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Encodian - PDF

Extensive features for the manipulation and creation of PDF documents

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Standard All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Standard All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Encodian Support
URL https://support.encodian.com
Email support@encodian.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Encodian
Website https://www.encodian.com
Privacy policy https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010885513-Privacy-Policy
Categories Content and Files;Collaboration

Encodian 'Flowr' PDF for Power Automate

The 'Encodian Flowr PDF' connector provide enterprise grade and simple to use Power Automate actions creating, merging, splitting and manipulating PDF documents.

The Encodian 'Flowr' PDF connector is supported by Power Automate, Azure Logic Apps and Power Apps.

Register Account

An Encodian subscription is required to use the Encodian 'Flowr' PDF connector.

Complete the sign-up form to register for a 30-day trial and obtain an API Key

Click here for a step by step guide on how to create an Encodian connection in Power Automate


Contact Encodian Support to request assistance

Encodian action documentation can be found here, and example flows can be found here

Further Information

Visit Encodian website for subscription plan pricing.

Once your 30-day trial expires, your Encodian subscription is automatically transitioned to Encodian's 'Free' subscription tier unless a paid plan has been purchased.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, connection is shared as well. For more information, please see the Connectors overview for canvas apps - Power Apps | Microsoft Docs

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring Get an API Key - https://www.encodian.com/apikey/ True
Region string

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


PDF - Add Attachments

Add one or more attachments to the PDF file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/8087678202653

PDF - Add HTML Header or Footer

Add a HTML header, footer or both to the specified PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360013808614

PDF - Add Image Watermark

Add an image watermark to the specified PDF document using the standard options - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012484094

PDF - Add Image Watermark (Advanced)

Add an image watermark to the specified PDF document using the standard options - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012485874

PDF - Add Page Numbers

Add page numbers to the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360014464534

PDF - Add Text Watermark

Add a text watermark to the specified PDF document using the standard options - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012230494

PDF - Add Text Watermark (Advanced)

Add a text watermark to the specified PDF document using the advanced options - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012345813

PDF - Apply OCR (AI)

Perform OCR on an existing PDF document using AI - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14286080106908

PDF - Apply OCR (Standard)

Perform OCR on an existing PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012686653

PDF - Compress

Compress and optimise a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360019994857-Compress-PDF

PDF - Delete Pages

Delete specified pages from the pdf file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13690317983132/

PDF - Extract Attachments

Extract attachments from the PDF provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9896328763932

PDF - Extract Form Data

Extract PDF form data from a PDF Form - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360035107433

PDF - Extract Images

Extract images from PDF using specified pages - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15865358154268

PDF - Extract Images from Regions

Extract images from PDF using specified regions - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360006998058

PDF - Extract Metadata

Extract PDF Metadata information from the PDF docucment provided (Number of Pages, File Size + more) - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360002949358

PDF - Extract Pages

Extract specified pages from the pdf file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13958097048732

PDF - Extract Pages by Text

Extract pages which contain the specified text value from the pdf file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15848695360028

PDF - Extract Table Data

Extract structured table data from the PDF docucment provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15064945594268

PDF - Extract Text

Extract the text layer from the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360015539373

PDF - Extract Text from Regions

Extract text using OCR from 70+ files types using specified regions - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360015612353

PDF - Fill Form

Fill the PDF Form provided with the JSON data provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360008556077

PDF - Flatten

Flatten a PDF document or PDF form - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4416473033105

PDF - Flatten Fields

Flatten specified fields in the PDF file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15846471073180

PDF - Insert HTML

Insert the HTML provided into a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011784354

PDF - Insert Table of Contents

Insert a 'Table of Contents' into the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/16455983120028

PDF - Linearize

Linearize the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/16502159981852

PDF - Merge Files

Convert and merge an array of files to a single PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360014632213

PDF - Merge Specific Files

Convert and merge the files provided to a single PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011886173

PDF - Redact

Apply the specified redactions to the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018607954

PDF - Remove Watermarks

Remove specified watermark(s) from the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7751328751645

PDF - Repair

Repair a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4418809972753

PDF - Replace Text

Find and replace text contained within a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15962260285980

PDF - Replace Text with Image

Find and replace text contained within a PDF document with an image - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15083146797084

PDF - Resize

Resize a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/12292028562588

PDF - Rotate Pages

Rotate specified pages of the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14798407011356

PDF - Secure

Encrypt and protect a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011330134-Secure-PDF-Document

PDF - Set Metadata

Set the metadata of the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15925135243292

PDF - Set Privileges

Set the privledges assigned to the PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011337094

PDF - Sign

Apply a digital signature to the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7117159708189

PDF - Split

Split a PDF Document into multiple PDF Documents - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360002953277

PDF - Split by Barcode

Split a PDF Document by Barcode, returning multiple PDF Documents - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360013629457

PDF - Split by Text

Split a PDF Document by text into multiple PDF Documents - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012726397

PDF - Unlock

Decrypt and remove password protection from a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360003714237

PDF - Update Hyperlinks

Find and replace hyperlinks contained within the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7437413638301

PDF - Validate Text Layer

Validate whether a text layer is present within the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14453068327196

PDF - Add Attachments

Add one or more attachments to the PDF file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/8087678202653


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

fileName string

The filename of the file

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the file


Add a HTML header, footer or both to the specified PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360013808614


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

HTML Header / Footer
htmlHeaderFooter True string

The HTML to embed as a header or footer within the document

htmlHeaderFooterLocation True string

Set whether the HTML should be added to the header, footer of both locations.

Skip First Page
skipFirstPage boolean

Set whether to ignore the first page when the header / footers are added.

Top Margin
marginTop double

Set the top margin value (mm).

Bottom Margin
marginBottom double

Set the bottom margin value (mm).

Right Margin
marginRight double

Set the right margin value (mm).

Left Margin
marginLeft double

Set the left margin value (mm).

Apply To
applyTo string

Set which pages within the PDF document to apply the HTML header or footer.

Page Numbers
pageNumbers array of integer

Specify the page numbers where the HTML header or footer should be applied, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Ignore Page Numbers
ignorePageNumbers array of integer

Specify the page numbers where the HTML header or footer should not applied, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
finalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Add Image Watermark

Add an image watermark to the specified PDF document using the standard options - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012484094


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Watermark Filename
watermarkFilename True string

The filename for the watermark image file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.jpg' and not 'file'

Watermark File Content
watermarkFileContent True byte

The content of the watermark image file

Skip First Page
skipFirstPage boolean

Set whether to skip applying the watermark to the first page.

Orientation string

The orientation of the image to embed as a watermark within the document

Opacity float

The opacity of the text watermark, valid values range from 0.0+ to 1.0, the default value is 0.7

Watermark ID
watermarkId integer

Override and manually set an identifier for the applied watermark

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Align Image
alignImage boolean

Assure that the image provided is aligned to the EXIF orientation tags


PDF - Add Image Watermark (Advanced)

Add an image watermark to the specified PDF document using the standard options - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012485874


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Watermark Filename
watermarkFilename True string

The filename for the watermark image file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.jpg' and not 'file'

Watermark File Content
watermarkFileContent True byte

The content of the watermark image file

Skip First Page
skipFirstPage boolean

Set whether to skip applying the watermark to the first page.

Apply To
applyTo string

Set where in the document to apply the watermark.

Page Numbers
pageNumbers array of integer

Specify the page numbers where the watermark should be applied, this only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Ignore Page Numbers
ignorePageNumbers array of integer

Specify the page numbers where the watermark should not applied, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Watermark Opacity
opacity float

The opacity of the text watermark, valid values range from 0.0+ to 1.0, the default value is 0.7

Rotation Angle
rotationAngle float

Set the rotation angle of the image watermark in degrees.

quality integer

Set the quality of the image watermark from 1 to 100.

X Offset
imageXOffset float

Set the X offset for positioning the watermark image on the page.

Y Offset
imageYOffSet float

Set the Y offset for positioning the watermark image on the page.

scale float

Set the multiple to either reduce (less than 1.0) or increase the size of the image (greater than 1.0), for example: 1.2 is equal to 120%, and 0.7 is equal to 70%.

Add to Background
addToBackground boolean

If set to 'true' the watermark image will be added to the background of the page.

Watermark ID
watermarkId integer

Override and manually set an identifier for the applied watermark

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Align Image
alignImage boolean

Assure that the image provided is aligned to the EXIF orientation tags


PDF - Add Page Numbers

Add page numbers to the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360014464534


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Start Page
StartPage integer

Set which page to start adding page number(s) from.

Start Number
StartNumber integer

Set the starting number for the page number(s) added to the document.

Page Number Format
PageNumberFormat string

Set the format of the page number(s) added to the document, where [PageNumber] is replaced by the current page number and [TotalPages] is replaced by the total number of pages.

Horizontal Alignment
HorizontalAlignment string

Set the horizontal alignment of the page number(s) added to the document, the default value is Center.

Custom Number Format
CustomNumberFormat string

Set a custom number format, for example '{0:00000}' would generate 00001

Margin - Top
MarginTop double

Set the top margin value (pt). The default value is set to 20.

Margin - Right
MarginRight double

Set the right margin value(pt). The default value is set to 20.

Margin - Bottom
MarginBottom double

Set the bottom margin value (pt). The default value is set to 20.

Margin - Left
MarginLeft double

Set the left margin value (pt). The default value is set to 20.

Add to Background
AddToBackground boolean

Set whether the page number(s) should be added to top or bottom layer of the PDF document. The default setting (false) adds the page number(s) to the top layer.

Font string
Font Colour
FontColour string

Set the HTML colour of the font, the default colour is set to #000000.

Font Size
FontSize integer

Set the size of the font, the default size is set to 14.

Opacity float

Set the opacity of the page number(s), valid values range from 0.0+ to 1.0, the default value is 1.0

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Add Text Watermark

Add a text watermark to the specified PDF document using the standard options - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012230494


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Text True string

The text to embed as a watermark within the document

Skip First Page
skipFirstPage boolean

Set whether to skip applying the watermark to the first page.

Orientation string

The orientation of the text to embed as a watermark within the document

Font string

The font applied to the text watermark, the default font is set to Arial.

Text Colour
TextColour string

The HTML colour applied to the text watermark, the default colour is set to #E81123.

Text Size
TextSize integer

The size of the font applied to the text watermark, the default size is set to 34.

