HHS Media Services (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

The Department of Health and Human Service have created an easy way for public health partners to access federally produced digital resources - including web content, images, video, data, infographics, and more - for use on websites, apps, and social media. Syndication allows science-based resources to be combined with information at state and local levels by sharing health messaging for maximum impact.
This connector is available in the following products and regions:
Service | Class | Regions |
Logic Apps | Standard | All Logic Apps regions except the following: - Azure Government regions - Azure China regions - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Automate | Premium | All Power Automate regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Power Apps | Premium | All Power Apps regions except the following: - US Government (GCC) - US Government (GCC High) - China Cloud operated by 21Vianet - US Department of Defense (DoD) |
Contact | |
Name | Troy Taylor |
URL | https://www.hitachisolutions.com |
ttaylor@hitachisolutions.com |
Connector Metadata | |
Publisher | Troy Taylor |
Website | https://digitalmedia.hhs.gov/ |
Privacy policy | https://www.hhs.gov/privacy.html |
Categories | Data |
Name | Calls | Renewal Period |
API calls per connection | 100 | 60 seconds |
Get campaign |
Retrieve information about a specific campaign. |
Get campaigns |
Retrieve the media listings for a specific campaign. |
Get featured content |
Retrieve a list of featured content in the syndication system. |
Get language |
Retrieve information about a specific language. |
Get languages |
Retrieve a list of available languages. |
Get media item |
Retrieve information about a specific media item. |
Get media item content |
Retrieve the content of a media item. |
Get media item embed code |
Retrieve the JavaScript or iFrame embed code for this media item (to embed it on a web page). |
Get media item JPG thumbnail |
Retrieve the JPG thumbnail of the content item (where applicable). |
Get media item syndicated content |
Retrieve a list of syndicated content for a media item. |
Get media item You |
Retrieve the YouTube metadata for a media item. |
Get media items |
Retrieve a list of media items. |
Get media items for campaign |
Retrieve the media items for a specific campaign. |
Get media types |
Retrieve a list of media types. |
Get popular media items |
Retrieve a list of the media with the highest ratings. |
Get related media items |
Retrieve the other media related to the media item. |
Get related tags |
Retrieves information about related tags to a specific tag. |
Get source |
Retrieve information about a specific source. |
Get source media items |
Retrieve the media items for a source. |
Get sources |
Retrieve a list of available sources. |
Get syndicate items for campaign |
Retrieve the syndicate items for a specific campaign. |
Get tag |
Retrieve information about a specific tag. |
Get tag languages |
Retrieve a list of tag languages. |
Get tag media items |
Retrieve a list of media items for a specific tag. |
Get tag media types |
Retrieve a list of media types for a specific tag. |
Get tag preview |
Retrieve the JPG preview of the content item (where applicable). |
Get tag syndicate items |
Retrieve a list of syndicate items for a specific tag. |
Get tags |
Retrieve a list of available tags. |
Get user media list |
Retrieve a media list for a specific user. |
Search media items |
Retrieve a list of media items that match the search query. |
Retrieve information about a specific campaign.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the record to look up. |
- Body
- CampaignWrapped
Retrieve the media listings for a specific campaign.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
The offset of the records set to return for pagination. |
sort | string |
Set of fields to sort the records by. |
- Body
- CampaignWrapped
Retrieve a list of featured content in the syndication system.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
sort | string |
The name of the property to which sorting will be applied. |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
Return records starting at the offset index. |
- Body
- MediaItem
Retrieve information about a specific language.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the language to look up. |
- Body
- LanguageWrapped
Retrieve a list of available languages.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
Return records starting at the offset index. |
sort | string |
The name of the property to which sorting will be applied. |
- Body
- LanguageWrapped
Retrieve information about a specific media item.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the record to look up. |
- Body
- MediaItemWrapped
Retrieve the content of a media item.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the media to show content for. |
Called By Build
calledByBuild | boolean |
The method that called this method. |
- response
- string
Retrieve the JavaScript or iFrame embed code for this media item (to embed it on a web page).
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the media to get embed code for. |
flavor | string |
Currently supports 'iframe', defaults to 'javascript'. |
width | integer |
The width of the generated iFrame. |
height | integer |
The height of the generated iFrame. |
iFrame Name
iframeName | string |
The name of the iFrame element. |
Exclude jQuery
excludeJquery | boolean |
Should a reference to the JQuery Library be omitted?. |
Exclude Div
excludeDiv | boolean |
Should the div to insert content into be omitted?. |
Div ID
divId | string |
Should the div to insert content into have a specific name?. |
Display Method
displayMethod | string |
Method used to render an HTML request. Accepts one: mv, list, feed. |
- response
- string
Retrieve the JPG thumbnail of the content item (where applicable).
