID), in bytes. |
GetSystemWow64Directory2A Retrieves the path of the system directory used by WOW64, using the specified image file machine type. (ANSI) |
GetSystemWow64Directory2W Retrieves the path of the system directory used by WOW64, using the specified image file machine type. (Unicode) |
GetSystemWow64DirectoryA Retrieves the path of the system directory used by WOW64. (ANSI) |
GetSystemWow64DirectoryW Retrieves the path of the system directory used by WOW64. (Unicode) |
GetTempFileName The GetTempFileName function (winbase.h) creates a name for a temporary file. If a unique file name is generated, an empty file is created and the handle to it is released; otherwise, only a file name is generated. |
GetTempFileNameA Creates a name for a temporary file. If a unique file name is generated, an empty file is created and the handle to it is released; otherwise, only a file name is generated. (GetTempFileNameA) |
GetTempFileNameW Creates a name for a temporary file. If a unique file name is generated, an empty file is created and the handle to it is released; otherwise, only a file name is generated. (GetTempFileNameW) |
GetTempPath2A Retrieves the path of the directory designated for temporary files, based on the privileges of the calling process. (ANSI) |
GetTempPath2W Retrieves the path of the directory designated for temporary files, based on the privileges of the calling process. (Unicode) |
GetTempPathA Retrieves the path of the directory designated for temporary files. (ANSI) |
GetTempPathW Retrieves the path of the directory designated for temporary files. (Unicode) |
GetTransactionId Obtains the identifier (ID) for the specified transaction. |
GetTransactionInformation Returns the requested information about the specified transaction. |
GetTransactionManagerId Obtains an identifier for the specified transaction manager. |
GetVolumeInformationA Retrieves information about the file system and volume associated with the specified root directory. (ANSI) |
GetVolumeInformationByHandleW Retrieves information about the file system and volume associated with the specified file. |
GetVolumeInformationW Retrieves information about the file system and volume associated with the specified root directory. (Unicode) |
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA Retrieves a volume GUID path for the volume that is associated with the specified volume mount point ( drive letter, volume GUID path, or mounted folder). (GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA) |
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW Retrieves a volume GUID path for the volume that is associated with the specified volume mount point ( drive letter, volume GUID path, or mounted folder). (GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW) |
GetVolumePathNameA Retrieves the volume mount point where the specified path is mounted. (GetVolumePathNameA) |
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA Retrieves a list of drive letters and mounted folder paths for the specified volume. (GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA) |
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW Retrieves a list of drive letters and mounted folder paths for the specified volume. (GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW) |
GetVolumePathNameW Retrieves the volume mount point where the specified path is mounted. (GetVolumePathNameW) |
GetVolumesFromDriveA The GetVolumesFromDrive function retrieves the volume and drive letter for a given removable storage media drive. (ANSI) |
GetVolumesFromDriveW The GetVolumesFromDrive function retrieves the volume and drive letter for a given removable storage media drive. (Unicode) |
GiveUserNameResolutionPriority Promotes the specified user object to the head of the queue so that it is next in line for resolution. |
HandleLogFull Called by a managed log client when an attempt to reserve or append to a log fails with a log full error message. The log manager attempts to resolve the log full condition for the client, and notifies the client when the outcome is known. |
IdentifyNtmsSlot The IdentifyNtmsSlot function identifies the media in the specified slot in a library. The command returns when the identification is complete. |
ImportNtmsDatabase The ImportNtmsDatabase function causes RSM to import the database files from the database Export directory at the next restart of the RSM. |
Initialize Initializes a new DiskQuotaControl object by opening the NTFS file system volume with the requested access rights. |
InjectNtmsCleaner The InjectNtmsCleaner function allows a cleaner cartridge to be inserted into the specified library unit. |
InjectNtmsMedia The InjectNtmsMedia function allows media to be inserted into the port of the specified library. If the library is busy, RSM queues InjectNtmsMedia and returns success. |
InstallLogPolicy Installs (sets) a policy for a log. |
Invalidate Invalidates the quota information stored in the quota user object. |
InvalidateSidNameCache Invalidates the contents of the system's SID-to-name cache so subsequent requests for new user objects (IEnumDiskQuotaUsers::Next, IDiskQuotaControl::FindUserSid, and IDiskQuotaControl::FindUserName) must obtain user names from the domain controller. |
InventoryNtmsLibrary The InventoryNtmsLibrary function queues an inventory of the specified library. If the library is busy, RSM queues InventoryNtmsLibrary and returns success. |
IoRingBufferRefFromIndexAndOffset Creates an instance of the IORING_BUFFER_REF structure with the provided buffer index and offset. |
IoRingBufferRefFromPointer Creates an instance of the IORING_BUFFER_REF structure from the provided pointer. |
IoRingHandleRefFromHandle Creates an instance of the IORING_HANDLE_REF structure from the provided file handle. |
IoRingHandleRefFromIndex Creates an instance of the IORING_HANDLE_REF structure from the provided index. |
IsIoRingOpSupported Queries the support of the specified operation for the specified I/O ring. |
IsReparseTagMicrosoft Determines whether a reparse point tag indicates a Microsoft reparse point. |
IsReparseTagNameSurrogate Determines whether a tag's associated reparse point is a surrogate for another named entity (for example, a mounted folder). |
IsWow64GuestMachineSupported Determines which architectures are supported (under WOW64) on the given machine architecture. |
IsWow64Process Determines whether the specified process is running under WOW64 or an Intel64 of x64 processor. |
IsWow64Process2 Determines whether the specified process is running under WOW64; also returns additional machine process and architecture information. |
LockFile Locks the specified file for exclusive access by the calling process. |
LockFileEx Locks the specified file for exclusive access by the calling process. This function can operate either synchronously or asynchronously and can request either an exclusive or a shared lock. |
LogTailAdvanceFailure The LogTailAdvanceFailure function is called by a log client to indicate that it cannot comply with a request from log management to advance its tail. |
LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE An application-defined callback function used with the ReadFileEx and WriteFileEx functions. It is called when the asynchronous input and output (I/O) operation is completed or canceled and the calling thread is in an alertable state. |
LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE An application-defined callback function used with the CopyFileEx, MoveFileTransacted, and MoveFileWithProgress functions. |
LsnBlockOffset Returns the sector-aligned block offset that is contained in the specified LSN. |
LsnContainer Retrieves the logical container ID that is contained in a specified LSN. |
LsnCreate Creates a log sequence number (LSN), given a container ID, a block offset, and a record sequence number. |
LsnRecordSequence Retrieves the record sequence number that is contained in a specified LSN. |
LZClose Closes a file that was opened by using the LZOpenFile function. |
LZCopy Copies a source file to a destination file. |
LZInit Allocates memory for the internal data structures required to decompress files, and then creates and initializes them. |
LZOpenFileA Creates, opens, reopens, or deletes the specified file. (ANSI) |
LZOpenFileW Creates, opens, reopens, or deletes the specified file. (Unicode) |
LZRead Reads (at most) the specified number of bytes from a file and copies them into a buffer. |
LZSeek Moves a file pointer the specified number of bytes from a starting position. |
MAXMEDIALABEL The MaxMediaLabel callback function determines the maximum size of the media label for the applications supported by the media label library. |
MountNtmsMedia The MountNtmsMedia function synchronously mounts one or more pieces of media. |
MoveFile The MoveFile function (winbase.h) moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. |
MoveFileA Moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. (MoveFileA) |
MoveFileFromAppW Moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. The behavior of this function is identical to MoveFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
MoveFileW The MoveFileW (Unicode) function (winbase.h) moves an existing file or a directory, including its children. |
MoveFileWithProgressA Moves a file or directory, including its children. You can provide a callback function that receives progress notifications. (ANSI) |
MoveFileWithProgressW Moves a file or directory, including its children. You can provide a callback function that receives progress notifications. (Unicode) |
MoveToNtmsMediaPool The MoveToNtmsMediaPool function moves the specified medium from its current media pool to the specified media pool. |
NetConnectionEnum Lists all connections made to a shared resource on the server or all connections established from a particular computer. |
