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SELECT Element

This section lists the methods supported by the SELECT element.

accDoDefaultAction Performs the following actions: ScrollIntoView, Focus, and Click.
accHitTest See Hit Testing
accLocation Specifies the location in screen coordinates.
accNavigate See About General Navigation
accSelect Sets the focus on itself. The method only supports SELFLAG_TAKEFOCUS.
get_accChild Returns the requested child object or its ID. If you set the child ID to CHILDID_SELF, the method returns E_INVALIDARG.
get_accChildCount Returns the number of children.
get_accDefaultAction Has Select as the default action.
get_accDescription Returns "Select Element" if the delegation fails.
get_accFocus Delegates the object. If there is no object, the method returns E_NOTIMPL.
get_accHelp Returns E_NOTIMPL.
get_accHelpTopic Returns E_NOTIMPL.
get_accKeyboardShortcut Returns the accessKey.
get_accName Delegates the object. If there is no object, the method returns the associated or wrapping label. If there is no label, the method returns the title. If there is no title, the method returns a NULL pointer and S_OK.
get_accParent Returns the closest accessible element in the parent chain.
get_accSelection Delegates the object. If there is no object, the method returns E_NOTIMPL.
get_accState Returns one or more of STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE, STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE, STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE, and STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSED. As of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, also returns STATE_SYSTEM_OFFSCREEN. For more information, see About Invisible Objects.
get_accValue Delegates the object. If there is no object, the method returns E_NOTIMPL.
put_accName Returns E_NOTIMPL.
put_accValue Returns E_NOTIMPL.