Opacity float

The opacity of the text watermark, valid values range from 0.0+ to 1.0, the default value is 1.0

Watermark ID
watermarkId integer

Override and manually set an identifier for the applied watermark

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Add Text Watermark (Advanced)

Add a text watermark to the specified PDF document using the advanced options - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012345813


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Text True string

The text to embed as a watermark within the document. Add carriage return control characters (backslash r) to manually split text onto new lines.

Skip First Page
skipFirstPage boolean

Set whether to skip applying the watermark to the first page.

Apply To
ApplyTo string

Set where in the document to apply the watermark.

Page Numbers
pageNumbers array of integer

Specify the page numbers where the watermark should be applied, this proporty only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Ignore Page Numbers
ignorePageNumbers array of integer

Specify the page numbers where the watermark should not applied, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Font string

The font applied to the text watermark, the default font is set to Arial.

Text Colour
TextColour string

The HTML colour applied to the text watermark, the default colour is set to #E81123.

Text Size
TextSize integer

The size of the font applied to the text watermark, the default size is set to 34.

Opacity float

The opacity of the text watermark, valid values range from 0.0+ to 1.0, the default value is 1.0

Encoding Type
EncodingType string

The encoding type to apply to the text watermark.

Horizontal Alignment
HorizontalAlignment string

Set the horizontal alignment of the watermark, the default value is Center.

Vertical Alignment
VerticalAlignment string

Set the vertical alignment of the watermark, the default value is Center.

Text Alignment
TextAlignment string

Set the text alignment of the watermark, the default value is Center.

Rotation Angle
RotationAngle float

Set the rotation angle of the text watermark.

Text Wrap
TextWrap boolean

Set whether the text watermark should automatically wrap.

Text Wrap Row Width
TextWrapRowWidth double

Set the row width applied when the watermark is set to automatically wrap.

Auto Scale
AutoScale boolean

Set the whether the text should be automatically sized to fit the width of the container.

Auto Scale Text Width
AutoScaleWidth double

Set the width of the watermark container when automatic scaling is enabled.

Auto Scale Text Height
AutoScaleHeight double

Set the height of the watermark container when automatic scaling is enabled.

Text Layer
TextLayer boolean

Set whether the watermark should be added to the top or bottom layer. If 'True' the watermark is added to the bottom layer.

Y Indent
YIndent double

Set the vertical watermark indent, starting from the bottom and overriding the VerticalAlignment property.

X Indent
XIndent double

Set the horizontal watermark indent, starting from the left and overriding the HorizontalAlignment property.

Apply as an Image
watermarkApplyAsImage boolean

Set whether the text watermark should be added as text or an image.

Watermark ID
watermarkId integer

Override and manually set an identifier for the applied watermark

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Apply OCR (AI)

Perform OCR on an existing PDF document using AI - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14286080106908


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source file

Adjust Brightness and Contrast
adjustBrightnessContrast boolean

This action analyzes a document and automatically adjusts brightness and contrast based on the analysis.

Average Filter
averageFilter boolean

Performs a 3x3 Average filter smoothing operation on the document, placing the output in the center of the window.

binarize boolean

Computes all necessary parameters by analyzing the input data before actually performing the binarization. The algorithm is tuned to typical document images, consisting of dark text on brighter background. It is robust to shadows, noise and background images.

deskew boolean

Detects the skew angle and rotates to remove that skew.

despeckle boolean

Automatically detects speckles and removes them.

Image Detergent
imageDetergent boolean

Image Detergent works by changing pixels of similar color values to a central color value, which has the result of smoothing the image wherever regions of those colors appear.

Remove Border
removeBorder boolean

Locates border pixels and removes the pixels from the document,this is disabled by default.

Remove Dot Shading
removeDotShading boolean

This action will remove shaded regions from bitonal documents.

Remove Hole Punch
removeHolePunch boolean

Detects and removes hole punch marks from a bitonal document.

rotate boolean

Automatically detects orientation and rotates it so that the text on it is upright oriented

Rotate Confidence Level
rotateConfidenceLevel integer

Sets the minimum confidence percentage (0 to 100) used to control whether the rotation is applied, the default value is 60.

Smooth Background
smoothBackground boolean

This works only on color and grayscale documents. This operation smoothes background colors to eliminate or de-emphasize noise.

Smooth Objects
smoothObjects boolean

This only works on bitonal documents, it looks at groups of pixels, and finds isolated bumps and pits in the edges of those objects, and fills them in.


PDF - Apply OCR (Standard)

Perform OCR on an existing PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012686653


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
FileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

ocrLanguage string

Select the language used for OCR processing

OCR Type
ocrType string

Select the OCR processing type, the 'Fast' option reduces processing time with possible minor loss of OCR accuracy - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012686653-OCR-a-PDF-Document

PDF/A Compliant
pdfaCompliance boolean

Set PDF/A Compliance option

PDF/A Compliance Level
pdfaComplianceLevel string

Set the PDF/A Compliance Level, the default value is PDF_A_2A.

Clean Operations
cleanUpType string

Perform document clean-up operations, the default option will auto rotate, auto deskew and auto despeckle the document.

AutoRotate boolean

Automatically detects orientation and rotates it so that the text on it is upright oriented

Rotate Confidence Level
AutoRotateConfidenceLevel integer

Sets the minimum confidence percentage (0 to 100) used to control whether the rotation is applied, the default value is 60.

Deskew boolean

Detects the skew angle and rotates to remove that skew.