NetFileClose Forces a resource to close. This function can be used when an error prevents closure by any other means. You should use NetFileClose with caution because it does not write data cached on the client system to the file before closing the file. |
NetFileEnum Returns information about some or all open files on a server, depending on the parameters specified. |
NetFileGetInfo Retrieves information about a particular opening of a server resource. |
NetSessionDel Ends a network session between a server and a workstation. |
NetSessionEnum Provides information about sessions established on a server. |
NetSessionGetInfo Retrieves information about a session established between a particular server and workstation. |
NetShareAdd Shares a server resource. |
NetShareCheck Checks whether or not a server is sharing a device. |
NetShareDel Deletes a share name from a server's list of shared resources, disconnecting all connections to the shared resource. |
NetShareDelEx Deletes a share name from a server's list of shared resources, which disconnects all connections to that share. |
NetShareEnum Retrieves information about each shared resource on a server. |
NetShareGetInfo Retrieves information about a particular shared resource on a server. |
NetShareSetInfo Sets the parameters of a shared resource. |
NetStatisticsGet Retrieves operating statistics for a service. Currently, only the workstation and server services are supported. |
Next Retrieves the specified number of user quota entries that are next in the enumeration sequence. |
OnUserNameChanged Notifies the client's connection sink whenever a user's SID has been asynchronously resolved. |
OpenEncryptedFileRawA Opens an encrypted file in order to backup (export) or restore (import) the file. (ANSI) |
OpenEncryptedFileRawW Opens an encrypted file in order to backup (export) or restore (import) the file. (Unicode) |
OpenEnlistment Opens an existing enlistment object, and returns a handle to the enlistment. |
OpenFile Creates, opens, reopens, or deletes a file. |
OpenFileById Opens the file that matches the specified identifier. |
OpenNtmsNotification The OpenNtmsNotification function opens a channel to receive RSM object change notifications for objects of the specified type. |
OpenNtmsSessionA The OpenNtmsSession function sets up a session with a RSM server. (ANSI) |
OpenNtmsSessionW The OpenNtmsSession function sets up a session with a RSM server. (Unicode) |
OpenResourceManager Opens an existing resource manager (RM). |
OpenTransaction Opens an existing transaction. |
OpenTransactionManager Opens an existing transaction manager. (OpenTransactionManager) |
OpenTransactionManagerById Opens an existing transaction manager. (OpenTransactionManagerById) |
PCOPYFILE2_PROGRESS_ROUTINE An application-defined callback function used with the CopyFile2 function. |
PFE_EXPORT_FUNC An application-defined callback function used with ReadEncryptedFileRaw. |
PFE_IMPORT_FUNC An application-defined callback function used with WriteEncryptedFileRaw. The system calls ImportCallback one or more times, each time to retrieve a portion of a backup file's data. |
PLOG_FULL_HANDLER_CALLBACK The LOG_FULL_HANDLER_CALLBACK function is an application-defined callback function that receives notification that the call to HandleLogFull is complete. |
PLOG_TAIL_ADVANCE_CALLBACK The LOG_TAIL_ADVANCE_CALLBACK function is an application-defined callback function that advances the log tail. The callback is invoked in the context of an asynchronous procedure call (APC) on the thread that registers for log management. |
PLOG_UNPINNED_CALLBACK The LOG_UNPINNED_CALLBACK function is an application-defined callback function that receives notification that the log has become unpinned. |
PopIoRingCompletion Pops a single entry from the completion queue, if one is available. |
PostQueuedCompletionStatus Posts an I/O completion packet to an I/O completion port. |
PrepareComplete Indicates that the resource manager (RM) has completed all processing necessary to guarantee that a commit or abort operation will succeed for the specified transaction. |
PrepareEnlistment Prepares the transaction associated with this enlistment handle. This function is used by communication resource managers (sometimes called superior transaction managers). |
PrepareLogArchive Prepares a physical log for archival. |
PrePrepareComplete Signals that this resource manager has completed its prepare work, so that other resource managers can now begin their prepare operations. |
PrePrepareEnlistment Pre-prepares the transaction associated with this enlistment handle. This function is used by communication resource managers (sometimes called superior transaction managers). |
QueryDosDeviceA Retrieves information about MS-DOS device names. (QueryDosDeviceA) |
QueryDosDeviceW Retrieves information about MS-DOS device names. (QueryDosDeviceW) |
QueryIoRingCapabilities Queries the OS for the supported capabilities for IORINGs. |
QueryLogPolicy The QueryLogPolicy function allows you to obtain a policy that is installed for the specified log. |
QueryRecoveryAgentsOnEncryptedFile Retrieves a list of recovery agents for the specified file. |
QueryUsersOnEncryptedFile Retrieves a list of users for the specified file. |
ReadDirectoryChangesExW Retrieves information that describes the changes within the specified directory, which can include extended information if that information type is specified. |
ReadDirectoryChangesW Retrieves information that describes the changes within the specified directory. |
ReadEncryptedFileRaw Backs up (export) encrypted files. |
ReadFile Reads data from the specified file or input/output (I/O) device. Reads occur at the position specified by the file pointer if supported by the device. |
ReadFileEx Reads data from the specified file or input/output (I/O) device. It reports its completion status asynchronously, calling the specified completion routine when reading is completed or canceled and the calling thread is in an alertable wait state. |
ReadFileScatter Reads data from a file and stores it in an array of buffers. |
ReadLogArchiveMetadata Copies a range of the archive view of the metadata to the specified buffer. |
ReadLogNotification Retrieves notifications from the log manager. It retrieves a queued notification from the log manager immediately if a notification is available; otherwise the request remains pending until a notification is generated. |
ReadLogRecord Initiates a sequence of reads from a specified log sequence number (LSN) in one of three modes, and returns the first of the specified log records and a read context. |
ReadLogRestartArea Returns the last restart area that is written successfully to the log associated with the marshaling area of WriteLogRestartArea. |
ReadNextLogRecord Reads the next record in a sequence that is initiated by a call to ReadLogRecord or ReadLogRestartArea. |
ReadOnlyEnlistment Requests that the specified enlistment be converted to a read-only enlistment. A read-only enlistment cannot participate in the outcome of the transaction and is not durably recorded for recovery. |
ReadPreviousLogRestartArea Reads the previous log restart area that is relative to the current restart record specified in the read context, pvReadContext. This read context is the one previously created by a call to ReadLogRestartArea. |
RecoverEnlistment Recovers an enlistment's state. |
RecoverResourceManager Recovers a resource manager's state from its log file. |
RecoverTransactionManager Recovers a transaction manager's state from its log file. |
RegisterForLogWriteNotification The RegisterForLogWriteNotification function is called by a managed log client to enable or disable log write notifications. |
RegisterManageableLogClient Registers a client with the log manager. A client can specify whether to receive notifications by using callbacks, or have the notifications queued for retrieval by using ReadLogNotification. |
ReleaseNtmsCleanerSlot The ReleaseNtmsCleanerSlot function removes an existing slot reservation for a cleaning cartridge. The slot can then be used for data cartridges. |
Remove Removes an IDiskQuotaUser pointer from the batch list. |
RemoveAll Removes all IDiskQuotaUser pointers from the batch list. |
RemoveBindLink This API allows a user to remove a link that was previously created by calling CreateBindLink. |
RemoveDirectoryA Deletes an existing empty directory. (ANSI) |
RemoveDirectoryFromAppW Deletes an existing empty directory. The behavior of this function is identical to RemoveDirectory, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
RemoveDirectoryTransactedA Deletes an existing empty directory as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
RemoveDirectoryTransactedW Deletes an existing empty directory as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
RemoveDirectoryW Deletes an existing empty directory. (Unicode) |
RemoveLogContainer Removes one container from a log that is associated with a dedicated or multiplexed log handle. |
RemoveLogContainerSet Removes multiple containers from a log that is associated with a dedicated or multiplexed log handle. |
RemoveLogPolicy Resets the specified policy to its default behavior. |
RemoveUsersFromEncryptedFile Removes specified certificate hashes from a specified file. |
RenameTransactionManager Renames a transaction manager (TM) object. This function can only be used on named TM handles. |
ReOpenFile Reopens the specified file system object with different access rights, sharing mode, and flags. |
ReplaceFileA Replaces one file with another file, with the option of creating a backup copy of the original file. (ANSI) |
ReplaceFileFromAppW Replaces one file with another file, with the option of creating a backup copy of the original file. The behavior of this function is identical to ReplaceFile, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
ReplaceFileW Replaces one file with another file, with the option of creating a backup copy of the original file. (Unicode) |
