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Troubleshooting recovery point archive using Archive Tier

This article provides troubleshooting details to for error codes that appears when a recovery point can't be moved to archive.

Common user errors


Error message: Recovery-Point Type is not eligible for Archive Move

Description: This error code is shown when the selected recovery point type isn't eligible to be moved to archive.

Recommended action: Check eligibility of the recovery point. See Supported workloads.


Error message: Recovery-Point having active dependencies for restore is not eligible for Archive Move

Description: The selected recovery point has active dependencies and so can’t be moved to archive.

Recommended action" Check eligibility of the recovery point. See Supported workloads.


Error message: Recovery-Point is not eligible for Archive Move as lifespan spent in Vault-Standard-Tier is lesser than the required minimum

Description: The recovery point has to stay in Standard tier for a minimum of three months for Azure virtual machines, and 45 days for SQL Server in Azure virtual machines

Recommended action: Check eligibility of the recovery point. See Supported workloads.


Error message: Recovery-Point remaining lifespan is lesser than the required minimum.

Description: The minimum lifespan required for a recovery point for archive move eligibility is six months.

Recommended action: Check eligibility of the recovery point. See Supported workloads.


Error message: Recovery-Point is not eligible for archive move as it has already been moved to archive tier

Description: The selected recovery point is already in archive. So it’s not eligible to be moved to archive.


Error message: Datasource Type is not eligible for Recommendation API.

Description: Recommendation API is only applicable for Azure virtual machines. It’s not applicable for the selected datasource type.


Error message: Recovery Point is already rehydrated. Rehydration is not allowed on this RP.

Description: The selected recovery point is already rehydrated.


Error message: Recovery-Point is not eligible for Archive Move.

Description: The selected recovery point isn't eligible for archive move.


Error message: Archive Recovery Point is not rehydrated. Retry Restore after rehydration completed on Archive RP.

Description: The recovery point isn't rehydrated. Try restore after rehydrating the recovery point.


Error message: Rehydration is only supported for Archive Recovery Points- Rehydration is only supported for Archive Recovery Points

Description: Rehydration isn’t allowed for the selected recovery point.


Error message: Rehydration is already In-Progress for Archive Recovery Point.

Description: The rehydration for the selected recovery point is already in progress.


Error message - Recovery point cannot be moved to Archive tier due to insufficient retention duration specified in policy

Recommended action: Update policy on the protected item with appropriate retention setting, and try again.


Error message: We're still determining if this Recovery Point can be moved.

Description: The move readiness of the recovery point is yet to be determined.

Recommended action: Check again after waiting for some time.