Despeckle boolean

Automatically detects speckles and removes them.

Adjust Brightness and Contrast
AdjustBrightnessContrast boolean

This action analyzes a document and automatically adjusts brightness and contrast based on the analysis.

Remove Border
RemoveBorder boolean

Locates border pixels and removes the pixels from the document,this is disabled by default.

Smooth Background
SmoothBackground boolean

This works only on color and grayscale documents. This operation smoothes background colors to eliminate or de-emphasize noise.

Smooth Objects
SmoothObjects boolean

This only works on bitonal documents, it looks at groups of pixels, and finds isolated bumps and pits in the edges of those objects, and fills them in.

Remove Dot Shading
RemoveDotShading boolean

This action will remove shaded regions from bitonal documents.

Image Detergent
ImageDetergent boolean

Image Detergent works by changing pixels of similar color values to a central color value, which has the result of smoothing the image wherever regions of those colors appear.

Average Filter
ApplyAverageFilter boolean

Performs a 3x3 Average filter smoothing operation on the document, placing the output in the center of the window.

Remove Hole Punch
RemoveHolePunch boolean

Detects and removes hole punch marks from a bitonal document.

Binarize boolean

Computes all necessary parameters by analyzing the input data before actually performing the binarization. The algorithm is tuned to typical document images, consisting of dark text on brighter background. It is robust to shadows, noise and background images.

Remove Blank Pages
RemoveBlankPages boolean

Set whether blank pages should be removed from the PDF document.

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Compress

Compress and optimise a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360019994857-Compress-PDF


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Compress Images
compressImages boolean

Contained images will be compressed, aligned to the value of the 'Image Quality' property

Image Quality
imageQuality integer

Sets the quality for compressed images: 1 > 100

Max Resolution
maxResolution integer

Specifies the maximum resolution of images (dpi), if the image has a higher resolution it will be scaled dynamically.

Resize Images
resizeImages boolean

If 'Compress Images' and 'Resize Images' are enabled, images will be resized where the image resolution is greater than the specified 'Max Resolution' property.

Remove Private Info
removePrivateInfo boolean

Remove private information from the PDF document, i.e. page piece information.

Remove Unused Objects
removeUnusedObjects boolean

Remove all unused objects (i.e. objects which do not have a reference) are removed from PDF document.

Remove Unused Streams
removeUnusedStreams boolean

Remove all unused resources from the PDF document.

Link Duplicate Streams
linkDuplicateStreams boolean

Link duplicate streams and store them as a single object. This can decrease document size in some cases (for example, where the same document was merged multiple times).

Allow Reuse Page Content
allowReusePageContent boolean

Page contents will be reused when the PDF document is optimized for equal pages.

Unembed Fonts
unembedFonts boolean

Remove all embedded fonts. The document size will decrease but the document may become unreadable if the correct font is not installed on the user's machine.

Flatten Annotations
flattenAnnotations boolean

Flatten all annotations contained within the PDF document.

Delete Annotations
deleteAnnotations boolean

Delete all annotations contained within the PDF document.

Flatten Fields
flattenFields boolean

Flatten all fields contained within the PDF document (AcroForms only).


PDF - Delete Pages

Delete specified pages from the pdf file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13690317983132/


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Start Page
StartPage integer

Set the page number to begin deleting pages from

End Page
EndPage integer

Set the page number to stop deleting pages on. The default value is set to the last page of the PDF document provided

Page Numbers
pageNumbers string

A comma separated list of page numbers of the pages to delete: 1,3,4


PDF - Extract Attachments

Extract attachments from the PDF provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9896328763932


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file


PDF - Extract Form Data

Extract PDF form data from a PDF Form - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360035107433


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
FileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Operation ID
OperationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Extract Images

Extract images from PDF using specified pages - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15865358154268


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

mode string

Set the image extraction mode (Document or Resources)

Start Page
startPage integer

Set the page number to begin extracting images from. By default the first page will be selected

End Page
endPage integer

Set the page number to stop extracting images on. By default the last page will be selected

Page Numbers
pageNumbers string

A comma separated list of page numbers which images should be extracted from: 1,3,4


PDF - Extract Images from Regions

Extract images from PDF using specified regions - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360006998058


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
FileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Name string

The name assigned to the extracted image

Lower Left X Coordinate
LowerLeftXCoordinate True double

The number of points from the left edge of the page to the lower left corner of the rectangle image region

Lower Left Y Coordinate
LowerLeftYCoordinate True double

The number of points from the bottom edge of the page to the lower left corner of the rectangle image region

Upper Right X Coordinate
UpperRightXCoordinate True double

The number of points from the left edge of the page to the upper right corner of the rectangle image region

Upper Right Y Coordinate
UpperRightYCoordinate True double

The number of points from the bottom edge of the page to the upper right corner of the rectangle image region

Page Number
PageNumber True integer

The number of the page to extract the image from

ImageType True string
Extract Entire Page
ExtractEntirePage True boolean

Extract the specified page as an image, ignoring and specificed coodinates

Resolution True integer

The resolution of the extracted image

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Extract Metadata

Extract PDF Metadata information from the PDF docucment provided (Number of Pages, File Size + more) - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360002949358


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file


PDF - Extract Pages

Extract specified pages from the pdf file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13958097048732


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Start Page
StartPage integer

