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IoT asset and device connectivity and infrastructure

This overview introduces the key concepts around how assets and devices connect to a typical Azure IoT solution. The article also introduces infrastructure elements such as gateways and bridges. Each section includes links to content that provides further detail and guidance.

The following diagram shows a high-level view of the components in a typical edge-based IoT solution. This article focuses on the connectivity between the assets and the edge runtime environment shown in the diagram:

Diagram that shows the high-level IoT edge-based solution architecture highlighting device connectivity areas.

Communication methods

To exchange data with edge-based services, assets use industry standards such as:

  • OPC UA tags and events. OPC UA tags represent data points. OPC UA events represent state changes. The connector for OPC UA is an Azure IoT Operations service that connects to OPC UA servers to retrieve their data and publishes it to topics in the MQTT broker. OPC Foundation

  • MQTT messaging. MQTT allows a single broker to serve tens of thousands of clients simultaneously, with lightweight publish-subscribe messaging, topic creation, and management. Many IoT devices support MQTT natively out of the box. The MQTT broker underpins the messaging layer in Azure IoT Operations and supports both MQTT v3.1.1 and MQTT v5. MQTT.

  • ONVIF media specifications (preview). The connector for ONVIF in Azure IoT Operations discovers ONVIF conformant cameras and registers them in the Azure Device Registry. The connector enables capabilities like retrieving and updating the configuration of the camera to adjust the output image configuration, or controlling the camera pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ). ONVIF

  • Media protocols such as RTSP, RTCP, SRT, HLS, and JPEG over HTTP (preview). The media connector makes images and video from media sources such as IP cameras available to other Azure IoT Operations components. It can also capture snapshots from a video stream or from an image URL and publish them to an MQTT topic, or proxy a live video stream from a camera to an endpoint that an operator can access.

Once asset data is received, Azure IoT Operations uses data flows to process and route data to cloud endpoints or other edge components.

Asset and device endpoints

Azure IoT Operations uses connectors to discover, manage, and ingress data from assets in an edge-based solution.

  • The connector for OPC UA is a data ingress and protocol translation service that enables Azure IoT Operations to ingress data from your assets. The broker receives sensor data and events from your assets and publishes the data to topics in the MQTT broker. The broker is based on the widely used OPC UA standard.
  • The media connector (preview) is a service that makes media from media sources such as edge-attached cameras available to other Azure IoT Operations components.
  • The connector for ONVIF (preview) is a service that discovers and registers ONVIF assets such as cameras. The connector enables you to manage and control ONVIF assets such as cameras connected to your cluster.

To configure a connector in an Azure IoT Operations scenario, you define an asset endpoint that describes the southbound edge connectivity information for one or more assets. An asset endpoint profile includes connection information like the local IP address and authentication information.

To learn more, see What is asset management in Azure IoT Operations.


Assets and asset endpoints in Azure IoT Operations are represented as custom resources in the Kubernetes cluster and as resources in Azure. Asset endpoint profiles include user authentication information for accessing those endpoints. This authentication can be anonymous or username/password authentication where the values are stored as secrets in Azure Key Vault. Access to the Azure Key Vault is configured with a user-assigned managed identity.

The connector for OPC UA is an OPC UA client application that uses a single OPC UA application instance certificate for all the sessions it establishes to collect data from OPC UA servers. By default, the connector uses cert-manager to manage its application instance certificate.

To learn more about security in your edge-based IoT solution, see Security best practices for edge-based IoT solutions.


To exchange data with Azure services, assets use industry standards such as:

Connection patterns

Connection through edge servers

Azure IoT Operations enables a one-to-many connection pattern at the edge. A single deployment can ingest data from multiple industrial assets at the edge, then handle communication with the cloud.

The OPC UA standard is built around assets connecting to servers. The connector for OPC UA is a client application that runs as a middleware service in Azure IoT Operations. The connector for OPC UA connects to OPC UA servers, lets you browse the server address space, and monitor data changes and events in connected assets. Operations teams and developers use the connector for OPC UA to streamline the task of connecting OPC UA assets to their industrial solution at the edge.

The media connector can process video streams (RTSP) directly from cameras. It can also access media servers where multiple cameras store their videos or images. Once the media connector connect to a single external media server, it can save, process, or route the snapshots or video streams to an edge or cloud endpoint.

Edge Gateways

Edge gateways (sometimes referred to as field gateways) are typically deployed on-premises and close to your assets and IoT devices. Edge gateways run on your edge runtime environment and handle communication with the cloud on behalf of your assets and IoT devices. Edge gateways can:

  • Do protocol translation. For example, enabling Bluetooth enabled devices to connect to the cloud.
  • Manage offline and disconnected scenarios. For example, buffering sensor data when the cloud endpoint is unreachable.
  • Filter, compress, or aggregate asset and device data before sending it to the cloud.
  • Run AI at the edge to remove the latency associated with running AI models on behalf of assets and devices in the cloud. For example, using computer vision AI to detect anomalies in a production line and automatically stopping the line to prevent defects.

Azure IoT Operations is an edge runtime environment that hosts the services to connect, monitor, and control your assets. One of the functionalities of an edge runtime environment is to act as an edge gateway, using the connectors and the MQTT broker, to communicates with assets and equipment, either directly or through a server, so that they don't need their own cloud connections.

Data flows provide data transformation and data contextualization capabilities before routing messages to various locations including cloud endpoints.

Azure IoT Operations runs on Azure Arc-enabled edge Kubernetes clusters, enabling a fully automated machine learning operations in hybrid mode, including training and AI model deployment steps that transition seamlessly between cloud and edge. To learn more, see Introduction to Kubernetes compute target in Azure Machine Learning.


A device bridge enables devices that are connected to a non-Microsoft cloud to connect to your IoT solution. Examples of non-Microsoft clouds include Sigfox, Particle Device Cloud, and The Things Network.

The open source IoT Central Device Bridge acts as a translator that forwards device data to an IoT Central application. To learn more, see Azure IoT Central Device Bridge. There are non-Microsoft bridge solutions, such as Tartabit IoT Bridge, for connecting devices to an IoT hub.

Next steps

Now that you've seen an overview of device connectivity in Azure IoT solutions, some suggested next steps include: