Exploring the Semantic Kernel AzureAIAgent


This feature is in the experimental stage. Features at this stage are still under development and subject to change before advancing to the preview or release candidate stage.

Detailed API documentation related to this discussion is available at:

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

What is an AzureAIAgent?

An AzureAIAgent is a specialized agent within the Semantic Kernel framework, designed to provide advanced conversational capabilities with seamless tool integration. It automates tool calling, eliminating the need for manual parsing and invocation. The agent also securely manages conversation history using threads, reducing the overhead of maintaining state. Additionally, the AzureAIAgent supports a variety of built-in tools, including file retrieval, code execution, and data interaction via Bing, Azure AI Search, Azure Functions, and OpenAPI.

To use an AzureAIAgent, an Azure AI Foundry Project must be utilized. The following articles provide an overview of the Azure AI Foundry, how to create and configure a project, and the agent service:

Preparing Your Development Environment

To proceed with developing an AzureAIAgent, configure your development environment with the appropriate packages.

Add the Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Agents.AzureAI package to your project:

dotnet add package Microsoft.SemanticKernel.Agents.AzureAI --prerelease

You may also want to include the Azure.Identity package:

dotnet add package Azure.Identity

Install the semantic-kernel package with the optional Azure dependencies:

pip install semantic-kernel[azure]

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

Configuring the AI Project Client

Accessing an AzureAIAgent first requires the creation of a project client that is configured for a specific Foundry Project, most commonly by providing a connection string (The Azure AI Foundry SDK: Getting Started with Projects).

AIProjectClient client = AzureAIAgent.CreateAzureAIClient("<your connection-string>", new AzureCliCredential());

The AgentsClient may be accessed from the AIProjectClient:

AgentsClient agentsClient = client.GetAgentsClient();

Modify your the .env file in the root directory to include:

AZURE_AI_AGENT_PROJECT_CONNECTION_STRING = "<example-connection-string>"
AZURE_AI_AGENT_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME = "<example-model-deployment-name>"


AZURE_AI_AGENT_ENDPOINT = "<example-endpoint>"
AZURE_AI_AGENT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = "<example-subscription-id>"
AZURE_AI_AGENT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME = "<example-resource-group-name>"
AZURE_AI_AGENT_PROJECT_NAME = "<example-project-name>"
AZURE_AI_AGENT_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME = "<example-model-deployment-name>"

Once the configuration is defined, the client may be created:

from semantic_kernel.agents import AzureAIAgent

async with (
    DefaultAzureCredential() as creds,
    AzureAIAgent.create_client(credential=creds) as client,
    # Your operational code here

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

Creating an AzureAIAgent

To create an AzureAIAgent, you start by configuring and initializing the agent project through the Azure AI service and then integrate it with Semantic Kernel:

AIProjectClient client = AzureAIAgent.CreateAzureAIClient("<your connection-string>", new AzureCliCredential());
AgentsClient agentsClient = client.GetAgentsClient();

// 1. Define an agent on the Azure AI agent service
Agent definition = agentsClient.CreateAgentAsync(
    "<name of the the model used by the agent>",
    name: "<agent name>",
    description: "<agent description>",
    instructions: "<agent instructions>");

// 2. Create a Semantic Kernel agent based on the agent definition
AzureAIAgent agent = new(definition, agentsClient);
from azure.identity.aio import DefaultAzureCredential
from semantic_kernel.agents import AzureAIAgent, AzureAIAgentSettings

ai_agent_settings = AzureAIAgentSettings.create()

async with (
    DefaultAzureCredential() as creds,
    AzureAIAgent.create_client(credential=creds) as client,
    # 1. Define an agent on the Azure AI agent service
    agent_definition = await client.agents.create_agent(

    # 2. Create a Semantic Kernel agent based on the agent definition
    agent = AzureAIAgent(

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

Interacting with an AzureAIAgent

Interaction with the AzureAIAgent is straightforward. The agent maintains the conversation history automatically using a thread. The specifics of the Azure AI Agent thread is abstracted away via the AzureAIAgentThread class, which is an implementation of AgentThread.

The AzureAIAgent currently only supports threads of type AzureAIAgentThread.

AgentThread agentThread = new AzureAIAgentThread(agentsClient);
    ChatMessageContent message = new(AuthorRole.User, "<your user input>");
    await foreach (ChatMessageContent response in agent.InvokeAsync(message, agentThread))
    await agentThread.DeleteAsync();
    await this.AgentsClient.DeleteAgentAsync(agent.Id);
USER_INPUTS = ["Hello", "What's your name?"]

thread: AzureAIAgentThread = AzureAIAgentThread()

    for user_input in USER_INPUTS:
        response = await agent.get_response(messages=user_inputs, thread=thread)
        thread = response.thread
    await thread.delete() if thread else None

Optionally, an agent may be invoked as:

for user_input in USER_INPUTS:
    async for content in agent.invoke(message=user_input, thread=thread):
        thread = response.thread

You may also pass in a list of messages to the get_response(...), invoke(...), or invoke_stream(...) methods:

USER_INPUTS = ["Hello", "What's your name?"]

thread: AzureAIAgentThread = AzureAIAgentThread()

    for user_input in USER_INPUTS:
        response = await agent.get_response(messages=USER_INPUTS, thread=thread)
        thread = response.thread
    await thread.delete() if thread else None

An agent may also produce a streamed response:

ChatMessageContent message = new(AuthorRole.User, "<your user input>");
await foreach (StreamingChatMessageContent response in agent.InvokeStreamingAsync(message, agentThread))
for user_input in USER_INPUTS:
    await agent.add_chat_message(thread_id=thread.id, message=user_input)
    async for content in agent.invoke_stream(thread_id=thread.id):
        print(content.content, end="", flush=True)

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

Using Plugins with an AzureAIAgent

Semantic Kernel supports extending an AzureAIAgent with custom plugins for enhanced functionality:

Plugin plugin = KernelPluginFactory.CreateFromType<YourPlugin>();
AIProjectClient client = AzureAIAgent.CreateAzureAIClient("<your connection-string>", new AzureCliCredential());
AgentsClient agentsClient = client.GetAgentsClient();

Agent definition = agentsClient.CreateAgentAsync(
    "<name of the the model used by the agent>",
    name: "<agent name>",
    description: "<agent description>",
    instructions: "<agent instructions>");

AzureAIAgent agent = new(definition, agentsClient, plugins: [plugin]);
from semantic_kernel.functions import kernel_function

class SamplePlugin:
    @kernel_function(description="Provides sample data.")
    def get_data(self) -> str:
        return "Sample data"

ai_agent_settings = AzureAIAgentSettings.create()

async with (
        DefaultAzureCredential() as creds,
        AzureAIAgent.create_client(credential=creds) as client,
        agent_definition = await client.agents.create_agent(

        agent = AzureAIAgent(

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

Advanced Features

An AzureAIAgent can leverage advanced tools such as:

Code Interpreter

Code Interpreter allows the agents to write and run Python code in a sandboxed execution environment (Azure AI Agent Service Code Interpreter).

AIProjectClient client = AzureAIAgent.CreateAzureAIClient("<your connection-string>", new AzureCliCredential());
AgentsClient agentsClient = client.GetAgentsClient();

Agent definition = agentsClient.CreateAgentAsync(
    "<name of the the model used by the agent>",
    name: "<agent name>",
    description: "<agent description>",
    instructions: "<agent instructions>",
    tools: [new CodeInterpreterToolDefinition()],
            CodeInterpreter = new()
                FileIds = { ... },

AzureAIAgent agent = new(definition, agentsClient);
from azure.ai.projects.models import CodeInterpreterTool

async with (
        DefaultAzureCredential() as creds,
        AzureAIAgent.create_client(credential=creds) as client,
        code_interpreter = CodeInterpreterTool()
        agent_definition = await client.agents.create_agent(

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

File search augments agents with knowledge from outside its model (Azure AI Agent Service File Search Tool).

AIProjectClient client = AzureAIAgent.CreateAzureAIClient("<your connection-string>", new AzureCliCredential());
AgentsClient agentsClient = client.GetAgentsClient();

Agent definition = agentsClient.CreateAgentAsync(
    "<name of the the model used by the agent>",
    name: "<agent name>",
    description: "<agent description>",
    instructions: "<agent instructions>",
    tools: [new FileSearchToolDefinition()],
            FileSearch = new()
                VectorStoreIds = { ... },

AzureAIAgent agent = new(definition, agentsClient);
from azure.ai.projects.models import FileSearchTool

async with (
        DefaultAzureCredential() as creds,
        AzureAIAgent.create_client(credential=creds) as client,
        file_search = FileSearchTool(vector_store_ids=[vector_store.id])
        agent_definition = await client.agents.create_agent(

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

OpenAPI Integration

Connects your agent to an external API (How to use Azure AI Agent Service with OpenAPI Specified Tools).

