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TabItem Class

This class is the base class for child nodes of a TabStrip.


Visual Basic MustInherit  Public  Class TabItem Inherits BaseChildNode
C# public   abstract  class TabItem : BaseChildNode
Managed C++ public:  __gc __abstract  class TabItem :  public BaseChildNode
JScript public   abstract  class TabItem extends BaseChildNode

Inheritance Hierarchy


Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the TabItem object.

Attribute Property Description
AccessKey Sets or retrieves the keyboard shortcut key (AccessKey) for setting focus to the item.
CurrentImageUrl Retrieves a value that indicates the product of merging local and global image URLs.
CurrentStyle The product of merging local and global styles.
DEFAULTIMAGEURL DefaultImageUrl Sets or retrieves the URL of the image as default for all inactive elements.
DEFAULTSTYLE DefaultStyle Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the default style for the element.
Enabled Sets or retrieves a value indicating whether the item is enabled.
HOVERIMAGEURL HoverImageUrl Sets or retrieves the URL of the image for an element when the user hovers the mouse pointer over it.
HOVERSTYLE HoverStyle Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style of the element when the user hovers the keyboard focus or mouse pointer over it.
ORIENTATION Orientation Retrieves a value that indicates the alignment of the object within the document.
Parent Retrieves the parent object of a node.
ParentTabStrip Retrieves the TabStrip that contains the TabItem.
SELECTEDIMAGEURL SelectedImageUrl Sets or retrieves the URL of an image to use for a selected node or TAB.
SELECTEDSTYLE SelectedStyle Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the style for the selected element.
TabIndex Sets or retrieves the tab index of the item.
TEXT Text Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the text or caption for the object.
ToolTip Sets or retrieves the ToolTip for the item to be displayed when the cursor is over the control.
UpLevelTag The uplevel tag name for the object item.
Method Description
AddAttributesToRender Adds attributes to the HtmlTextWriter object.
Clone Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.
DesignerContent Renders the item's content for the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Editor.
DownLevelContent Renders the item's contents for downlevel browsers.
LoadViewState Loads the item's previously saved view state.
RenderDesignerPath Implements the rendering path for the Visual Studio .NET Editor.
RenderDownLevelPath Implements the downLevel rendering path in this method.
RenderImage Renders the image tag.
RenderText Renders the text property.
RenderUpLevelPath Implements the uplevel rendering path for this method.
SaveViewState Saves changes to the item's view state to an object.
SetViewStateClean Sets all items within the StateBag to be clean.
SetViewStateDirty Sets all items within the StateBag to be dirty.
ToString Retrieves a string that indicates the current object.
TrackViewState Instructs the control to track changes to its view state.
WriteAttributes Writes attributes to the HtmlTextWriter object.
WriteItemAttributes Renders the object item's attributes.

Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls
Assembly Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll

See Also

Internet Explorer WebControls, About the TabStrip WebControl