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Share agents with other users

You can share your agents with others in either of the following ways:

  • Grant security groups, or your whole organization, permission to chat with the agent.
  • Invite users to collaborate on your agent project. Collaborators always have permission to chat with the agent.


  • User authentication for the agent must be configured to Authenticate manually, with Azure Active Directory or Microsoft Entra ID as the provider.
  • Required user sign-in must be enabled to manage who can chat with the agent in your organization.

Share an agent for chat

Collaborators, who have authoring permissions for a shared agent, can always chat with it. However, you can also grant users permission to chat with an agent in Copilot Studio without granting them authoring permissions.

To grant users permission to only chat with the agent, you can either:

  • Share your agent with a security group.
  • Share your agent with everyone in your organization.


When sharing an agent for chat you can't share it with:

  • Microsoft 365 groups.
  • Individual users directly. To manage individual user access, add or remove users from the security group.
  • To author agents in Copilot Studio, makers need at least the Environment Maker role. The Bot Author role is deprecated. When a maker shares an agent for co-authoring, the other user is granted the Bot Contributor and Environment Maker roles. Users in these roles can only access agents they created or that have been shared with them. Additionally, makers must have the prvAssignRole privilege, included in the System Administrator and System Customizer roles, to share an agent for co-authoring. If the new co-author holds the Environment Maker role, the original maker doesn't need the prvAssignRole privilege.

Share an agent with security groups

You can share an agent with security groups so their members can chat with it.

  1. Open the agent you want to share in Copilot Studio.

  2. On the top menu bar, select the More icon () and then select Share.

  3. Enter the name of every security group that you would like to share the agent with.

  4. Review the permissions for each security group.

  5. If you want to let the users know you shared the agent with them, select Send an email invitation to new users.


    Users can only receive an email invitation if their security group has email enabled. Alternatively, select Copy link and then share the link directly with the users to inform them they can now chat with your agent.

  6. Select Share to share the agent with the security groups you specified.

Share an agent with everyone in the organization

You can share your agent to allow everyone in the same organization as the agent to chat with it.

  1. Open the agent you want to share in Copilot Studio.

  2. On the top menu bar, select the More icon () and then select Share.

  3. Select Everyone in <OrganizationName> (where <OrganizationName> is your organization's name).

  4. Select User - can use the agent.


    Copilot Studio doesn't send email invitations to everyone in an organization. You can select Copy link and then share the link directly with the users to inform them they can now chat with your agent.

  5. Select Share to share the agent with everyone in the organization.

Share an agent for collaborative authoring

Sharing an agent with individual users gives them permission to view, edit, configure, share, and publish the agent. They can't delete the agent.


You can only share an agent with users who have a Microsoft Copilot Studio per user license. Users who don't have a license can sign up for a free trial.

  1. Open the agent you want to share in Copilot Studio.

  2. On the top menu bar, select the More icon () and then select Share.

  3. Enter the name or email address of each user that you would like to share the agent with.


    When sharing an agent for collaborative authoring you can only share it with individual users in your organization.

  4. Review the permissions for each user.

  5. If you want to let your new collaborators know you shared the agent with them, select Send an email invitation to new users.

  6. Select Share to share the agent with the users you specified.


If a user wasn't already a member of the environment for the shared agent, it can take up to 10 minutes before the agent becomes available in Copilot Studio for this user.

Collaborate on agents

After you shared an agent with other users, they can all edit its topics.

On the Topics page, the Editing column shows who's working on topics. Select a person's icon to quickly chat with them in Teams or send them an email.

This information can help prevent conflicts when multiple authors are working on the same topic.


The list of authors in the Editing column is only refreshed when the page is loaded.

When a topic is open for editing, icons at the top of the authoring canvas also show who's currently working on this topic.

If an author doesn't make any changes to the topic, disconnects their computer, or closes the browser window, they're considered to have abandoned the topic. After 30 minutes of inactivity, the user isn't identified as editing the topic.

