Limitations in SQL database in Microsoft Fabric (preview)

Applies to:SQL database in Microsoft Fabric

Current limitations in the SQL database in Fabric are listed in this page. This page is subject to change.

These limitations apply to SQL database in Fabric only. For the warehouse and SQL analytics endpoint items in Fabric Data Warehouse, see Limitations of Fabric Data Warehouse.


This feature is in preview.

Database level limitations

  • SQL database in Fabric does not support Change Data Capture (CDC) or Azure Synapse Link for SQL.
  • SQL Audit is not currently supported in SQL database in Fabric.
  • Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is not supported. SQL database in Fabric uses storage encryption with service-managed keys to protect all customer data at rest. Customer-managed keys are not supported.
  • In a trial capacity, you are limited to three databases. There is no limit on databases in other capacities.

Table level

  • A table primary key cannot be one of these data types: hierarchyid, sql_variant, timestamp.
  • If one or more columns in the table is of type Large Binary Object (LOB) with a size > 1 MB, the column data is truncated to size of 1 MB in Fabric OneLake.
  • Currently, tables cannot be in-memory tables.
  • Full-text indexing is not supported and cannot be created in SQL database in Microsoft Fabric.
  • The following table-level data definition language (DDL) operations aren't allowed:
    • Switch/Split/Merge partition
    • Partition compression

Column level

  • Column names for a SQL table cannot contain spaces nor the following characters: , ; { } ( ) \n \t =.

SQL analytics endpoint limitations 

The SQL analytics endpoint of the SQL database in Fabric works just like the Lakehouse SQL analytics endpoint. It is the same read-only experience.

Connection policy

Currently, the only supported connection policy for SQL database in Microsoft Fabric is Redirect. In the Redirect policy, clients establish connections directly to the node hosting the database, leading to reduced latency and improved throughput.

For connections to use this mode, clients need to:

  • Allow outbound communication from the client to all Azure SQL IP addresses in the region on ports in the range of 11000 to 11999. Use the Service Tags for SQL to make this easier to manage. Refer to the Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Public Cloud for a list of your region's IP addresses to allow.

  • Allow outbound communication from the client to Azure SQL gateway IP addresses on port 1433.

For more information, see Connectivity architecture - Connection policy.


SQL database in Fabric is available in most regions where Microsoft Fabric is available. For more information, see Fabric availability.


To enable SQL database in Fabric, it must be available in both the home region of your tenant and the capacity region. If you don't have the option to enable SQL database in Fabric in your capacity, check the home region of the tenant to ensure SQL database is available in that region.

Mirroring of SQL database in Fabric is available in Fabric regions that support mirroring.


For more limitations in specific areas, see: