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GetGestureStatus Method [InkEdit Control]

GetGestureStatus Method [InkEdit Control]

Returns a value that indicates whether the InkEdit control is interested in a particular application gesture.



HRESULT GetGestureStatus (
    [in] InkApplicationGesture gesture,
    [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *Listening

[Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0]

[Visual Basic]
Public Function GetGestureStatus( _
    gesture As InkApplicationGesture _
) As Boolean



[in] The gesture that you want the status of.


[out, retval] A value that indicates the interest of the InkEdit control in a known application gesture.

Value Description
True The InkEdit control has interested in the gesture and the Gesture event of the InkEdit control fires when the gesture is recognized.
False The InkEdit control has no interested in the gesture.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description
S_OK Success.
E_POINTER Input parameter was incorrect.
E_INK_INVALID_MODE Collection mode must be in gesture-mode.
E_OUTOFMEMORY Cannot allocate memory to perform action.
E_INK_EXCEPTION An exception occurred.
E_INVALIDARG The flag is invalid.


This method throws an exception if the gesture parameter is set to the IAG_AllGestures gesture.

To set the interest of the the InkEdit control in a particular gesture, call the InkEdit::SetGestureStatus method.

Note: By default, the InkEdit control has interest in the following gestures:


[Visual Basic 6.0]

This Visual Basic 6.0 example sets and then tests the interest status for the IAG_ArrowLeft gesture on the InkEdit object, theInkEdit, and then displays a message box containing the value True.

  Private Sub Form_Load()
      theInkEdit.hWnd = Me.hWnd
      theInkEdit.Enabled = True
      theInkEdit.SetGestureStatus IAG_ArrowLeft, True
      MsgBox theInkEdit.GetGestureStatus(IAG_ArrowLeft)
  End Sub

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