Occasionally, multiple authors might make changes to a topic and attempt to save their changes concurrently. For example, you might open and start editing a topic. Your coworker opens the same topic, makes a small change, and saves it. Then, when you've finished editing the topic, and attempt to save it, Copilot Studio detects a conflict. When a conflict happens Copilot Studio prevents you from overwriting your coworker's changes, by offering you two options:

  • Select Discard changes to reload your agent with the latest changes (discarding your work).
  • Select Save copy to save a copy of the topic (keeping your changes in a copy of the topic).

If you save your changes as a new topic, you can then review your coworker's changes, merge the two topics, and delete the copy once you're done.

Stop sharing an agent

You can stop sharing an agent with individual users, a security group, or everyone in your organization.

Stop sharing with security groups

  1. On the top menu bar, select the More icon () and then select Share.

  2. Select the X icon next to each security group you want to stop sharing the agent with.

  3. Select Share to stop sharing the agent with these security groups.

Stop sharing with everyone in the organization

  1. On the top menu bar, select the More icon () and then select Share.

  2. Select Everyone in <OrganizationName> (where <OrganizationName> is your organization's name).

  3. Select None.

  4. Select Share to stop sharing the agent with everyone in the organization.

Stop sharing an agent with individual users

You can stop sharing an agent with a user, and any shared user can stop the agent from being shared with other users, except for the owner. Owners always have access to their agents.

  1. On the top menu bar, select the More icon () and then select Share.

  2. Select the X icon next to each user you want to stop sharing the agent with.

  3. Select Share to stop sharing the agent with these users.

Share Power Automate flows used in an agent

You can add actions to an agent using flows in Power Automate. However, sharing an agent doesn't automatically share the flows in the agent.

Users who don't have access to flows in a shared agent can still run these flows by using the Test panel in Copilot Studio.

Test your agents to make sure users who chat with them have the required permissions to run the Power Automate flows.

To let other users edit or add flows, you must share them in Power Automate. You can open flows directly from the topic where the flow is used.

  1. Select View flow details to go to the flow's details page in Power Automate.

    Highlight of the view flow details on a flow in a topic.

  2. Select Edit in the Owners section.

    Select the Edit link.

  3. Enter the name or email address of the user you want to give editing permissions to.

Assign environment security roles

If you're a System Administrator, you can assign and manage environment security roles when sharing an agent.

The Environment security roles section shows when you share an agent and only if you're a System Administrator. It lets you share agents with users who don't have sufficient environment permissions to use Copilot Studio.

You must be a System Administrator of the environment where the agent is located to view and add security roles.


You can only assign security roles when sharing an agent. You can't remove security roles when sharing. For full security role management, use the Power Platform admin center.

Learn more about security roles and predefined security roles in the Power Platform admin documentation.

Assign the Environment Maker security role during agent sharing

When sharing an agent, if a user doesn't have sufficient permissions to use Copilot Studio in the environment, you're notified that the Environment Maker security role is assigned to the user so they can use the agent.

Assign the Transcript Viewer security role during agent sharing

When sharing an agent, you can assign the Transcript Viewer security role to users who don't have conversation transcript access.

Depending on the content and target audience of the agent, consider granting transcript access only to users who have the appropriate privacy training.


Conversation transcript access is managed by environment security roles. After assigning the Transcript Viewer security role to a user, that user can access conversation transcripts for all agents that they create or are shared with them in the environment.

By default, only admins have the Transcript Viewer role. We recommend you create a new environment for your agents to control which users can view conversation transcripts.

Insufficient environment permissions

Users in an environment must have the Environment Maker security role before an agent can be shared with them.

A system administrator for the environment must assign the Environment Maker security role to a user before you share an agent with them. If you have the System Administrator security role, you can assign the Environment Maker role to users when you share agents.

Learn more about security roles and predefined security roles.

Manage security roles

You can manage environment security roles at the Power Platform admin center.