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Pricing FAQ for the new Microsoft Purview Unified Catalog


The new pricing model for Microsoft Purview Data Governance goes into effect on January 6, 2025.

The new pricing model is substantially different from the old Azure Microsoft Purview pricing model. In the new Microsoft Purview Data Governance, there's no cost for scanning data assets into the data map, but there are charges for 'governed assets' and 'data management.'

When does the new pricing model go into effect?

The new pricing model will go into effect on January 6, 2025. The first bill will be received February 1, 2025.

Will I be charged for any data governance capabilities between until January 5, 2025?

Unified Catalog and data management in the new data governance catalog are free or won't be charged until January 5, 2025. However, to use data governance within this time period, you have to pay for the scan and data map, as you do in the current experience.

Will I be charged for scan and data map from January 6, 2025?

As the new business model for data governance goes live, scan and data map costs will be zeroed out starting January 6, 2025. Because the scan meter also triggers self-hosted integration runtime (SHIR), managed vnet and private endpoints, you don't see these triggering more meters either.

Is the asset counting done at a monthly level or daily level?

Assets are counted on a daily basis. Each day we count unique governed assets. If you ungovern any assets mid month, the right asset count is picked for the day and multiplied by unique governed assets per day.

I have a single data product with three data assets attached. Am I charged for each data asset for 30 days?

Correct, when attaching three data assets to a data product, you're charged for each data asset each day.

I have the same data asset attached to both a data product and a critical data element, how am I charged?

You aren't charged for a data asset attached to both a data product and a critical data element. We charge for a data asset once.

I scanned 10 data assets and only 3 are attached to data products, how is it charged?

You're charged for the three data assets attached to the data product. You aren't charged for the remaining seven data assets in the data map.

If I use the classic glossary in the data map and attach classic glossary terms to a data asset, am I charged?

Assets with classic glossary terms attached to them aren't charged.

If I attach a SQL server (with 200 tables in it) to a data product, how many governed assets am I charged for?

You're charged for a single asset as governed asset for a SQL server with many tables. Children won't be counted since the intent is to govern the server as a whole. Although we recommend putting an individual table or a selected group of tables in a data product, so the experience is more curated and meaningful. If the data product is data consumer facing, then limited data consumers would want access to a data product with 200 tables.

If I attach a Power BI semantic model into a data product that has 200 tables, and then I intentionally hand-pick 10 tables to be part of the data product, then how many assets do I get charged for?

If the semantic model is still attached to the data product, we charge it as a single asset. If you have picked five tables to be attached to the data product, removing the semantic model we charge for the five tables only.

If only the asset type attached is counted as a governed asset (meaning a Power BI dataset or semantic model is a governed asset), will that restrict me from using the child table for data quality rule setup?

No. Counting assets for billing is separate from user experience and setup of data quality scans. We count the semantic model as a governed asset. When a data quality scan is set up, it separately accrues billing towards the data management processing unit meter.

Can I run data quality rules on a semantic model or its individual tables and columns?

Data quality runs are set on columns of tables within data products or on a critical data element (CDE) directly.

What type of billing transparency will I be able to see?

There are plans to create a Data Governance Admin view of how much is being billed for data governance usage. For example, N# of jobs using Y# of processing units. Based on the processing units, you can decide if you're over-using, under-using, or if there are opportunities to optimize data quality rules.

What guardrails exist to manage cost overruns?

There will be the Data Governance Admin view, and we'll also provide alerting mechanisms when charges cross a certain threshold. It's a future roadmap item, and to be made available in Q1, CY2025.

Is there a feature to estimate cost for different jobs?

We have a cost estimation feature on our roadmap. The first area is to give you clarity on usage based on the last week of so. Azure cost management app can be used to view resource usage and projections. The second area is to provide granularity at the data management rule level, which is on the roadmap.

Are there tools and guidance to help us estimate costs with the new pricing model?

We're working on a directional pricing calculator that helps with rough estimation of their total cost of ownership. ETA for release is January 6, 2025.

Is there a free trial available to understand spending?

We don’t have a free trial for the product today. However, after we announce GA on September 1, 2024, you won’t be billed for the new Unified Catalog and data management (data quality and data health management) until January 6, 2025. Until January 5, 2025, you can test and create estimations.

Is there a volume discount?

Volume based discounts aren't available on January 6, 2025. Based on usage at scale, we can work on volume-based pricing for future releases.

Is there a way to separate costs for charge back purposes at the governance domain level? If so, what exactly is included in these costs?

To rephrase the question, can you separate cost per governed asset at the governance domain level, and data management processing unit charges per governance domain? You can't currently separate cost by governance domain. We're working on a consumption report to be available to the data governance admin and governance admins. In the report, we intend to provide total governed assets by domain and data governance processing units consumed by governance domain. This should enable you to see volume of use by meter types and use that to charge back within their organization.

What cost reporting will be available s before January 6, 2025, and where will this be accessible in the solution to view?

We don't have a cost report available for you until we release usage report.

What meters are zeroed out from the classic Microsoft Purview Unified Catalog?

5 meters are zeroed out from the classic Microsoft Purview Unified Catalog in the following areas:

  • Data map population - Scanning including SHIR
  • Data map enrichment - Insights Generation, Data map capacity units, Advanced resource sets
  • Data map consumption - including insights consumption

Does Advanced Resource Set meter zero out for me?

Advanced resource set meter is zeroed out for current users. This feature is not offered as part of MS Purview, so the meter becomes ineffective.

What is the cost for using the AI features currently in preview?

Here are the AI features currently available in preview and you can find more details in the Microsoft Purview Unified Catalog Responsible AI FAQ.

  • Natural language data product search (public preview)
  • Data asset suggestions for data product (public preview)
  • Data quality rule recommender for data asset (public preview)
  • Glossary term suggestion for business domain (private preview)

These preview AI features are available for free for a limited time. To disable these AI features in preview, contact Microsoft Support.