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the media to get a thumbnail for. |
- response
- object
Retrieve a list of syndicated content for a media item.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the media to show embed code for. |
CSS Class
cssClass | string |
The CSS class to target for extraction. |
Strip Styles
stripStyles | boolean |
Remove in-line styles from content. |
Strip Scripts
stripScripts | boolean |
Remove script tags from content. |
Strip Images
stripImages | boolean |
Remove image tags from content. |
Strip Breaks
stripBreaks | boolean |
Remove break tags from content. |
Strip Classes
stripClasses | boolean |
Remove class attributes from content (except 'syndicate'). |
Font Size
font-size | integer |
Set font size (in points) of p, div, and span tags. |
Image Float
imageFloat | string |
Accepts valid CSS float options, such as 'left' or 'right'. Will inject a style into the content before rendering. |
Image Margin
imageMargin | string |
Accepts 4 CSV values representing pixel sizes of margin similar to CSS. Default format is 'north,east,south,west' - for example '0,10,10,0' would put a 10 pixel margin on the right and bottom sides of an image. Will inject a style into the content before rendering. |
autoplay | boolean |
If content is a video, the embeded video will auto play when loaded. |
rel | boolean |
If content is a video, related items will be shown at the end of playback. |
Retrieve the YouTube metadata for a media item.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the video to show meta data for. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string | |
results | array of YoutubeMetadata |
Retrieve a list of media items.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
The offset of the records set to return for pagination. |
sort | string |
Set of fields to sort the records by. |
order | string |
The ascending or descending order. |
Media Types
mediaTypes | string |
Find all media items belonging to the specified media types. |
name | string |
Find all media items containing the provided name, case insensitive. |
Collection ID
collectionId | integer |
Restrict filtering to media items in a specific collection. |
Name Contains
nameContains | string |
Find all media items containing the partial name, case insensitive. |
Description Contains
descriptionContains | string |
Find all media items containing the provided partial description, case insensitive. |
Source URL
sourceUrl | string |
Find all media items which have the provided sourceUrl, case insensitive. |
Source URL Contains
sourceUrlContains | string |
Find all media items which contain the provided partial sourceUrl, case insensitive. |
Custom Thumbnail URL
customThumbnailUrl | string |
Find all media items which have the provided customThumbnailUrl, case insensitive. |
Custom Thumbnail URL Contains
customThumbnailUrlContains | string |
Find all media items which contain the provided partial customThumbnailUrl, case insensitive. |
Date Content Authored
dateContentAuthored | date |
Find all media items authored on the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Date Content Updated
dateContentUpdated | date |
Find all media items updated on the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Date Content Published
dateContentPublished | date |
Find all media items published on the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Date Content Reviewed
dateContentReviewed | date |
Find all media items reviewed on the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Date Syndication Captured
dateSyndicationCaptured | date |
Find all media items syndicated on the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Date Syndication Updated
dateSyndicationUpdated | date |
Find all media items updated through the syndication system on the provided day, (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Content Authored Since Date
contentAuthoredSinceDate | date |
Find all media items authored since the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Content Authored Before Date
contentAuthoredBeforeDate | date |
Find all media items authored before the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Content Authored In Range
contentAuthoredInRange | string |
Find all media items authored between the provided start and end days (RFC 3339, comma separated, time ignored). |
Content Updated Since Date
contentUpdatedSinceDate | date |
Find all media items updated since the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Content Updated Before Date
contentUpdatedBeforeDate | date |
Find all media items updated before the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Content Updated In Range
contentUpdatedInRange | string |
Find all media items updated between the provided start and end days (RFC 3339, comma separated, time ignored). |
Content Published Since Date
contentPublishedSinceDate | date |
Find all media items updated since the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Content Published Before Date
contentPublishedBeforeDate | date |
Find all media items published before the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Content Published In Range
contentPublishedInRange | string |
Find all media items published between the provided start and end days (RFC 3339, comma separated, time ignored). |
Content Reviewed Since Date
contentReviewedSinceDate | date |
Find all media items reviewed since the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Content Reviewed Before Date
contentReviewedBeforeDate | date |
Find all media items reviewed before the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Content Reviewed In Range
contentReviewedInRange | string |
Find all media items reviewed between the provided start and end days (RFC 3339, comma separated, time ignored). |
Syndication Captured Since Date
syndicationCapturedSinceDate | date |
Find all media items authored since the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Syndication Captured Before Date
syndicationCapturedBeforeDate | date |
Find all media items authored before the provided day (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Syndication Captured In Range
syndicationCapturedInRange | string |
Find all media items authored between the provided start and end days (RFC 3339, comma separated, time ignored). |
Syndication Updated Since Date
syndicationUpdatedSinceDate | date |
Find all media items updated since the provided day, (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Syndication Updated Before Date