ReserveAndAppendLog Reserves space for log buffers, or appends a log record to the log, or does both. The function is atomic. |
ReserveAndAppendLogAligned Reserves space for log buffers, or appends a log record to the log, or both. |
ReserveNtmsCleanerSlot The ReserveNtmsCleanerSlot function reserves a single slot in a library unit for a drive cleaner cartridge. |
Reset Resets the enumeration sequence to the beginning of the set of user quota entries. |
RollbackComplete Indicates that the resource manager (RM) has successfully completed rolling back a transaction. |
RollbackEnlistment Rolls back the specified transaction that is associated with an enlistment. This function cannot be called for read-only enlistments. |
RollbackTransaction Requests that the specified transaction be rolled back. |
RollbackTransactionAsync Requests that the specified transaction be rolled back. This function returns asynchronously. |
RollforwardTransactionManager Recovers information only to the specified virtual clock value. |
SatisfyNtmsOperatorRequest The SatisfyNtmsOperatorRequest function completes the specified RSM operator request. |
ScanLogContainers Enumerates log containers. Call this function repeatedly to iterate over all log containers. |
SearchPathA Searches for a specified file in a specified path. (ANSI) |
SearchPathW Searches for a specified file in a specified path. (Unicode) |
SetCurrentDirectory Changes the current directory for the current process. |
SetDefaultQuotaLimit Modifies the default quota limit. |
SetDefaultQuotaThreshold Modifies the default warning threshold. |
SetEndOfFile Sets the physical file size for the specified file to the current position of the file pointer. |
SetEndOfLog This function has been deprecated. Use TruncateLog instead. |
SetEnlistmentRecoveryInformation Sets an opaque, user-defined structure of recovery data from KTM. |
SetFileApisToANSI Causes the file I/O functions to use the ANSI character set code page for the current process. |
SetFileApisToOEM Causes the file I/O functions for the process to use the OEM character set code page. |
SetFileAttributesA Sets the attributes for a file or directory. (ANSI) |
SetFileAttributesFromAppW Sets the attributes for a file or directory. The behavior of this function is identical to SetFileAttributes, except that this function adheres to the Universal Windows Platform app security model. |
SetFileAttributesTransactedA Sets the attributes for a file or directory as a transacted operation. (ANSI) |
SetFileAttributesTransactedW Sets the attributes for a file or directory as a transacted operation. (Unicode) |
SetFileAttributesW Sets the attributes for a file or directory. (Unicode) |
SetFileBandwidthReservation Requests that bandwidth for the specified file stream be reserved. The reservation is specified as a number of bytes in a period of milliseconds for I/O requests on the specified file handle. |
SetFileCompletionNotificationModes Sets the notification modes for a file handle, allowing you to specify how completion notifications work for the specified file. |
SetFileInformationByHandle Sets the file information for the specified file. |
SetFileIoOverlappedRange Associates a virtual address range with the specified file handle. |
SetFilePointer Moves the file pointer of the specified file. (SetFilePointer) |
SetFilePointerEx Moves the file pointer of the specified file. (SetFilePointerEx) |
SetFileShortNameA A function that sets the short name for the specified file. The file must be on an NTFS file system volume. (ANSI) |
SetFileShortNameW Sets the short name for the specified file. The file must be on an NTFS file system volume. (Unicode) |
SetFileValidData Sets the valid data length of the specified file. This function is useful in very limited scenarios. For more information, see the Remarks section. |
SetIoRingCompletionEvent Registers a completion queue event with an IORING. |
SetLogArchiveMode Enables or disables log archive support for a specified log. |
SetLogArchiveTail Sets the last archived log sequence number (LSN) or archive tail of an archivable log. |
SetLogFileSizeWithPolicy Adds or deletes containers from a log based on the state of the installed policies. |
SetNtmsDeviceChangeDetection The SetNtmsDeviceChangeDetection function sets one or more target devices for change detection. |
SetNtmsMediaComplete The SetNtmsMediaComplete function marks a piece of logical media as complete. |
SetNtmsObjectAttributeA The SetNtmsObjectAttribute function creates an extended attribute (named private data) in the specified RSM object. (ANSI) |
SetNtmsObjectAttributeW The SetNtmsObjectAttribute function creates an extended attribute (named private data) in the specified RSM object. (Unicode) |
SetNtmsObjectInformation The SetNtmsObjectInformation function changes the information structure of the specified object. (SetNtmsObjectInformation) |
SetNtmsObjectInformationA The SetNtmsObjectInformation function changes the information structure of the specified object. (SetNtmsObjectInformationA) |
SetNtmsObjectInformationW The SetNtmsObjectInformationW (Unicode) function changes the information structure of the specified object. (SetNtmsObjectInformationW) |
SetNtmsObjectSecurity The SetNtmsObjectSecurity function writes the security descriptor for the specified RSM object. |
SetNtmsRequestOrder The SetNtmsRequestOrder function sets the order that the specified request will be processed in the library queue. |
SetNtmsUIOptionsA The SetNtmsUIOptions function modifies the list of computer names to which the specified type of UI is being directed for the given object. (ANSI) |
SetNtmsUIOptionsW The SetNtmsUIOptions function modifies the list of computer names to which the specified type of UI is being directed for the given object. (Unicode) |
SetQuotaLimit Sets the user's quota limit value on the volume. |
SetQuotaLogFlags Controls the logging of user-related quota events on the volume. |
SetQuotaState Sets the state of the quota system. |
SetQuotaThreshold Sets the user's warning threshold value on the volume. |
SetResourceManagerCompletionPort Associates the specified I/O completion port with the specified resource manager (RM). This port receives all notifications for the RM. |
SetSearchPathMode Sets the per-process mode that the SearchPath function uses when locating files. |
SetTransactionInformation Sets the transaction information for the specified transaction. |
SetUserFileEncryptionKey Sets the user's current key to the specified certificate. |
SetVolumeLabelA Sets the label of a file system volume. (ANSI) |
SetVolumeLabelW Sets the label of a file system volume. (Unicode) |
SetVolumeMountPointA Associates a volume with a drive letter or a directory on another volume. (ANSI) |
SetVolumeMountPointW Associates a volume with a drive letter or a directory on another volume. (Unicode) |
ShutdownNameResolution Translates user security identifiers (SID) to user names. |
SinglePhaseReject Indicates that the resource manager (RM) is refusing a single-phase request. When a transaction manager (TM) receives this call, it initiates a two-phase commit and sends a prepare request to all enlisted RMs. |
Skip Skips over the specified number of user quota entries that are next in the enumeration sequence. |
SubmitIoRing Submits all constructed but not yet submitted entries to the kernel’s queue and optionally waits for a set of operations to complete. |
SubmitNtmsOperatorRequestA The SubmitNtmsOperatorRequest function submits an RSM operator request. (ANSI) |
SubmitNtmsOperatorRequestW The SubmitNtmsOperatorRequest function submits an RSM operator request. (Unicode) |
SwapNtmsMedia The SwapNtmsMedia function swaps the sides associated with the two specified LMIDs. The specified LMIDs must be in the same media pool. |
TerminateLogArchive Deallocates system resources that are allocated originally for a log archive context by PrepareLogArchive. |
TerminateReadLog Terminates a read context. This function frees system-allocated resources associated with the specified read context. Do not attempt to read log records after calling this function; you will receive indeterminate results. |
TruncateLog Truncates the log. The function sets the end of the log to the specified value. |
TxfGetThreadMiniVersionForCreate Returns the MiniVersion a subsequent create is set to open. |
TxfLogCreateFileReadContext Creates a context to be used to read replication records. |
TxfLogCreateRangeReadContext Creates a context that is required to read any replication records. |
TxfLogDestroyReadContext Closes a read context created by the TxfLogCreateFileReadContext function. |
TxfLogReadRecords Reads the redo records from the log. |
TxfSetThreadMiniVersionForCreate Sets the MiniVersion that a subsequent create should open. |
UnlockFile Unlocks a region in an open file. |
UnlockFileEx Unlocks a region in the specified file. This function can operate either synchronously or asynchronously. |
UpdateNtmsOmidInfo The UpdateNtmsOmidInfo function updates the RSM database with label information immediately after writing to the newly allocated medium. |
ValidateLog Validates the consistency of the log metadata and data before log archive and after log restore. |
WaitForNtmsNotification The WaitForNtmsNotification function waits for the next object change notification. |
WaitForNtmsOperatorRequest The WaitForNtmsOperatorRequest function waits for the specified RSM operator request. |
WofEnumEntries Enumerates all the data sources from a specified provider for a specified volume. |
WofEnumEntryProc Callback function that gets called for each data source in response to a call to WofEnumEntries. |
WofEnumFilesProc Callback function that gets called for each file backed by an external data source, such as a WIM file. |
WofFileEnumFiles Enumerates all of the files which are compressed with a specified compression algorithm on a specified volume. |
WofGetDriverVersion Used to query the version of the driver used to support a particular provider. |
WofIsExternalFile Used to determine if a file is being backed by a physical file or is backed by a system data provider, and optionally indicates which provider or additional data about the file. |
WofSetFileDataLocation Used to change a file from being backed by a physical file to one backed by a system data provider. |
WofShouldCompressBinaries Indicates whether compression should be used on a particular volume, and if so, which compression algorithm should be used. |
WofWimAddEntry Adds a single WIM data source to a volume such that files can be created on the volume which are stored within the WIM. |
WofWimEnumFiles Enumerates all of the files which are being backed by a specified WIM data source on a specified volume. |
WofWimRemoveEntry Removes a single WIM data source from backing files on a volume. |
WofWimSuspendEntry Temporarily removes a WIM data source from backing files on a volume until the volume is remounted or the data source is updated with WofWimUpdateEntry. |
WofWimUpdateEntry Updates a WIM entry to point to a different WIM file location. |
Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection Disables file system redirection for the calling thread. File system redirection is enabled by default. |
Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection Enables or disables file system redirection for the calling thread. |
Wow64GetThreadContext Retrieves the thread context. |
Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection Restores file system redirection for the calling thread. |
Wow64SetThreadContext Sets the thread context. |
Wow64SetThreadDefaultGuestMachine Sets the thread to the given machine architecture. |
Wow64SuspendThread Suspends the specified WOW64 thread. |
WriteEncryptedFileRaw Restores (import) encrypted files. |
WriteFile Writes data to the specified file or input/output (I/O) device. |
WriteFileEx Writes data to the specified file or input/output (I/O) device. It reports its completion status asynchronously, calling the specified completion routine when writing is completed or canceled and the calling thread is in an alertable wait state. |
WriteFileGather Retrieves data from an array of buffers and writes the data to a file. |
WriteLogRestartArea Appends a new client restart area to a log, and optionally advances the base log sequence number (LSN) of the log. |
IDiskQuotaControl Controls the disk quota facilities of a single NTFS file system volume. |
IDiskQuotaEvents Receives quota-related event notifications. |
IDiskQuotaUser Represents a single user quota entry in the volume quota information file. |
IDiskQuotaUserBatch Adds multiple quota user objects to a container that is then submitted for update in a single call. |
IEnumDiskQuotaUsers Enumerates user quota entries on the volume. |
BOOT_AREA_INFO Contains the output for the FSCTL_GET_BOOT_AREA_INFO control code. |
BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION Contains information that the GetFileInformationByHandle function retrieves. |
CLFS_MGMT_NOTIFICATION The CLFS_MGMT_NOTIFICATION structure specifies information about the notifications that the client receives. |
CLFS_MGMT_POLICY The CLFS_MGMT_POLICY structure specifies a Common Log File System (CLFS) management policy. The PolicyType member specifies the members used for a policy. |
CLFS_NODE_ID Represents a node identifier. |
CLS_ARCHIVE_DESCRIPTOR Used by the GetNextLogArchiveExtent function to return information about log archive extents. |
CLS_CONTAINER_INFORMATION Describes general information about a container. |
CLS_INFORMATION Describes general information about a log. |
CLS_IO_STATISTICS Defines the statistics that are reported by GetLogIoStatistics. |
CLS_IO_STATISTICS_HEADER Header for information retrieved by the GetLogIoStatistics function, which defines the I/O performance counters of a log. |
CLS_LSN Represents a valid log address. |
CLS_WRITE_ENTRY Contains a user buffer, which is to become part of a log record, and its length. |
CONNECTION_INFO_0 Contains the identification number of a connection. |
CONNECTION_INFO_1 Contains the identification number of a connection, number of open files, connection time, number of users on the connection, and the type of connection. |
COPYFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS Contains extended parameters for the CopyFile2 function. |
COPYFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS_V2 Contains updated, additional functionality beyond the COPYFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS structure for the CopyFile2 function |
COPYFILE2_MESSAGE Passed to the CopyFile2ProgressRoutine callback function with information about a pending copy operation. |
CREATE_DISK Contains information that the IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK control code uses to initialize GUID partition table (GPT), master boot record (MBR), or raw disks. |
CREATE_DISK_GPT Contains information used by the IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK control code to initialize GUID partition table (GPT) disks. |
CREATE_DISK_MBR Contains information that the IOCTL_DISK_CREATE_DISK control code uses to initialize master boot record (MBR) disks. |
CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA Contains information that describes an update sequence number (USN) change journal. |
CREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS Contains optional extended parameters for CreateFile2. |
CSV_CONTROL_PARAM Represents a type of CSV control operation. |
CSV_IS_OWNED_BY_CSVFS Contains the output for the FSCTL_IS_VOLUME_OWNED_BYCSVFS control code that determines whether a volume is owned by CSVFS. |
CSV_NAMESPACE_INFO Contains the output for the FSCTL_IS_CSV_FILE control code that retrieves namespace information for a file. |
CSV_QUERY_FILE_REVISION Contains information about whether files in a stream have been modified. |
CSV_QUERY_MDS_PATH Contains the path that is used by CSV to communicate to the MDS. |
CSV_QUERY_REDIRECT_STATE Contains information about whether files in a stream have been redirected. |
CSV_QUERY_VETO_FILE_DIRECT_IO_OUTPUT Contains troubleshooting information about why a volume is in redirected mode. |
DELETE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA Contains information on the deletion of an update sequence number (USN) change journal using the FSCTL_DELETE_USN_JOURNAL control code. |
DEVICE_COPY_OFFLOAD_DESCRIPTOR Contains the copy offload capabilities for a storage device. |
DEVICE_LB_PROVISIONING_DESCRIPTOR Contains the thin provisioning capabilities for a storage device. |
DEVICE_POWER_DESCRIPTOR The DEVICE_POWER_DESCRIPTOR structure describes the power capabilities of a storage device. |
DEVICE_SEEK_PENALTY_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request to retrieve the seek penalty descriptor data for a device. |
DEVICE_TRIM_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request to retrieve the trim descriptor data for a device. |
DISK_CACHE_INFORMATION Provides information about the disk cache. |
DISK_DETECTION_INFO Contains detected drive parameters. |
DISK_EX_INT13_INFO Contains extended Int13 drive parameters. |
DISK_EXTENT Represents a disk extent. |
DISK_GEOMETRY Describes the geometry of disk devices and media. |
DISK_GEOMETRY_EX Describes the extended geometry of disk devices and media. |
DISK_GROW_PARTITION Contains information used to increase the size of a partition. |
DISK_INT13_INFO Contains standard Int13 drive geometry parameters. |
DISK_PARTITION_INFO Contains the disk partition information. |
DISK_PERFORMANCE Provides disk performance information. |
DISK_SPACE_INFORMATION The DISK_SPACE_INFORMATION structure contains information about the disk space for a particular volume. |
DISKQUOTA_USER_INFORMATION Represents the per-user quota information. |
DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION Contains information about the partitions of a drive. |
DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_EX Contains extended information about a drive's partitions. |
DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_GPT Contains information about a drive's GUID partition table (GPT) partitions. |
DRIVE_LAYOUT_INFORMATION_MBR Provides information about a drive's master boot record (MBR) partitions. |
DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_DATA Contains parameters for the FSCTL_DUPLICATE_EXTENTS control code that performs the Block Cloning operation. |
EFS_CERTIFICATE_BLOB Contains a certificate. |
EFS_HASH_BLOB Contains a certificate hash. |
ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE Contains a certificate and the SID of its owner. |
ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE_HASH Contains a certificate hash and display information for the certificate. |
ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE_HASH_LIST Contains a list of certificate hashes. |
ENCRYPTION_CERTIFICATE_LIST Contains a list of certificates. |
EXFAT_STATISTICS Contains statistical information from the exFAT file system. |
FAT_STATISTICS Contains statistical information from the FAT file system. |
FILE_ALIGNMENT_INFO Contains alignment information for a file. |
FILE_ALLOCATED_RANGE_BUFFER Indicates a range of bytes in a file. |
FILE_ALLOCATION_INFO Contains the total number of bytes that should be allocated for a file. |
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFO Receives the requested file attribute information. Used for any handles. |
FILE_BASIC_INFO Contains the basic information for a file. Used for file handles. |
FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO Receives file compression information. |
FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO Indicates whether a file should be deleted. Used for any handles. |
FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO Contains the specified value to which the end of the file should be set. |
FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO Contains directory information for a file. (FILE_FULL_DIR_INFO) |
FILE_ID_128 Defines a 128-bit file identifier. |
FILE_ID_BOTH_DIR_INFO Contains information about files in the specified directory. |
FILE_ID_DESCRIPTOR Specifies the type of ID that is being used. |
FILE_ID_EXTD_DIR_INFO Contains identification information for a file. (FILE_ID_EXTD_DIR_INFO) |
FILE_ID_INFO Contains identification information for a file. (FILE_ID_INFO) |
FILE_INFO_2 Contains the identification number for a file, device, or pipe. |
FILE_INFO_3 Contains the identification number and other pertinent information about files, devices, and pipes. |
FILE_IO_PRIORITY_HINT_INFO Specifies the priority hint for a file I/O operation. |
FILE_LEVEL_TRIM Used as input to the FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM control code. |
FILE_LEVEL_TRIM_OUTPUT Used as output to the FSCTL_FILE_LEVEL_TRIM control code. |
FILE_LEVEL_TRIM_RANGE Specifies a range of a file that is to be trimmed. |
FILE_MAKE_COMPATIBLE_BUFFER Specifies the disc to close the current session for. This control code is used for UDF file systems. This structure is used for input when calling FSCTL_MAKE_MEDIA_COMPATIBLE. |
FILE_NAME_INFO Receives the file name. |
FILE_NOTIFY_EXTENDED_INFORMATION Describes the changes found by the ReadDirectoryChangesExW function. |
FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION Describes the changes found by the ReadDirectoryChangesW function. |
FILE_OBJECTID_BUFFER Contains an object identifier and user-defined metadata associated with the object identifier. |
FILE_QUERY_ON_DISK_VOL_INFO_BUFFER Receives the volume information from a call to FSCTL_QUERY_ON_DISK_VOLUME_INFO. |
FILE_QUERY_SPARING_BUFFER Contains defect management properties. |
FILE_REMOTE_PROTOCOL_INFO Contains file remote protocol information. |
FILE_RENAME_INFO Contains the name to which the file should be renamed. |
FILE_SET_DEFECT_MGMT_BUFFER Specifies the defect management state to be set. |
FILE_SET_SPARSE_BUFFER Specifies the sparse state to be set. |
FILE_STANDARD_INFO Receives extended information for the file. |
FILE_STORAGE_INFO Contains directory information for a file. (FILE_STORAGE_INFO) |
FILE_STORAGE_TIER Represents an identifier for the storage tier relative to the volume. |
FILE_STORAGE_TIER_REGION Describes a single storage tier region. |
FILE_STREAM_INFO Receives file stream information for the specified file. |
FILE_SYSTEM_RECOGNITION_INFORMATION Contains file system recognition information retrieved by the FSCTL_QUERY_FILE_SYSTEM_RECOGNITION control code. |
FILE_ZERO_DATA_INFORMATION Contains a range of a file to set to zeros. |
FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS Contains statistical information from the file system. |
FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS_EX Contains statistical information from the file system.Support for this structure started with Windows 10. |
FIND_BY_SID_DATA Contains data for the FSCTL_FIND_FILES_BY_SID control code. |
FIND_BY_SID_OUTPUT Represents a file name. |
FORMAT_EX_PARAMETERS Contains information used in formatting a contiguous set of disk tracks. It is used by the IOCTL_DISK_FORMAT_TRACKS_EX control code. |
FORMAT_PARAMETERS Contains information used in formatting a contiguous set of disk tracks. |
FSCTL_GET_INTEGRITY_INFORMATION_BUFFER Contains the integrity information for a file or directory. |
FSCTL_QUERY_REGION_INFO_INPUT Contains the storage tier regions from the storage stack for a particular volume. |
FSCTL_QUERY_REGION_INFO_OUTPUT Contains information for one or more regions. |
FSCTL_QUERY_STORAGE_CLASSES_OUTPUT Contains information for all tiers of a specific volume. |
GET_DISK_ATTRIBUTES Contains the attributes of a disk device. |
GET_LENGTH_INFORMATION Contains disk, volume, or partition length information used by the IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO control code. |
IORING_BUFFER_INFO Represents a data buffer that can be registered with an I/O ring. |
IORING_BUFFER_REF IORING_BUFFER_REF represents a reference to a buffer used in an I/O ring operation. |
IORING_CAPABILITIES Represents the IORING API capabilities. |
IORING_CQE Represents a completed I/O ring queue entry. |
IORING_CREATE_FLAGS Specifies flags for creating an I/O ring with a call to CreateIoRing. |
IORING_HANDLE_REF Represents a reference to a file handle used in an I/O ring operation. |
IORING_INFO Represents the shape and version information for the specified I/O ring. |
IORING_REGISTERED_BUFFER Represents a buffer that has been registered with an I/O ring with a call to BuildIoRingRegisterBuffers. |
LOG_MANAGEMENT_CALLBACKS The LOG_MANAGEMENT_CALLBACKS structure is used to register with the Common Log File System (CLFS) for the callbacks that a client program requires information from. |
MARK_HANDLE_INFO Contains information that is used to mark a specified file or directory, and its update sequence number (USN) change journal record with data about changes. |
MARK_HANDLE_INFO32 Contains information that is used to mark a specified file or directory, and its update sequence number (USN) change journal record with data about changes. |
MediaLabelInfo The MediaLabelInfo structure conveys information to the RSM database about a tape OMID. The media label library fills in this structure for all media labels the library recognizes. |
MFT_ENUM_DATA_V0 Contains information defining the boundaries for and starting place of an enumeration of update sequence number (USN) change journal records. |
MFT_ENUM_DATA_V1 Contains information defining the boundaries for and starting place of an enumeration of update sequence number (USN) change journal records for ReFS volumes. |
MOVE_FILE_DATA Contains input data for the FSCTL_MOVE_FILE control code. |
NTFS_EXTENDED_VOLUME_DATA Represents volume data.N |
NTFS_FILE_RECORD_OUTPUT_BUFFER Receives output data from the FSCTL_GET_NTFS_FILE_RECORD control code. |
NTFS_STATISTICS Contains statistical information from the NTFS file system. |
NTFS_STATISTICS_EX Contains statistical information from the NTFS file system.Support for this structure started with Windows 10. |
NTMS_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION The NTMS_ALLOCATION_INFORMATION structure contains information about the source media pool from which a medium was taken. |
NTMS_CHANGERINFORMATIONA The NTMS_CHANGERINFORMATION structure defines properties specific to a robotic changer object. (ANSI) |
NTMS_CHANGERINFORMATIONW The NTMS_CHANGERINFORMATION structure defines properties specific to a robotic changer object. (Unicode) |
NTMS_CHANGERTYPEINFORMATIONA The NTMS_CHANGERTYPEINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a type of robotic changer supported by RSM. (ANSI) |
NTMS_CHANGERTYPEINFORMATIONW The NTMS_CHANGERTYPEINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a type of robotic changer supported by RSM. (Unicode) |
NTMS_COMPUTERINFORMATION The NTMS_COMPUTERINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to the RSM server. |
NTMS_DRIVEINFORMATIONA The NTMS_DRIVEINFORMATION structure defines properties specific to a drive object. (ANSI) |
NTMS_DRIVEINFORMATIONW The NTMS_DRIVEINFORMATION structure defines properties specific to a drive object. (Unicode) |
NTMS_DRIVETYPEINFORMATIONA The NTMS_DRIVETYPEINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a type of drive supported by RSM. (ANSI) |
NTMS_DRIVETYPEINFORMATIONW The NTMS_DRIVETYPEINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a type of drive supported by RSM. (Unicode) |
NTMS_IEDOORINFORMATION The NTMS_IEDOORINFORMATION structure defines properties specific to an insert/eject door object. |
NTMS_IEPORTINFORMATION The NTMS_IEPORTINFORMATION structure defines properties specific to an insert/eject port object. |
NTMS_LIBRARYINFORMATION The NTMS_LIBRARYINFORMATION structure defines properties specific to a library object. |
NTMS_LIBREQUESTINFORMATIONA The NTMS_LIBREQUESTINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a work request, which are queued to RSM. (ANSI) |
NTMS_LIBREQUESTINFORMATIONW The NTMS_LIBREQUESTINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a work request, which are queued to RSM. (Unicode) |
NTMS_LMIDINFORMATION The NTMS_LMIDINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a logical media object. |
NTMS_MEDIAPOOLINFORMATION The NTMS_MEDIAPOOLINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a media pool object. |
NTMS_MEDIATYPEINFORMATION The NTMS_MEDIATYPEINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a type of media supported by RSM. |
NTMS_NOTIFICATIONINFORMATION The NTMS_NOTIFICATIONINFORMATION structure defines an object and operation that occurred in the RSM database. |
NTMS_OBJECTINFORMATIONA The NTMS_OBJECTINFORMATION structure defines the properties that an application can get and set for RSM devices, media and system controls (such as libraries, drives, media, operator requests). This is the common structure of objects in the RSM database. (ANSI) |
NTMS_OBJECTINFORMATIONW The NTMS_OBJECTINFORMATION structure defines the properties that an application can get and set for RSM devices, media and system controls (such as libraries, drives, media, operator requests). This is the common structure of objects in the RSM database. (Unicode) |
NTMS_OPREQUESTINFORMATIONA The NTMS_OPREQUESTINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to operator-request system control for RSM. (ANSI) |
NTMS_OPREQUESTINFORMATIONW The NTMS_OPREQUESTINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to operator-request system control for RSM. (Unicode) |
NTMS_PARTITIONINFORMATIONA The NTMS_PARTITIONINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to the side object. (ANSI) |
NTMS_PARTITIONINFORMATIONW The NTMS_PARTITIONINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to the side object. (Unicode) |
NTMS_PMIDINFORMATIONA The NTMS_PMIDINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a physical media object. (ANSI) |
