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Expert Functions

The following helper functions can only be called by experts that export the Run or Configure function.

Function Description
ExpertGetFrame Retrieves a given frame from the capture.
ExpertIndicateStatus Indicates the percentage of completion of the expert's analysis of capture.
ExpertGetStartupInfo Retrieves the startup information for the expert.
ExpertMemorySize Retrieves the size of memory allocated by a call to the ExpertAllocMemory function.
ExpertSubmitEvent Indicates a problem and retrieves information about the problem if one exists.
ExpertAllocMemory Allocates memory for the expert.
ExpertReallocMemory Changes the size of the memory allocated by the ExpertAllocMemory function.
ExpertFreeMemory Frees memory allocated by the expert.

For information about export functions, helper functions that can be called by experts and parsers, structures, and enumerations, see the following topics:

For information about See
Functions that are exported by experts Expert DLL Export Functions
Structures that are used by expert functions Expert Structures
Enumerations used by expert structures and functions Expert Enumerations
Common helper functions that can be called by experts and parsers Expert and Parser Common Functions