AIProjectClient client = AzureAIAgent.CreateAzureAIClient("<your connection-string>", new AzureCliCredential());
AgentsClient agentsClient = client.GetAgentsClient();

string apiJsonSpecification = ...; // An Open API JSON specification

Agent definition = agentsClient.CreateAgentAsync(
    "<name of the the model used by the agent>",
    name: "<agent name>",
    description: "<agent description>",
    instructions: "<agent instructions>",
    tools: [
        new OpenApiToolDefinition(
            "<api name>", 
            "<api description>", 
            new OpenApiAnonymousAuthDetails())

AzureAIAgent agent = new(definition, agentsClient);
from azure.ai.projects.models import OpenApiTool, OpenApiAnonymousAuthDetails

async with (
        DefaultAzureCredential() as creds,
        AzureAIAgent.create_client(credential=creds) as client,
        openapi_spec_file_path = "sample/filepath/..."
        with open(os.path.join(openapi_spec_file_path, "spec_one.json")) as file_one:
            openapi_spec_one = json.loads(file_one.read())
        with open(os.path.join(openapi_spec_file_path, "spec_two.json")) as file_two:
            openapi_spec_two = json.loads(file_two.read())

        # Note that connection or managed identity auth setup requires additional setup in Azure
        auth = OpenApiAnonymousAuthDetails()
        openapi_tool_one = OpenApiTool(
        openapi_tool_two = OpenApiTool(

        agent_definition = await client.agents.create_agent(
            tools=openapi_tool_one.definitions + openapi_tool_two.definitions,

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

AzureAI Search Integration

Use an existing Azure AI Search index with with your agent (Use an existing AI Search index).

AIProjectClient client = AzureAIAgent.CreateAzureAIClient("<your connection-string>", new AzureCliCredential());
AgentsClient agentsClient = client.GetAgentsClient();

ConnectionsClient cxnClient = client.GetConnectionsClient();
ListConnectionsResponse searchConnections = await cxnClient.GetConnectionsAsync(AzureAIP.ConnectionType.AzureAISearch);
ConnectionResponse searchConnection = searchConnections.Value[0];

Agent definition = agentsClient.CreateAgentAsync(
    "<name of the the model used by the agent>",
    name: "<agent name>",
    description: "<agent description>",
    instructions: "<agent instructions>",
    tools: [new AzureAIP.AzureAISearchToolDefinition()],
    toolResources: new()
        AzureAISearch = new()
            IndexList = { new AzureAIP.IndexResource(searchConnection.Id, "<your index name>") }

AzureAIAgent agent = new(definition, agentsClient);
from azure.ai.projects.models import AzureAISearchTool, ConnectionType

async with (
        DefaultAzureCredential() as creds,
        AzureAIAgent.create_client(credential=creds) as client,
        conn_list = await client.connections.list()

        ai_search_conn_id = ""
        for conn in conn_list:
            if conn.connection_type == ConnectionType.AZURE_AI_SEARCH:
                ai_search_conn_id = conn.id

        ai_search = AzureAISearchTool(

        agent_definition = await client.agents.create_agent(
            instructions="Answer questions using your index.",
            headers={"x-ms-enable-preview": "true"},

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

Retrieving an Existing AzureAIAgent

An existing agent can be retrieved and reused by specifying its assistant ID:

Agent definition = agentsClient.GetAgentAsync("<your agent id>");
AzureAIAgent agent = new(definition, agentsClient);
agent_definition = await client.agents.get_agent(assistant_id="your-agent-id")
agent = AzureAIAgent(client=client, definition=agent_definition)

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

Deleting an AzureAIAgent

Agents and their associated threads can be deleted when no longer needed:

await agentThread.DeleteAsync();
await agentsClient.DeleteAgentAsync(agent.Id);
await client.agents.delete_thread(thread.id)
await client.agents.delete_agent(agent.id)

If working with a vector store or files, they may be deleted as well:

await agentsClient.DeleteVectorStoreAsync("<your store id>");
await agentsClient.DeleteFileAsync("<your file id>");
await client.agents.delete_file(file_id=file.id)
await client.agents.delete_vector_store(vector_store_id=vector_store.id)

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.

More information on the file search tool is described in the Azure AI Agent Service file search tool article.


For practical examples of using an AzureAIAgent, see our code samples on GitHub:

Agents are currently unavailable in Java.