Set the page number to begin extracting pages from

End Page
EndPage integer

Set the page number to stop extracting pages on. The default value is set to the last page of the PDF document provided

Page Numbers
pageNumbers string

A comma separated list of page numbers of the pages to extract: 1,3,4


PDF - Extract Pages by Text

Extract pages which contain the specified text value from the pdf file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15848695360028


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Search Value
searchValue True string

Specify either a text value or a regular expression

Is Expression
isExpression boolean

Set whether the 'Search Value' should be evaluated as a regular expression, the default value is 'false'

Page Numbers
pageNumbers string

A comma-separated string of the pages which should searched for the 'Search Value'. By default, all pages will be searched


PDF - Extract Table Data

Extract structured table data from the PDF docucment provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15064945594268


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

extract string

Specify the table to extract

Start Page
startPage integer

Optional - Specifies the page number to start extracting pages from

End Page
endPage integer

Optional - Specifies the page number to stop extracting pages on

Table Index
tableIndex integer

Optional - If 'Extract' is set to 'Custom', specify the index of the table to extract

Has Header Row
hasHeaderRow boolean

Set whether the first row is a header row


PDF - Extract Text

Extract the text layer from the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360015539373


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
FileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Start Page
StartPage integer

Sets the page number to begin text layer extraction from.

End Page
EndPage integer

Sets the page number to end text layer extraction from. The default value is set to the last page of the PDF document provided.

Encoding Type
TextEncodingType string

The encoding type used for text extraction.

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Extract Text from Regions

Extract text using OCR from 70+ files types using specified regions - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360015612353


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
FileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Name True string

The name assigned to the text region

Lower Left X Coordinate
LowerLeftXCoordinate True double

The number of points from the left edge of the page to the lower left corner of the rectangle text region

Lower Left Y Coordinate
LowerLeftYCoordinate True double

The number of points from the bottom edge of the page to the lower left corner of the rectangle text region

Upper Right X Coordinate
UpperRightXCoordinate True double

The number of points from the left edge of the page to the upper right corner of the rectangle text region

Upper Right Y Coordinate
UpperRightYCoordinate True double

The number of points from the bottom edge of the page to the upper right corner of the rectangle text region

Page Number
Page Number True integer
Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Fill Form

Fill the PDF Form provided with the JSON data provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360008556077


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
FileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Form Data
formData True string

The JSON data to populate with the PDF Form with.


PDF - Flatten

Flatten a PDF document or PDF form - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4416473033105


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file


PDF - Flatten Fields

Flatten specified fields in the PDF file provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15846471073180


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Field Names
fieldNames string

A comma-separated string of the field names of the fields which are to be flattened

Page Numbers
pageNumbers string

A comma-separated string of page numbers which contain fields which are to be flattened


PDF - Insert HTML

Insert the HTML provided into a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011784354


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

htmlData True string

The HTML which will be inserted into the PDF document

HTML Insert Location
htmlInsertLocation string

Set where within the PDF provided, the HTML data should be inserted, the default value is Prepend.

Page Number
htmlInsertLocationPage integer

Set a specific page location to insert the HTML data into.

Page Orientation
pageOrientation string

Set page oprientation (Landscape or portrait).

Page Size
pageSize string

Set the page size for the output PDF document, A4 is the default size.

viewPort string

Set the viewport used to render the HTML.

Top Margin
MarginTop double

Set the top margin value (mm)

Bottom Margin
MarginBottom double

Set the bottom margin value (mm)

Right Margin
MarginRight double

Set the right margin value (mm)

Left Margin
MarginLeft double

Set the left margin value (mm)

Decode HTML Data
decodeHtmlData boolean

Set whether the data provided in the HTML Data field should be decoded.

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Insert Table of Contents

Insert a 'Table of Contents' into the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/16455983120028


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

title string

The title of the 'Table of Contents'

Destination Page
destinationPage integer

The page number to insert the 'Table of Contents' from

JSON Entries
jsonEntries string

JSON data containing the hierarchical entries for the 'Table of Contents'

Show Page Numbers
showPageNumbers boolean

Set whether page numbers should be visible for each of item of the 'Table of Contents'

Title - Font
titleFont string

Set the font applied to the 'Title'

Title - Font Color
titleFontColor string

Set the font color applied to the 'Title'

Title - Background Color
titleBackgroundColor string

Set the background color applied to the 'Title'

Title - Font Size
titleFontSize integer

Set the size of the font applied to the 'Title'

Title - Font Style
titleFontStyle string

Set the font style applied to the 'Title'

Item - Font
itemFont string

Set the font applied to each 'Table of Contents' item

Item - Font Color
itemFontColor string

Set the font color applied to each 'Table of Contents' item

Item - Background Color
itemBackgroundColor string

Set the background color applied to each 'Table of Contents' item

Item - Font Size
itemFontSize integer

Set the size of the font applied to each 'Table of Contents' item

Item - Font Style
itemFontStyle string

Set the font style applied to each 'Table of Contents' item

Item - Padding
itemTopPadding integer

Set the padding applied to the top of each item within the 'Table of Contents'

Item - Level Padding
itemLevelPadding integer

Set the left padding iteratively applied to each level of the 'Table of Contents' hierarchy. For example, a value of '5'; Level 1: 5, Level 2: 10, Level 3: 15, etc.

