Fix: RSSOwl virtualized with Microsoft App-V fails to launch after the first attempt
After sequencing RSSOwl 2.x with Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) you may be able to launch RSSOWL during the monitoring and the launch phase, however after the second launch (and subsequent launches) the application fails to start with an application-specific error:
"There are no more files"
This occurs due to a sharing violation with the initial configuration file and the directory which needs to be opened for Read/Write access.
1. Add an exclusion for %CSIDL_PROFILE%\.rssowl2\ prior to monitoring. You can do this by going to "Tools" and then "Options" in the sequencer. Then click the "Exclusion Items" tab.
2. During sequencing, let RSSOwl launch after it finishes installing during the monitoring phase. Then click through (skip) the Launch window. This will ensure all user settings do not get capture and get regenerated for new users and get properly routed to their profile *.PKG files.
Hope this helps,
Steve Thomas | Senior Support Escalation Engineer
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