syndicationUpdatedBeforeDate | date |
Find all media items updated before the provided day, (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Syndication Updated In Range
syndicationUpdatedInRange | string |
Find all media items updated between the provided start and end days, (RFC 3339, comma separated, time ignored). |
Syndication Visible Since Date
syndicationVisibleSinceDate | date |
Find all media items visible since the provided day, (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Syndication Visible Before Date
syndicationVisibleBeforeDate | date |
Find all media items visible before the provided day, (RFC 3339, time ignored). |
Syndication Visible In Range
syndicationVisibleInRange | date |
Find all media items visible between the provided start and end days, (RFC 3339, comma separated, time ignored). |
Language ID
languageId | integer |
Find all media items written in the language specified by identifier. |
Language Name
languageName | string |
Find all media items written in the language specified by name, case insensitive. |
Language ISO Code
languageIsoCode | string |
Find all media items written in the language specified by 639-2 ISO Code , case insensitive. |
hash | string |
Find all media items which match the provided hash, case insensitive. |
Hash Contains
hashContains | string |
Find all media items which match the provided partial hash, case insensitive. |
Source ID
sourceId | integer |
Find all media items that belong to the source specified by identifier. |
Source Name
sourceName | string |
Find all media items that belong to the source specified by name, case insensitive. |
Source Name Contains
sourceNameContains | string |
Find all media items that belong to the source specified by partial name, case insensitive. |
Source Acronym
sourceAcronym | string |
Find all media items that belong to the source specified by acronym, case insensitive. |
Source Acronym Contains
sourceAcronymContains | string |
Find all media items that belong to the source specified by partial acronym, case insensitive. |
Tag IDs
tagIds | string |
Find only media items tagged with the specified tag Ids. |
Restrict To Set
restrictToSet | string |
Find only media from within the supplied list of Ids. |
Created By
createdBy | string |
Find all media items containing the createdBy value. |
- Body
- MediaItemWrapped
Retrieve the media items for a specific campaign.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the campaign to find media items for. |
sort | string |
The name of the property to which sorting will be applied. |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
The offset of the records set to return for pagination. |
- Body
- MediaItemWrapped
Retrieve a list of the media with the highest ratings.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
The offset of the records set to return for pagination. |
- Body
- MediaItemWrapped
Retrieve the other media related to the media item.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the media item to get related media for. |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
Return records starting at the offset index. |
sort | string |
The name of the property to which sorting will be applied. |
- Body
- MediaItemWrapped
Retrieves information about related tags to a specific tag.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the tag to look up. |
sort | string |
The name of the property to which sorting will be applied. |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
Return records starting at the offset index. |
- Body
- TagMarshallerWrapped
Retrieve information about a specific source.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the source to look up. |
- Body
- SourceWrapped
Retrieve the media items for a source.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the record to look up. |
Display Method
displayMethod | string |
Method used to render an HTML request. Accepts one: mv, list, feed. |
- Body
- MediaItemWrapped
Retrieve a list of available sources.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
Return records starting at the offset index. |
sort | string |
The name of the property to which sorting will be applied. |
- Body
- SourceWrapped
Retrieve the syndicate items for a specific campaign.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the record to look up. |
Display Method
displayMethod | string |
Method used to render an HTML request. Accepts one: mv, list, feed. |
Retrieve information about a specific tag.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the record to look up. |
- Body
- TagMarshallerWrapped
Retrieve a list of media items for a specific tag.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the tag to look up. |
sort | string |
The name of the property to which sorting will be applied. |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
Return records starting at the offset index. |
- Body
- MediaItemWrapped
Retrieve the JPG preview of the content item (where applicable).
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the media to get a preview for. |
- response
- object
Retrieve a list of syndicate items for a specific tag.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the record to look up. |
Display Method
displayMethod | string |
Method used to render an HTML request. Accepts one: mv, list, feed. |
- response
- string
Retrieve a list of available tags.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
sort | string |
The name of the property to which sorting will be applied. |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
Return records starting at the offset index. |
name | string |
Return tags matching the supplied name. |
Name Contains
nameContains | string |
Return tags which contain the supplied partial name. |
Media ID
mediaId | integer |
Return tags associated with the supplied media identifier. |
Type ID
typeId | integer |
Return tags belonging to the supplied tag type identifier. |
Type Name
typeName | string |
Return tags belonging to the supplied tag type name. |
- Body
- TagMarshallerWrapped
Retrieve a media list for a specific user.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
id | True | integer |
The identifier of the record to look up. |
Display Method
displayMethod | string |
Method used to render an HTML request. Accepts one: mv, list, feed. |
- Body
- MediaItemWrapped
Retrieve a list of media items that match the search query.