Culture Name
cultureName string

Change the thread culture used to process the request


PDF - Linearize

Linearize the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/16502159981852


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file


PDF - Merge Files

Convert and merge an array of files to a single PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360014632213


Name Key Required Type Description
PDF Filename
outputFilename True string

The filename of the output PDF document

fileName string

The filename of the file

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the file

Generate Bookmarks
generateBookmarks boolean

Generate a bookmark for each merged PDF document

Preserve Bookmarks
preserveBookmarks boolean

Preserve bookmarks contained within each merged PDF document

Remove Markup
removeDocumentMarkup boolean

Set MS Office document comments and tracked changes removal option

PDF/A Compliant
pdfaCompliance boolean

Set PDF/A Compliance option

PDF/A Compliance Level
pdfaComplianceLevel string

Set the PDF/A Compliance Level, the default value is PDF_A_2A

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Merge Specific Files

Convert and merge the files provided to a single PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011886173


Name Key Required Type Description
PDF Filename
outputFilename True string

The filename of the output PDF document

FileName True string

The filename of the 1st source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source file

Filename 2
fileName2 True string

The filename of the 2nd source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content 2
fileContent2 True byte

The file content of the 2nd source file

Filename 3
fileName3 string

The filename of the 3rd source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content 3
fileContent3 byte

The file content of the 3rd source file

Filename 4
fileName4 string

The filename of the 4th source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content 4
fileContent4 byte

The file content of the 4th source file

Filename 5
fileName5 string

The filename of the 5th source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content 5
fileContent5 byte

The file content of the 5th source file

Filename 6
fileName6 string

The filename of the 6th source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content 6
fileContent6 byte

The file content of the 6th source file

Filename 7
fileName7 string

The filename of the 7th source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content 7
fileContent7 byte

The file content of the 7th source file

Filename 8
fileName8 string

The filename of the 8th source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content 8
fileContent8 byte

The file content of the 8th source file

Filename 9
fileName9 string

The filename of the 9th source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content 9
fileContent9 byte

The file content of the 9th source file

Filename 10
fileName10 string

The filename of the 10th source file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.xlsx' and not 'file'

File Content 10
fileContent10 byte

The file content of the 10th source file

Generate Bookmarks
generateBookmarks boolean

Generate a bookmark for each merged PDF document

Preserve Bookmarks
preserveBookmarks boolean

Preserve bookmarks contained within each merged PDF document

Remove Markup
removeDocumentMarkup boolean

Set MS Office document comments and tracked changes removal option

PDF/A Compliant
pdfaCompliance boolean

Set PDF/A Compliance option

PDF/A Compliance Level
pdfaComplianceLevel string

Set the PDF/A Compliance Level, the default value is PDF_A_2A.

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Redact

Apply the specified redactions to the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360018607954


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

SearchText string

The text to search for and apply the specified redaction to.

SearchExpression string

Specify a regular expression to seek matching text and apply the specified redaction to.

Redaction Colour
RedactionColour string

The redaction colour to apply to the redaction, the default value is #000000 (Black)

Skip First Page
skipFirstPage boolean

Set whether to ignore the first page .

Apply To
applyTo string

Set which pages within the document to redact

Page Numbers
pageNumbers array of integer

Specify the page numbers to apply redaction to, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Ignore Page Numbers
ignorePageNumbers array of integer

Specify the page numbers not to apply redaction to, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Remove Watermarks

Remove specified watermark(s) from the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7751328751645


Name Key Required Type Description
fileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Watermark IDs
watermarkIds string

Identifiers of the watermark(s) to remove. Multiple identifiers should be provided comma separated

Watermark Type
removeWatermarkType string

Set the type of watermark to remove from the PDF document provided


PDF - Repair

Repair a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4418809972753


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file


PDF - Replace Text

Find and replace text contained within a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15962260285980


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source file

Search Text
searchText True string

The text to locate and replace with the 'Replacement Text' value

Is Expression
isExpression boolean

Set whether the 'Search Text' value should be evaluated as a regular expression, the default value is 'false'

Replacement Text
replacementText string

The value to replace the 'Search Text' value with

Hide Text
hideText boolean

Hide the 'Replacement Text' value, it will still be present within the PDF text layer but not visible

font string

Specify the name of the font, if the font cannot be found the default 'Arial' font will be used

Font - Size
fontSize integer

Set the size of the font, the default size is '16'

Font - Colour
fontColour string

Set the HTML colour of the font, the default colour is set to '#000000'

Font - Background Colour
fontBackgroundColour string

Set a HTML colour to override the background colour of the font, the default colour is inherited from the document

Font - Style
fontStyle string

Set the font style for the 'Replacement Text', the default value is 'Regular'

Style - Character Spacing
styleCharacterSpacing float

Set the spacing between characters within the 'Replacement Text'

Style - Strike Out
styleStrikeOut string

Apply a strikeout to the 'Replacement Text'

Style - Underline
styleUnderline string

Apply a underline to the 'Replacement Text'


PDF - Replace Text with Image

Find and replace text contained within a PDF document with an image - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15083146797084


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
FileContent True byte

The file content of the source file

Search Text
SearchText True string

The text to locate and replace with the specified image

Image File Content
imageFileContent True byte

The content of the image file

Skip First Page
skipFirstPage boolean

Set whether to ignore the first page when searching for the text fragment

Apply To
applyTo string

Set which pages within the document to search for the text fragment

Page Numbers
pageNumbers string

Specify the page numbers to search for the text fragment, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Ignore Page Numbers
pageNumbersIgnore string

Specify the page numbers not to search for the text fragment, this property only applies when the 'Apply To' property is set to 'Specific'.

