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SelectionHitResult Enumeration

SelectionHitResult Enumeration

Defines values that specify which part of a selection, if any, was hit during a hit test.


Visual Basic .NET Public Enum SelectionHitResult
C# public enum SelectionHitResult
Managed C++ __value public enum SelectionHitResult


Constant Name Description
None Specifies no part of the selection was hit.
Northwest Specifies the northwest corner sizing handle was hit.
Southeast Specifies the southeast corner sizing handle was hit.
Northeast Specifies the northeast corner sizing handle was hit.
Southwest Specifies the southwest corner sizing handle was hit.
East Specifies the east side sizing handle was hit.
West Specifies the west side sizing handle was hit.
North Specifies the north side sizing handle was hit.
South Specifies the south side sizing handle was hit.
Selection Specifies the selection itself was hit (no selection handle was hit).

Enumeration Information

Namespace Microsoft.Ink
Assembly Microsoft.Ink (microsoft.ink.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.Ink, Version=1.7.4009.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a2870d9cc4d021c8

See Also