Name | Key | Required | Type | Description |
Search Query
q | True | string |
The search query supplied by the user. |
max | integer |
The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | integer |
The offset of the records set to return for pagination. |
- Body
- MediaItemWrapped
Name | Path | Type | Description |
id | integer |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Media Type
mediaType | string |
The media type. |
description | string |
The description. |
Source URL
sourceUrl | string |
The source URL address. |
Custom Attribution URL
customAttributionUrl | string |
The custom attribution URL address. |
campaigns | array of Campaign |
The campaign. |
Target URL
targetUrl | string |
The target URL address. |
Custom Thumbnail URL
customThumbnailUrl | string |
The custom thumbnail URL address. |
Custom Preview URL
customPreviewUrl | string |
The custom preview URL address. |
Date Content Authored
dateContentAuthored | date |
The date the content was authored. |
Date Content Updated
dateContentUpdated | date |
The date content was updated. |
Date Content Published
dateContentPublished | date |
The date content was published. |
Date Content Reviewed
dateContentReviewed | date |
The date content reviewed. |
Date Syndication Captured
dateSyndicationCaptured | date |
The date syndication captured. |
Date Syndication Updated
dateSyndicationUpdated | date |
The date syndication was updated. |
Date Syndication Visible
dateSyndicationVisible | date |
The date syndication was visible. |
language | Language | |
External GUID
externalGuid | string |
The external GUID. |
hash | string |
The hash. |
source | Source | |
Created By
createdBy | string |
The created by. |
Foreign Syndication URL
foreignSyndicationAPIUrl | string |
The foreign syndication API URL address. |
extendedAttributes | ExtendedAttribute |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
id | integer |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
acronym | string |
The acronym. |
Website URL
websiteUrl | string |
The website URL address. |
Large Logo URL
largeLogoUrl | string |
The large logo URL address. |
Small Logo URL
smallLogoUrl | string |
The small logo URL address. |
Contact Email
contactEmail | string |
The contact email address. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
id | integer |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
ISO Code
isoCode | string |
The ISO code. |
Is Active
isActive | boolean |
Whether is active. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
id | integer |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
value | string |
The value. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
id | integer |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
description | string |
The description. |
Start Date
startDate | date |
The start date. |
End Date
endDate | date |
The end date. |
source | Source | |
Contact Email
contactEmail | string |
The contact email address. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
max | integer |
The maximum. |
offset | integer |
The offset. |
count | integer |
The count. |
total | integer |
The total. |
Page Number
pageNum | integer |
The page number. |
Total Pages
totalPages | integer |
The total number of pages. |
sort | string |
The sort. |
Current URL
currentUrl | string |
The current URL address. |
Next URL
nextUrl | string |
The next URL address. |
Previous URL address
previousUrl | string |
The previous URL address. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
status | integer |
The status. |
messages | array of Message |
The message. |
pagination | Pagination |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
Error Message
errorMessage | string |
The error message. |
Error Detail
errorDetail | string |
The error detail. |
Error Code
errorCode | string |
The error code. |
User Message
userMessage | string |
The user message. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
name | string |
The name. |
description | string |
The description. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
id | integer |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
id | integer |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
ISO Code
isoCode | string |
The ISO code. |
Is Active
isActive | boolean |
Whether is active. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
content | string |
The content. |
description | string |
The description. |
id | integer |
The identifier. |
Media Type
mediaType | string |
The media type. |
name | string |
The name. |
Source URL
sourceUrl | string |
The source URL address. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
id | integer |
The identifier. |
name | string |
The name. |
language | TagLanguageMarshaller | |
type | TagTypeMarshaller |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string |
The callback. |
Media Item
results | array of MediaItem |
The media item. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string |
The callback. |
results | array of Source |
The source. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string |
The callback. |
results | array of Language |
The language. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string |
The callback. |
results | array of Campaign |
The campaign. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string |
The callback. |
Media Type Holder
results | array of MediaTypeHolder |
The media type holder. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string |
The callback. |
Tag Type Marshaller
results | array of TagTypeMarshaller |
The tag type marshaller. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string |
The callback. |
Tag Language Marshaller
results | array of TagLanguageMarshaller |
The tag language marshaller. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string |
The callback. |
Syndicate Marshaller
results | array of SyndicateMarshaller |
The syndicate marshaller. |
Name | Path | Type | Description |
meta | Meta | |
callback | string |
The callback. |
Tag Marshaller
results | array of TagMarshaller |
The tag marshaller. |
This is the basic data type 'string'.
This is the type 'object'.