Align Image
alignImage boolean

Assure that the image provided is aligned to the EXIF orientation tags


PDF - Resize

Resize a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/12292028562588


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
FileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Page Size
pageSize True string

Set the new page size to be applied to the PDF file provided

Start Page
startPage integer

Set the page number to begin resizing from

End Page
EndPage integer

Set the page number to end resizing on

customWidth float

Set a custom width, only applied when the 'Custom' page size has been set

customHeight float

Set a custom height, only applied when the 'Custom' page size has been set

Padding Bottom
paddingBottom double

Set bottom padding of the PDF document by percentage (default is 0%)

Padding Top
paddingTop double

Set top padding of the PDF document by percentage (default is 0%)

Padding Left
paddingLeft double

Set left padding of the PDF document by percentage (default is 0%)

Padding Right
paddingRight double

Set right padding of the PDF document by percentage (default is 0%)


PDF - Rotate Pages

Rotate specified pages of the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14798407011356


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

pdfPageRotation True string

Set the angle of the page rotation: 90, 180, 270, 360

Start Page
startPage integer

Set the page number to begin rotating pages from

End Page
endPage integer

Set the page number to stop rotating pages on. The default value is set to the last page of the PDF document provided

Page Numbers
pageNumbers string

A comma separated list of page numbers of the pages to rotate: 1,3,4


PDF - Secure

Encrypt and protect a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011330134-Secure-PDF-Document


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

View Password
userPassword string

Protect view access to the document

Edit Password
adminPassword string

Protect edit access to the document

pdfPrivileges string

Set the privileges assigned to the PDF document

Cryptographic Algorithm
cryptoAlgorithm string

Set the cryptographic algorithm

Privilege - Assembly
pdfPrivilegesAllowAssembly boolean

Set whether document assembly is permitted

Privilege - Copy
pdfPrivilegesAllowCopy boolean

Set whether copy is permitted

Privilege - Fill in Forms
pdfPrivilegesAllowFillIn boolean

Set whether 'Fill in forms' is permitted

Privilege - Print
pdfPrivilegesAllowPrint boolean

Set whether print is permitted

Privilege - Screen Readers
pdfPrivilegesAllowScreenReaders boolean

Set whether screen reading is permitted

Privilege - Modify Contents
pdfPrivilegesAllowModifyContents boolean

Set whether document content modification is permitted

Privilege - Modify Annotations
pdfPrivilegesAllowModifyAnnotations boolean

Set whether annotation modification is permitted

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Set Metadata

Set the metadata of the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/15925135243292


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

author string

The author of the document

Creation Date
creationDate string

The date the document was created

keywords string

The keywords associated with the document

Modification Date
modificationDate string

The date the document was modified

subject string

The subject of the document

title string

The title of the document

XMP Metadata
xmpMetadata string

A JSON collection of keypair values to set existing XMP metadata entries on the document provided

Culture Name
cultureName string

Change the thread culture used to process the request


PDF - Set Privileges

Set the privledges assigned to the PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360011337094


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

pdfPrivileges string

Set the privileges assigned to the PDF document

pdfPrivilegesAllowAssembly boolean
pdfPrivilegesAllowCopy boolean
Fill in Forms
pdfPrivilegesAllowFillIn boolean
pdfPrivilegesAllowPrint boolean
Screen Readers
pdfPrivilegesAllowScreenReaders boolean
Modify Contents
pdfPrivilegesAllowModifyContents boolean
Modify Annotations
pdfPrivilegesAllowModifyAnnotations boolean
Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID

Return File
FinalOperation boolean

Advanced - Return the processed file (File Contents) as opposed to just an Operation ID, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Sign

Apply a digital signature to the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7117159708189


Name Key Required Type Description
Certificate Type
certificateTypeParameter string

Set the certificate type

operation dynamic

Request object, refer to schema definition: DtoSignPdf


PDF - Split

Split a PDF Document into multiple PDF Documents - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360002953277


Name Key Required Type Description
fileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the PDF file

Split by Type
splitByType True string

Select how to split the file

Split Configuration
splitConfiguration True string

Provide a split configuration

Enable Bookmark Filenames
enableBookmarkFilenames boolean

Append the bookmark name value to the filename when splitting by 'BookmarkLevel'

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


PDF - Split by Barcode

Split a PDF Document by Barcode, returning multiple PDF Documents - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360013629457


Name Key Required Type Description
fileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the PDF file

Barcode Value
splitPdfByBarcodeValue string

Optional - Specify a value for detecting a specific barcode(s)

Split Configuration
splitPdfByBarcodeType True string

Select a split configuration

Split Action
splitPdfByBarcodeAction True string

Select a split action, whether to split before, after or remove the page containing the split value.

barcodeReadConfidence string

Set the confidence level for barcode detection

Append Barcode Value
appendBarcodeValue boolean

Optional - Specify whether the value for each barcode found is appended to the start of the filename


PDF - Split by Text

Split a PDF Document by text into multiple PDF Documents - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012726397


Name Key Required Type Description
fileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the PDF file

Split Value
splitValue True string

Provide the split value used to perform the split operation

Is Expression
isExpression boolean

Set whether the 'Split Value' value should be evaluted as a regular expression, the default value is 'false'

Prefix Filename
prefixFilename boolean

Set whether the expression value should be used within the output filename.