NTMS_PMIDINFORMATIONW The NTMS_PMIDINFORMATION structure defines the properties specific to a physical media object. (Unicode) |
NTMS_STORAGESLOTINFORMATION The NTMS_STORAGESLOTINFORMATION structure defines properties specific to a storage slot object. |
NVM_SET_LIST Contains an array of entries for the NVME Set Attributes command. |
NVME_ADMIN_COMPLETION_QUEUE_BASE_ADDRESS Contains the base memory address of the Admin Completion Queue. |
NVME_ADMIN_QUEUE_ATTRIBUTES Contains the Admin Queue Attributes (AQA) for the Admin Submission Queue and Admin Completion Queue. |
NVME_ADMIN_SUBMISSION_QUEUE_BASE_ADDRESS Contains the base memory address of the Admin Submission Queue. |
NVME_AUTO_POWER_STATE_TRANSITION_ENTRY Contains a 64 bit entry specifying information about idle time and power state transition for each of the allowable 32 power states. |
NVME_CDW10_ABORT Contains parameters for the Abort command that is used to abort a specific command previously submitted to the Admin Submission Queue or an I/O Submission Queue. |
NVME_CDW10_CREATE_IO_QUEUE Contains parameters that are used in the Create I/O Completion Queue and Create IO Submission Queue commands. |
NVME_CDW10_DATASET_MANAGEMENT The NVME_CDW10_DATASET_MANAGEMENT structure contains parameters for the Dataset Management command that indicates attributes for ranges of logical blocks. |
NVME_CDW10_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE Contains parameters for the Directive Receive command. |
NVME_CDW10_DIRECTIVE_SEND Contains parameters for the Directive Send command. |
NVME_CDW10_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE Contains parameters used in the Firmware Commit command. |
NVME_CDW10_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD The NVME_CDW10_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD structure contains parameters for the Firmware Image Download command that copies a new firmware image to the controller. |
NVME_CDW10_FORMAT_NVM Contains parameters for the Format NVM command that is used to low level format the NVM media. |
NVME_CDW10_GET_FEATURES Contains parameters for the Get Features command that retrieves the attributes of the specified feature. |
NVME_CDW10_GET_LOG_PAGE The NVME_CDW10_GET_LOG_PAGE structure contains parameters for the Get Log Page command that returns a data buffer containing the requested log page. |
NVME_CDW10_GET_LOG_PAGE_V13 The NVME_CDW10_GET_LOG_PAGE_V13 structure contains parameters for the Get Log Page command that returns a data buffer containing the requested log page. |
NVME_CDW10_IDENTIFY Contains parameters for the Identify command that returns a data buffer that describes information about the NVM subsystem, the controller or the namespace(s). |
NVME_CDW10_SECURITY_SEND_RECEIVE Contains parameters that are used in the Admin commands Security Send and Security Receive. |
NVME_CDW10_SET_FEATURES The NVME_CDW10_SET_FEATURES structure contains parameters for the Set Features command that sets the attributes of the specified feature. |
NVME_CDW11_CREATE_IO_CQ Contains parameters for the Create I/O Completion Queue command, that is used to create all I/O Completion Queues with the exception of the Admin Completion Queue. |
NVME_CDW11_CREATE_IO_SQ Contains parameters for the Create IO Submission Queue command, that is used to create IO Submission Queues. |
NVME_CDW11_DATASET_MANAGEMENT The NVME_CDW11_DATASET_MANAGEMENT structure contains parameters for the Dataset Management command that indicates attributes for ranges of logical blocks. |
NVME_CDW11_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE Contains parameters for the Directive Receive command. |
NVME_CDW11_DIRECTIVE_SEND Contains parameters for the Directive Send command. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_ARBITRATION Contains values for the Arbitration Feature that controls command arbitration. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_ASYNC_EVENT_CONFIG Contains parameters for the Asynchronous Event Configuration Feature that controls the events that trigger an asynchronous event notification to the host. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_AUTO_POWER_STATE_TRANSITION Contains parameters for the Autonomous Power State Transition Feature that configures the settings for autonomous power state transitions. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_HOST_MEMORY_BUFFER Contains parameters for the Host Memory Buffer Feature that provides a mechanism for the host to allocate a portion of host memory for the controller to use exclusively. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_INTERRUPT_COALESCING Contains parameters for the Interrupt Coalescing Feature that configures the interrupt coalescing settings. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_INTERRUPT_VECTOR_CONFIG Contains parameters for the Interrupt Vector Configuration Feature that configures settings specific to a particular interrupt vector. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_LBA_RANGE_TYPE Contains a parameter that specifies the number of LBA ranges for the LBA Range Type Feature in the Set Features command. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_NON_OPERATIONAL_POWER_STATE Contains parameters for the Non-Operational Power State Feature that indicates whether permissive mode is enabled for a non-operational power state. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_NUMBER_OF_QUEUES Contains parameters for the Number of Queues Feature that indicate the number of I/O Completion Queues and I/O Submission Queues that the host requests for this controller. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_POWER_MANAGEMENT Contains values for the Power Management Feature that allows the host to configure the power state. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_SUPPORTED_CAPABILITY Contains values that are returned by the Get Features command, which describe the supported capabilities of the specified feature. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD Contains parameters for the Temperature Threshold feature that is used to set an over temperature threshold and an under temperature threshold for up to nine temperature values. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_VOLATILE_WRITE_CACHE Contains parameters for the Volatile Write Cache Feature that controls the volatile write cache, if it is supported and present, on the controller. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURE_WRITE_ATOMICITY_NORMAL Contains parameters for the Write Atomicity Normal Feature that controls the operation of the Atomic Write Unit Normal (AWUN) and Namespace Atomic Write Unit Normal (NAWUN) parameters that define the controller’s support for atomic operations. |
NVME_CDW11_FEATURES Contains parameters for the Get Features and Set Features commands that retrieve or set the attributes of the specified feature. |
NVME_CDW11_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD Contains parameters for the Firmware Image Download command that is used to copy a new firmware image (in whole or in part) to the controller. |
NVME_CDW11_GET_LOG_PAGE The NVME_CDW11_GET_LOG_PAGE structure contains parameters for the Get Log Page command that returns a data buffer containing the requested log page. |
NVME_CDW11_IDENTIFY Contains a parameter for the Identify command. |
NVME_CDW11_SECURITY_RECEIVE Contains parameters that are used in the Security Receive command. |
NVME_CDW11_SECURITY_SEND Contains parameters that are used in the Security Send command. |
NVME_CDW12_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE Contains a parameter for allocating stream resources for the Directive Receive command. |
NVME_CDW12_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_STREAMS_ALLOCATE_RESOURCES Contains a parameter for requesting namespace streams that is used for allocating stream resources in the Directive Receive command. |
NVME_CDW12_DIRECTIVE_SEND Contains a parameter for enabling a directive for the Directive Send command. |
NVME_CDW12_DIRECTIVE_SEND_IDENTIFY_ENABLE_DIRECTIVE Contains parameters for specifying and enabling directives in the Directive Send command. |
NVME_CDW12_FEATURE_HOST_MEMORY_BUFFER Contains a parameter for the Host Memory Buffer Feature that specifies the size of the host memory buffer. |
NVME_CDW12_FEATURES Contains parameters for the Set Features command that sets the attributes of the specified feature. |
NVME_CDW12_READ_WRITE Contains parameters for the NVME Read and NVME Write commands that read or write data and metadata, if applicable, to and from the NVM controller for the specified Logical Block Addresses (LBA). |
NVME_CDW13_FEATURE_HOST_MEMORY_BUFFER Contains a parameter for the Host Memory Buffer Feature that specifies the lower 32 bits of the physical location of the Host Memory Descriptor List. |
NVME_CDW13_FEATURES Contains parameters for the Set Features command that sets the attributes of the specified feature. |
NVME_CDW13_READ_WRITE Contains parameters for the NVME Read and NVME Write commands that read or write data and metadata, if applicable, to and from the NVM controller for the specified Logical Block Addresses (LBA). |
NVME_CDW14_FEATURE_HOST_MEMORY_BUFFER Contains a parameter for the Host Memory Buffer Feature that specifies the upper 32 bits of the physical location of the Host Memory Descriptor List. |
NVME_CDW14_FEATURES The NVME_CDW14_FEATURES structure contains parameters for the Set Features command that sets the attributes of the specified feature. |
NVME_CDW15_FEATURE_HOST_MEMORY_BUFFER Contains a parameter for the Host Memory Buffer Feature that specifies the number of entries in the Host Memory Descriptor List. |
NVME_CDW15_FEATURES The NVME_CDW15_FEATURES structure contains parameters for the Set Features command that sets the attributes of the specified feature. |
