Microsoft Azure PowerShell: Cmdletar för DesktopVirtualization
Disconnect-AzWvdUserSession |
Disconnect a userSession. |
Expand-AzWvdMsixImage |
Expands and Lists MSIX packages in an Image, given the Image Path. |
Get-AzWvdAppAttachPackage |
Get an app attach package. |
Get-AzWvdApplication |
Get an application. |
Get-AzWvdApplicationGroup |
Get an application group. |
Get-AzWvdDesktop |
Get a desktop. |
Get-AzWvdHostPool |
Get a host pool. |
Get-AzWvdHostPoolRegistrationToken |
Operation to list the RegistrationTokens associated with the HostPool |
Get-AzWvdMsixPackage |
Get a msixpackage. |
Get-AzWvdPrivateEndpointConnection |
Get a private endpoint connection. |
Get-AzWvdPrivateLinkResource |
List the private link resources available for this workspace. |
Get-AzWvdRegistrationInfo |
Get the Windows virtual desktop registration info. |
Get-AzWvdScalingPlan |
Get a scaling plan. |
Get-AzWvdScalingPlanPersonalSchedule |
Get a ScalingPlanPersonalSchedule. |
Get-AzWvdScalingPlanPooledSchedule |
Get a ScalingPlanPooledSchedule. |
Get-AzWvdSessionHost |
Get a session host. |
Get-AzWvdStartMenuItem |
List start menu items in the given application group. |
Get-AzWvdUserSession |
Get a userSession. |
Get-AzWvdWorkspace |
Get a workspace. |
Import-AzWvdAppAttachPackageInfo |
Gets information from a package given the path to the package. |
New-AzWvdAppAttachPackage |
create an App Attach package. |
New-AzWvdApplication |
create an application. |
New-AzWvdApplicationGroup |
create an applicationGroup. |
New-AzWvdHostPool |
create a host pool. |
New-AzWvdMsixPackage |
create a MSIX package. |
New-AzWvdRegistrationInfo |
Create Windows virtual desktop registration info. |
New-AzWvdScalingPlan |
create a scaling plan. |
New-AzWvdScalingPlanPersonalSchedule |
create a ScalingPlanPersonalSchedule. |
New-AzWvdScalingPlanPooledSchedule |
create a ScalingPlanPooledSchedule. |
New-AzWvdWorkspace |
create a workspace. |
Register-AzWvdApplicationGroup |
Register a Windows virtual desktop application group. |
Remove-AzWvdAppAttachPackage |
Remove an App Attach Package. |
Remove-AzWvdApplication |
Remove an application. |
Remove-AzWvdApplicationGroup |
Remove an applicationGroup. |
Remove-AzWvdHostPool |
Remove a host pool. |
Remove-AzWvdMsixPackage |
Remove an MSIX Package. |
Remove-AzWvdPrivateEndpointConnection |
Remove a connection. |
Remove-AzWvdRegistrationInfo |
Remove the Windows virtual desktop registration info. |
Remove-AzWvdScalingPlan |
Remove a scaling plan. |
Remove-AzWvdScalingPlanPersonalSchedule |
Remove a ScalingPlanPersonalSchedule. |
Remove-AzWvdScalingPlanPooledSchedule |
Remove a ScalingPlanPooledSchedule. |
Remove-AzWvdSessionHost |
Remove a SessionHost. |
Remove-AzWvdUserSession |
Remove a userSession. |
Remove-AzWvdWorkspace |
Remove a workspace. |
Send-AzWvdUserSessionMessage |
Send a message to a user. |
Unregister-AzWvdApplicationGroup |
Unregister the Windows virtual desktop application group. |
Update-AzWvdAppAttachPackage |
update an App Attach Package |
Update-AzWvdApplication |
update an application. |
Update-AzWvdApplicationGroup |
update an applicationGroup. |
Update-AzWvdDesktop |
update a desktop. |
Update-AzWvdHostPool |
update a host pool. |
Update-AzWvdMsixPackage |
update an MSIX Package. |
Update-AzWvdScalingPlan |
update a scaling plan. |
Update-AzWvdScalingPlanPersonalSchedule |
update a ScalingPlanPersonalSchedule. |
Update-AzWvdScalingPlanPooledSchedule |
update a ScalingPlanPooledSchedule. |
Update-AzWvdSessionHost |
update a session host. |
Update-AzWvdWorkspace |
update a workspace. |
Azure PowerShell