Split Configuration
splitPdfByTextType True string

Select a split configuration

Split Action
splitAction True string

Select a split action, whether to split before, after or remove the page containing the split value.


PDF - Unlock

Decrypt and remove password protection from a PDF document - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360003714237


Name Key Required Type Description
FileName True string

The filename of the source PDF file, the file extension is mandatory: 'file.pdf' and not 'file'

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the source PDF file

password True string

The password to use to unlock the PDF Document

Operation ID
operationId string

Advanced - Set the identifier of a previous Encodian operation, please review before using - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360010509573-Flow-Action-Return-Options-File-Content-vs-Operation-ID


Find and replace hyperlinks contained within the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/7437413638301


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

Search On
searchOn True string

Set whether the search should be performed on the hyperlink text or URL value

Search Value
searchValue True string

The hyperlink text or URL value to locate

Is Expression
isExpression boolean

Set whether the 'Search Value' value should be evaluated as a regular expression, the default value is 'false'

Text Current Value
hyperlinkLabelValueCurrent string

The text value to replace, leave blank to replace the entire value

Text New Value
hyperlinkLabelValueNew string

The new label value to set

URL Current Value
hyperlinkUrlValueCurrent string

The URL value to replace, leave blank to replace the entire value

URL New Value
hyperlinkUrlValueNew string

The new URL value to set

Culture Name
cultureName string

Change the thread culture used to process the request


PDF - Validate Text Layer

Validate whether a text layer is present within the PDF document provided - https://support.encodian.com/hc/en-gb/articles/14453068327196


Name Key Required Type Description
File Content
fileContent True byte

The file content of the source PDF file

level string

Set whether each page should be checked for the presence of a text layer or the document as a single entity




Name Path Type Description
fileName string

The filename of the file

File Content
fileContent byte

The file content of the file


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
Watermark ID
watermarkId integer

The identifier applied to the watermark

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
Watermark ID
watermarkId integer

The identifier applied to the watermark

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
Watermark ID
watermarkId integer

The identifier applied to the watermark

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
Watermark ID
watermarkId integer

The identifier applied to the watermark

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
documents array of DocumentArray

The array of documents extracted from the source PDF

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.


Name Path Type Description
Images array of DocumentArray

The array of images extracted from the PDF

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.


Name Path Type Description
Images array of DocumentArray

The array of images extracted from the PDF

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
Simple Text Region Results
TextRegionResultsSimple string

A collection of text region results in simplified format

Text Region Results
TextRegionResults array of TextRegionResult

A collection of text region results.

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
Number of Pages
NumberOfPages integer

The number of pages in the supplied PDF document

File Size (MBs)
FileSize string

The size of the supplied PDF document in MBs

Author string

The author of the PDF as set in the PDF properties

Creator string

The creator of the PDF as set in the PDF properties

Producer string

The producer of the PDF as set in the PDF properties

Title string

The title of the PDF as set in the PDF properties

Subject string

The subject of the PDF as set in the PDF properties

Keywords string

The keywords of the PDF as set in the PDF properties

Width double

The width of the PDF Document (Points)

Height double

The height of the PDF Document (Points)

Orientation string

The orientation of the PDF Document

Created Date
CreatedDate date-time

The creation date of the PDF as set in the PDF properties

Modified Date
ModifiedDate date-time

The last modified date of the PDF as set in the PDF properties

PDF Format
PDFFormat string

The format of the PDF

Is PDFA Compliant
IsPDFACompliant boolean

Indicates whether the supplied PDF complies with the PDF/a standard

Is PDFUA Compliant
IsPDFUACompliant boolean

Indicates whether the supplied PDF complies with the PDF/ua standard

Is Encrypted
IsEncrypted boolean

Indicates whether the supplied PDF complies is encrypted

Has Text Layer
HasTextLayer boolean

Indicates whether the supplied PDF has a text layer

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
Form Data
Form Data string
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
Text Layer
TextLayer string

The text layer extracted from the PDF document.

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
result string

The response value for the request

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.

Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
documents array of DocumentArray

The array of documents to be processed

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.


Name Path Type Description
documents array of DocumentArray

The array of documents split from the source PDF

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.


Name Path Type Description
documents array of DocumentArray

The array of documents split from the source PDF

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.


Name Path Type Description
HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.

Filename string

The filename of the document.

File Content
FileContent byte

The processed document.


Name Path Type Description
Valid Text Layer
valid boolean

The result of the text layer validation

HTTP Status Code
HttpStatusCode integer

The HTTP Status code for the response.

HTTP Status Message
HttpStatusMessage string

The HTTP Status message for the response.

Operation ID
OperationId string

The unique ID assigned to this operation.

Errors array of string

An array of error messages should an error occur.

Operation Status
OperationStatus string

Indicates whether the operation has completed, has been queued or has failed.


Name Path Type Description
Name string

The name assigned to the text region

Text string

The text extracted via OCR from the specified region

Page Number
PageNumber integer

The number of the page the text was extracted from