NVME_CDW15_READ_WRITE Contains parameters for the NVME Read and NVME Write commands that read or write data and metadata, if applicable, to and from the NVM controller for the specified Logical Block Addresses (LBA). |
NVME_CHANGED_NAMESPACE_LIST_LOG Contains data for the Changed Namespace List log page that describes namespaces in the controller that have changed Identify Namespace information since the last time the log page was read. |
NVME_COMMAND Contains the parameters for all commands in the Admin Command and NVM Command sets. |
NVME_COMMAND_DWORD0 Contains parameters that are common for all Admin commands and NVM commands. |
NVME_COMMAND_EFFECTS_DATA Contains information that describes the overall possible effect of an Admin or I/O command, including any optional features of the command. |
NVME_COMMAND_EFFECTS_LOG Contains information that describes the commands that the controller supports and the effects of those commands on the state of the NVM subsystem. |
NVME_COMMAND_STATUS Contains information about the status of a command. |
NVME_COMPLETION_DW0_ASYNC_EVENT_REQUEST Contains information about an asynchronous event that is posted to the Admin Completion Queue in DWord 0 of a Completion Queue Entry. Asynchronous events are used to notify the host software of status, error, and health information. |
NVME_COMPLETION_DW0_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_STREAMS_ALLOCATE_RESOURCES Contains information about the number of allocated stream resources in a Directive Receive command. |
NVME_COMPLETION_ENTRY Specifies an entry in the Completion Queue that is 16 bytes in size. |
NVME_COMPLETION_QUEUE_HEAD_DOORBELL Defines the doorbell register that updates the Head entry pointer for Completion Queue y. |
NVME_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES Specifies optional context attributes for a logical block range (LBA range). |
NVME_CONTROLLER_CAPABILITIES Contains read only values that specify the basic capabilities of the controller to host software. |
NVME_CONTROLLER_CONFIGURATION Contains read/write configuration settings for the controller. |
NVME_CONTROLLER_LIST Contains an ordered list of controller identifiers. |
NVME_CONTROLLER_MEMORY_BUFFER_LOCATION Defines the location of the optional Controller Memory Buffer Location register in the CMBLOC field of the NVME_CONTROLLER_REGISTERS structure. |
NVME_CONTROLLER_MEMORY_BUFFER_SIZE Defines the size of the optional Controller Memory Buffer register, and is used in the CMBSZ field of the NVME_CONTROLLER_REGISTERS structure. |
NVME_CONTROLLER_REGISTERS Specifies the register map for the controller. |
NVME_CONTROLLER_STATUS Contains values that indicate controller status. |
NVME_DEVICE_SELF_TEST_LOG Contains fields that specify the information in a Device Self Test log page that describes the status, completion percentage, and results of a device self-test. |
NVME_DEVICE_SELF_TEST_RESULT_DATA Contains data about the results of a Device Self-Test operation. |
NVME_DIRECTIVE_IDENTIFY_RETURN_PARAMETERS Contains fields that describe return parameters for the Identify Directive. |
NVME_DIRECTIVE_IDENTIFY_RETURN_PARAMETERS_DESCRIPTOR Contains values that describe return parameters for the Identify Directive. |
NVME_DIRECTIVE_STREAMS_GET_STATUS_DATA Contains the identifiers of streams that are currently open. |
NVME_DIRECTIVE_STREAMS_RETURN_PARAMETERS Contains return parameters for the Streams Directive. |
NVME_ENDURANCE_GROUP_LOG Contains fields that specify the information in an Endurance Group Information log page that indicates the amount of data being read from and written to an Endurance Group. |
NVME_ERROR_INFO_LOG Contains fields that specify the information in an Error Information log page. |
NVME_FIRMWARE_SLOT_INFO_LOG Contains fields that specify the information in the Firmware Slot Information log page. |
NVME_HEALTH_INFO_LOG Contains fields that specify the information contained in the SMART / Health Information Log page. |
NVME_HOST_MEMORY_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR_ENTRY Defines the parameters of a single entry in the Host Memory Descriptor List. |
NVME_IDENTIFY_CONTROLLER_DATA Contains values that indicate controller capabilities, features, command set attributes, and power state descriptors. |
NVME_IDENTIFY_NAMESPACE_DATA Contains values that indicate capabilities and settings that are specific to a particular namespace. |
NVME_LBA_FORMAT Contains parameters that specify the LBA format to apply to the NVM media as part of the Format NVM command. |
NVME_LBA_RANGE Contains parameters that define a collection of contiguous logical blocks specified by a starting LBA and number of logical blocks. |
NVME_LBA_RANGET_TYPE_ENTRY Contains parameters that specify a single entry in a list of Logical Block Address (LBA) ranges, for the LBA Range Type Feature in the Set Features command. |
NVME_NVM_SUBSYSTEM_RESET Specifies a parameter that provides host software with the capability to initiate an NVM Subsystem Reset. |
NVME_POWER_STATE_DESC Contains fields that describe the attributes of each power state. |
NVME_PRP_ENTRY Contains fields that specify the Page Base Address and Offset (PBAO) of a pointer to a physical memory page. |
NVME_RESERVATION_NOTIFICATION_LOG Contains fields that specify the information in a Reservation Notification Log page. |
NVME_SCSI_NAME_STRING Contains information that is used to construct the SCSI name string identifier. |
NVME_SET_ATTRIBUTES_ENTRY Contains fields that specify information for setting an attribute. |
NVME_SUBMISSION_QUEUE_TAIL_DOORBELL Defines the doorbell register that updates the Tail entry pointer for Submission Queue y. |
NVME_TELEMETRY_HOST_INITIATED_LOG Contains fields that specify the information in a Telemetry Host-Initiated Log page. |
NVME_VERSION Contains fields that specify the version number of the NVM Express specification that the controller implementation supports. |
OFSTRUCT Contains information about a file that the OpenFile function opened or attempted to open. |
OVERLAPPED_ENTRY Contains the information returned by a call to the GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx function. |
PARTITION_INFORMATION Contains information about a disk partition. |
PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX Contains partition information for standard AT-style master boot record (MBR) and Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) disks. |
PARTITION_INFORMATION_GPT Contains GUID partition table (GPT) partition information. |
PARTITION_INFORMATION_MBR Contains partition information specific to master boot record (MBR) disks. |
PLEX_READ_DATA_REQUEST Indicates the range of the read operation to perform and the plex from which to read. |
READ_FILE_USN_DATA Specifies the versions of the update sequence number (USN) change journal supported by the application. |
READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V0 Contains information defining a set of update sequence number (USN) change journal records to return to the calling process. (READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V0) |
READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V1 Contains information defining a set of update sequence number (USN) change journal records to return to the calling process.R |
REASSIGN_BLOCKS Contains disk block reassignment data. (REASSIGN_BLOCKS) |
REASSIGN_BLOCKS_EX Contains disk block reassignment data. (REASSIGN_BLOCKS_EX) |
REPAIR_COPIES_INPUT Input structure for the FSCTL_REPAIR_COPIES control code. |
REPAIR_COPIES_OUTPUT Contains output of a repair copies operation returned from the FSCTL_REPAIR_COPIES control code. |
REPARSE_GUID_DATA_BUFFER Contains information about a reparse point. |
REQUEST_OPLOCK_INPUT_BUFFER Contains the information to request an opportunistic lock (oplock) or to acknowledge an oplock break with the FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK control code. |
REQUEST_OPLOCK_OUTPUT_BUFFER Contains the opportunistic lock (oplock) information returned by the FSCTL_REQUEST_OPLOCK control code. |
RETRIEVAL_POINTER_BASE Contains the output for the FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTER_BASE control code. |
RETRIEVAL_POINTERS_BUFFER Contains the output for the FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS control code. |
SESSION_INFO_0 Contains the name of the computer that established the session. |
SESSION_INFO_1 Contains information about the session, including name of the computer; name of the user; and open files, pipes, and devices on the computer. |
SESSION_INFO_10 Contains information about the session, including name of the computer; name of the user; and active and idle times for the session. |
SESSION_INFO_2 Contains information about the session, including name of the computer; name of the user; open files, pipes, and devices on the computer; and the type of client that established the session. |
SESSION_INFO_502 Contains information about the session, including name of the computer; name of the user; open files, pipes, and devices on the computer; and the name of the transport the client is using. |
SET_DISK_ATTRIBUTES Specifies the attributes to be set on a disk device. |
SET_PARTITION_INFORMATION Contains information used to set a disk partition's type. |
SHARE_INFO_0 Contains the name of the shared resource. |
SHARE_INFO_1 Contains information about the shared resource, including the name and type of the resource, and a comment associated with the resource. |
SHARE_INFO_1004 Contains a comment associated with the shared resource. |
SHARE_INFO_1005 Contains information about the shared resource. |
SHARE_INFO_1006 Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections that the shared resource can accommodate. |
SHARE_INFO_1501 Contains the security descriptor associated with the specified share. For more information, see Security Descriptors. |
SHARE_INFO_2 Contains information about the shared resource, including name of the resource, type and permissions, and the number of current connections. |
SHARE_INFO_501 Contains information about the shared resource including the name and type of the resource, and a comment associated with the resource. |
SHARE_INFO_502 Contains information about the shared resource, including name of the resource, type and permissions, number of connections, and other pertinent information. |
SHARE_INFO_503 Contains information about the shared resource. It is identical to the SHARE_INFO_502 structure, except that it also contains the server name. |
SHRINK_VOLUME_INFORMATION Specifies the volume shrink operation to perform. |
STARTING_LCN_INPUT_BUFFER Contains the starting LCN to the FSCTL_GET_VOLUME_BITMAP control code. |
STARTING_VCN_INPUT_BUFFER Contains the starting VCN to the FSCTL_GET_RETRIEVAL_POINTERS control code. |
STAT_SERVER_0 Contains statistical information about the server. |
STORAGE_ACCESS_ALIGNMENT_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve the storage access alignment descriptor data for a device. |
STORAGE_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTOR Used with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve the storage adapter descriptor data for a device. |
STORAGE_ADAPTER_SERIAL_NUMBER The NULL-terminated Unicode string of the adapter serial number for the StorageAdapterSerialNumberProperty as defined in STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID. |
STORAGE_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve the properties of a storage device or adapter. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve the storage device descriptor data for a device. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_ID_DESCRIPTOR Used with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code request to retrieve the device ID descriptor data for a device. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_IO_CAPABILITY_DESCRIPTOR The output buffer for the StorageDeviceIoCapabilityProperty as defined in STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID. |
STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP This structure is used as an input and output buffer for the IOCTL_STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP. |
STORAGE_HW_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE This structure contains information about the downloaded firmware to activate. |
STORAGE_HW_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD This structure contains a firmware image payload to be downloaded to the target. |
STORAGE_MEDIUM_PRODUCT_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR Used in conjunction with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request to describe the product type of a storage device. |
STORAGE_PHYSICAL_ADAPTER_DATA Describes a physical storage adapter. |
STORAGE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_DATA Describes a physical storage device. |
STORAGE_PHYSICAL_NODE_DATA Specifies the physical device data of a storage node. |
STORAGE_PROPERTY_QUERY Indicates the properties of a storage device or adapter to retrieve as the input buffer passed to the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_COMMAND This structure is used as an input buffer when using the pass-through mechanism to issue a vendor-specific command to a storage device (via IOCTL_STORAGE_PROTOCOL_COMMAND). |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_DATA_DESCRIPTOR This structure is used in conjunction with IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY to return protocol-specific data from a storage device or adapter. |
STORAGE_PROTOCOL_SPECIFIC_DATA Describes protocol-specific device data, provided in the input and output buffer of an IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request. |
STORAGE_SPEC_VERSION Storage specification version. |
STORAGE_TEMPERATURE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR This structure is used in conjunction with IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY to return temperature data from a storage device or adapter. |
STORAGE_TEMPERATURE_INFO Describes device temperature data. Returned as part of STORAGE_TEMPERATURE_DATA_DESCRIPTOR when querying for temperature data with an IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY request. |
STORAGE_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD This structure is used to set the over or under temperature threshold of a storage device (via IOCTL_STORAGE_SET_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD). |
STORAGE_WRITE_CACHE_PROPERTY Used with the IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY control code to retrieve information about a device's write cache property. |
TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION Contains the data that is associated with a transaction notification. |
TRANSACTION_NOTIFICATION_RECOVERY_ARGUMENT Indicates the transaction to be recovered. This structure is sent with a recovery notification. |
TXF_ID Represents a unique identifier within the context of the Resource Manager. |
TXF_LOG_RECORD_AFFECTED_FILE Contains information for a file that was affected by a transaction. |
TXF_LOG_RECORD_BASE Contains the basic record information. |
TXF_LOG_RECORD_TRUNCATE Contains the record for a truncate operation. |
TXF_LOG_RECORD_WRITE Contains the record for a write operation. |
TXFS_CREATE_MINIVERSION_INFO Contains the version information about the miniversion created by FSCTL_TXFS_CREATE_MINIVERSION. |
TXFS_GET_METADATA_INFO_OUT Contains the version information about the miniversion that is created. |
TXFS_GET_TRANSACTED_VERSION Contains the information about the base and latest versions of the specified file. |
TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES Contains a list of files locked by a transacted writer. |
TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTION_LOCKED_FILES_ENTRY Contains information about a locked transaction. |
TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS Contains a list of transactions. |
TXFS_LIST_TRANSACTIONS_ENTRY Contains information about a transaction. |
TXFS_MODIFY_RM Contains the information required when modifying log parameters and logging mode for a secondary resource manager. |
TXFS_QUERY_RM_INFORMATION Contains information about the resource manager (RM). |
TXFS_READ_BACKUP_INFORMATION_OUT Contains a Transactional NTFS (TxF) specific structure. This information should only be used when calling TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION. (TXFS_READ_BACKUP_INFORMATION_OUT) |
TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION The FSCTL_TXFS_SAVEPOINT_INFORMATION structure specifies the action to perform, and on which transaction. |
TXFS_TRANSACTION_ACTIVE_INFO Contains the flag that indicates whether transactions were active or not when a snapshot was taken. |
TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION Contains a Transactional NTFS (TxF) specific structure. This information should only be used when calling TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION. (TXFS_WRITE_BACKUP_INFORMATION) |
USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V0 Represents an update sequence number (USN) change journal, its records, and its capacity. (USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V0) |
USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V1 Represents an update sequence number (USN) change journal, its records, and its capacity.U |
USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V2 Represents an update sequence number (USN) change journal, its records, and its capacity. This structure is the output buffer for the FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL control code. |
USN_RANGE_TRACK_OUTPUT Contains returned update sequence number (USN) from FSCTL_USN_TRACK_MODIFIED_RANGES control code. |
USN_RECORD_COMMON_HEADER Contains the information for an update sequence number (USN) common header which is common through USN_RECORD_V2, USN_RECORD_V3 and USN_RECORD_V4. |
USN_RECORD_EXTENT Contains the offset and length for an update sequence number (USN) record extent. |
USN_RECORD_V2 Contains the information for an update sequence number (USN) change journal version 2.0 record. |
USN_RECORD_V3 Contains the information for an update sequence number (USN) change journal version 3.0 record. |
USN_RECORD_V4 Contains the information for an update sequence number (USN) change journal version 4.0 record. The version 2.0 and 3.0 records are defined by the USN_RECORD_V2 (also called USN_RECORD) and USN_RECORD_V3 structures respectively. |
USN_TRACK_MODIFIED_RANGES Contains information on range tracking parameters for an update sequence number (USN) change journal using the FSCTL_USN_TRACK_MODIFIED_RANGES control code. |
VERIFY_INFORMATION Contains information used to verify a disk extent. |
VOLUME_BITMAP_BUFFER Represents the occupied and available clusters on a disk. |
VOLUME_DISK_EXTENTS Represents a physical location on a disk. |
VOLUME_GET_GPT_ATTRIBUTES_INFORMATION Contains volume attributes retrieved with the IOCTL_VOLUME_GET_GPT_ATTRIBUTES control code. |
WIM_ENTRY_INFO Defines metadata specific to each WIM data source hosted on a volume. |
WIM_EXTERNAL_FILE_INFO Defines metadata specific to files provided by WOF_PROVIDER_WIM. |
WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA Contains attribute information for a file or directory. |
WIN32_FIND_DATAA Contains information about the file that is found by the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, or FindNextFile function. (ANSI) |
WIN32_FIND_DATAW Contains information about the file that is found by the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, or FindNextFile function. (Unicode) |
WIN32_FIND_STREAM_DATA Contains information about the stream found by the FindFirstStreamW or FindNextStreamW function. |
WOF_FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO_V1 Defines metadata specific to files provided by WOF_PROVIDER_FILE. |