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Quick Start

Here provides a simple example to use HCS API to manage the virtual machine, which includes HcsCreateComputeSystem, HcsStartComputeSystem, HcsGetComputeSystemProperties, HcsModifyComputeSystem and HcsTerminateComputeSystem.

This sample code uses the Windows Implementation Libraries (WIL) for more ergonomic and modern C++ usage of win32 APIs.

#include <windows.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <wil\resource.h>

// HCS API header file
#include <computecore.h>
#include <computedefs.h>
#include <computenetwork.h>
#include <computestorage.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "computecore.lib")

// Helper RAII objects around HCS system handle and HCS operation handle
// HCS_OPERATION handle closed by HcsCloseOperation
// HCS_SYSTEM handle closed by HcsCloseComputeSystem
using unique_hcs_operation = wil::unique_any<HCS_OPERATION, decltype(&HcsCloseOperation), HcsCloseOperation>;
using unique_hcs_system = wil::unique_any<HCS_SYSTEM, decltype(&HcsCloseComputeSystem), HcsCloseComputeSystem>;

// Create a virtual machine
    static constexpr wchar_t c_VmConfiguration[] = LR"(
        "SchemaVersion": {
            "Major": 2,
            "Minor": 1
        "Owner": "Sample",
        "ShouldTerminateOnLastHandleClosed": true,
        "VirtualMachine": {
            "Chipset": {
                "Uefi": {
                    "BootThis": {
                        "DevicePath": "Primary disk",
                        "DiskNumber": 0,
                        "DeviceType": "ScsiDrive"
            "ComputeTopology": {
                "Memory": {
                    "Backing": "Virtual",
                    "SizeInMB": 2048
                "Processor": {
                    "Count": 2
            "Devices": {
                "Scsi": {
                    "Primary disk": {
                        "Attachments": {
                            "0": {
                                "Type": "VirtualDisk",
                                "Path": "c:\\HCS_Test\\utilityvm.vhdx"

    // After setting up the JSON document, we need to call into the HCS to create
    // the compute system, in this case, an HCS VM.
    // This operation doesn't need callback
    unique_hcs_operation operation(HcsCreateOperation(nullptr, nullptr));
    unique_hcs_system system;
        L"Sample", // Unique Id
        nullptr, // This parameter is not supported yet, always pass NULL

    // We need to wait on the operation explicitly because no callback was setup
    // Result document from waiting on the operation would usually contain
    // a JSON blob with either error attribution or operation specific result data
    // (for example, compute system properties if the operation was used to call
    // ::HcsGetComputeSystemProperties).
    // Result document isn't necessarily set all the time, so make sure to check for that!
    wil::unique_hlocal_string resultDoc;
    THROW_IF_FAILED_MSG(HcsWaitForOperationResult(operation.get(), INFINITE, &resultDoc),
        "ResultDoc: %ws", resultDoc.get());
    // For a successful HcsCreateComputeSystem, result document doesn't have anything.

// Now that the HCS VM is created, we need to start it!
        nullptr)); // This parameter is not currently supported, pass NULL.
    THROW_IF_FAILED_MSG(HcsWaitForOperationResult(operation.get(), INFINITE, &resultDoc),
        "ResultDoc: %ws", resultDoc.get());

// Get the VM memory property and print the result out
    static constexpr wchar_t c_VmQuery[] = LR"(

    THROW_IF_FAILED_MSG(HcsWaitForOperationResult(operation.get(), INFINITE, &resultDoc),
        "ResultDoc: %ws", resultDoc.get());

    // It's a failure if the result document doesn't have anything for
    // ::HcsGetComputeSystemProperties!
    THROW_HR_IF(E_UNEXPECTED, !resultDoc);
    wprintf(L"HCS VM properties:\n%s\n", resultDoc.get());

// Let's modify the virtual machine setting
// The operation of HcsModifyComputeSystem will success only when virtual machine booted up completed
// So here gives 5 times retry and each would wait for 5s.
    static constexpr wchar_t c_modifySetting[] = LR"(
        "ResourcePath": "VirtualMachine/ComputeTopology/Memory/SizeInMB",
        "RequestType": "Update",
        "Settings": 4096

    int retry = 0;
        unique_hcs_operation modifyOperation(HcsCreateOperation(nullptr, nullptr));
        THROW_IF_FAILED(HcsModifyComputeSystem(system.get(), modifyOperation.get(), c_modifySetting, nullptr));

        result = HcsWaitForOperationResult(modifyOperation.get(), INFINITE, &resultDoc);
    } while (result != S_OK && retry++ < 5);

// Finally, shut down the virtual machine. Because the sample virtual machine is not created with guest
// compute service, HcsShutDownComputeSystem is not able to use here. Let's use HcsTerminateComputeSystem
    THROW_IF_FAILED(HcsTerminateComputeSystem(system.get(), operation.get(), nullptr));
    THROW_IF_FAILED_MSG(HcsWaitForOperationResult(operation.get(), INFINITE, &resultDoc),
        "ResultDoc: %ws", resultDoc.get());