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Exchange 2007 MP Hot Fixes

Courtesy of Rory McCaw - https://rorymccaw.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!2C4CD58BB2826E21!3770.entry?sa=83371118 

Are you interested in monitoring Exchange 2007 with SCOM and the latest Exchange 2007 MP? This can be found in the Operations Manager MP Catalog at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/opsmgr/cc539535.aspx. The MP itself (version 6.0.6461.0, released Dec 8, 2008) can be found at https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1a83e112-8677-4e03-83c3-f1b7ebfc3a4b&displaylang=en&displaylang=en.

In the Overview section, the text calls out three (3) hotfixes that are required for this MP and that should be installed prior to importing the MP. Are you looking for KB950853…

Read the rest of the article at https://infrontconsulting.com/resources.htm. The article is titled Hotfix 950853.

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