Find the IDs of built-in Office ribbon tabs
The following table shows the valid built-in Office ribbon tab id
values by application. The columns indicate on which platform the IDs are supported. For example, TabHome is supported in Word 2016 or later on Windows and Word on the web, but TabBlogPost is supported only in Word desktop.
Office application | Supported on desktop, on the web, and new Outlook on Windows |
Supported only on desktop |
Excel | TabHome TabInsert TabPageLayoutExcel TabFormulas TabData TabReview TabView TabDeveloper TabAddIns |
TabPrintPreview TabBackgroundRemoval |
OneNote | TabHome TabInsert TabView |
TabDeveloper TabAddIns |
Outlook | TabDefault (Depending on what Outlook window is open, this ID refers to either the Home, Message, or Meeting tab.) |
PowerPoint | TabHome TabInsert TabDesign TabTransitions TabAnimations TabSlideShow TabReview TabView TabDeveloper TabAddIns |
TabPrintPreview TabMerge TabGrayscale TabBlackAndWhite TabBroadcastPresentation TabSlideMaster TabHandoutMaster TabNotesMaster TabBackgroundRemoval TabSlideMasterHome |
Word | TabHome TabInsert TabWordDesign TabPageLayoutWord TabReferences TabMailings TabReviewWord TabView TabDeveloper TabAddIns |
TabBlogPost TabBlogInsert TabPrintPreview TabOutlining TabConflicts TabBackgroundRemoval TabBroadcastPresentation |
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