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MousePointer Property (Automation Only)

MousePointer Property (Automation Only)

Gets or sets a value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears.



[propput] HRESULT put_MousePointer (
    [in] InkMousePointer MousePointer
[propget] HRESULT get_MousePointer (
    [out, retval] InkMousePointer* MousePointer


[Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0]

Public Property Get MousePointer() As InkMousePointer
Public Property Let MousePointer( _
    ByVal theMousePointer As InkMousePointer)


Property Value

InkMousePointer A value that indicates the type of mouse pointer that appears.

The default value is IMP_Default.

This property is read-only read/write.

Return Value

HRESULT value Description
S_OK Success
E_POINTER One of the parameters is an invalid pointer.
E_UNEXPECTED Unexpected property type.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.


If you set the MousePointer property to IMP_Default, the mouse cursor setting is based on the current cursor's drawing attributes. If the ink collector is disabled, the mouse cursor setting is based on the underlying windows mouse cursor drawingattributes. If the MousePointer property is set to IMP_Custom and the MouseIcon property is NULL (Nothing in Visual Basic 6.0), then the ink collector no longer handles mouse cursor settings. Setting the mouse cursor to any other setting (other than the MousePointer property set to IMP_Default and the MouseIcon property set to NULL) forces the mouse cursor to use the current setting.

You can use this property when you want to indicate changes in functionality as the mouse pointer passes over controls on a form or dialog box. The IMP_Hourglass setting is useful for indicating that the user should wait for a process or operation to finish.

Applies To