POPUP resource
Defines a menu item that can contain menu items and submenus.
POPUP text, [optionlist] {item-definitions ...}
String that contains the name of the menu. This string must be enclosed in double quotation marks (").
This parameter specifies redefined menu options that specify the appearance of the menu item. This optional parameter can be one or more of the following.
Option Description CHECKED Menu item has a check mark next to it. This option is not valid for a top-level menu. GRAYED Menu item is initially inactive and appears on the menu in gray or a lightened shade of the menu-text color. This option cannot be used with the INACTIVE option. HELP Identifies a help item. The menu item is place at the right-most position on the menu bar. INACTIVE Menu item is displayed but it cannot be selected. This option cannot be used with the GRAYED option. MENUBARBREAK Same as MENUBREAK except that for pop-up menus, it separates the new column from the old column with a vertical line. MENUBREAK Places the menu item on a new line for static menu-bar items. For menus, it places the menu item in a new column with no dividing line between the columns.
Certain attributes are also supported for backward compatibility. For more information, see Common Resource Attributes.
The following example demonstrates the use of the POPUP statement:
chem MENU
POPUP "&Elements"
MENUITEM "&Oxygen", 200
MENUITEM "&Carbon", 201, CHECKED
MENUITEM "&Hydrogen", 202
MENUITEM "&Sulfur", 203
MENUITEM "Ch&lorine", 204
POPUP "&Compounds"
POPUP "&Sugars"
MENUITEM "&Glucose", 301
MENUITEM "&Sucrose", 302, CHECKED
MENUITEM "&Fructose", 304
POPUP "&Acids"
"&Hydrochloric", 401
"&Sulfuric", 402