Vittorio Bertocci
Scatter thoughts
Considerate Computing
I was lazily reading the Italian version of Scientific American, and I got on a very interesting...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/20/2005
Marketing Weather
That's how a colleague defined the weather last weekend in Seattle, and I loved the expression:-)It...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/18/2005
Ta dahhh. Redmond
I finally had the chance to see the mother ship. Driving on the motorway and seeing an exit for...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/13/2005
Consumer side RFID killer app!
OK, we've all read for the last x years about how RFID is going to be a breakthrough technology for...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/04/2005
Metadata exposed
Steve Cook gathers in one post three of the "must read" references about metadata out there. Find...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/26/2005
ArtRage power
Sometime it's only natural to sketch something senseless while following a presentation, having a...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/26/2005
I have been xmlcoverpaged!!!
In an article about the new release of WS-ReliableMessaging on, hosted by OASIS,...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/25/2005
Referral spam?
It's so à la Cambrian Era fashion. Nature seems to be trying all possible forms of survival, while...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/24/2005
WS-ReliableMessaging 2005: what's new
Scatter list of new or (IMHO) notable features of the 2005 version of WS-ReliableMessaging. Overall...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/18/2005
Need [WS-]Policy Advice?
So check out https://Securing.WS!You'll find (together with the already mentioned TulaFale) the Web...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/18/2005
WS-RM Policy: sounds good
I sort of missed it when I first spotted that something moved in the WS-RM msdn home.Meet Web...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/17/2005
Goldrake è Transazionale
Italian post. It would not make sense for somebody who's not Italian and above thirty...Stasera,...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/16/2005
The evolving world of WS-*
If you happen to browse on the msdn web services page, don't miss the WS Specification News section:...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/14/2005
WSETrace Here
As everybody knows, Simon produced a really useful wse trace viewer: however, I was never able to...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/04/2005
Quote of the week
"Web service developers have trouble dealing with humans, and I'm not just talking about getting...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/04/2005
Power without cables I'd say that if it works they have a bright future.Considering than now I...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/03/2005
PolicyExecutionStage, or the seasons of a ws-policy assertion
Today I discovered that apparently the Microsoft.Web.Services2.Policy.PolicyExecutionStage type...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/29/2005
If Huygens, Spirit & Opportunity went through all the troubles to have one...
...then having a moblog must be really something!So I decided I want one, too. But I'm ignorant...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/19/2005
Contract as a way of life in literature
Strange how certain anchors seems not to be susceptible to watering by continual exposure to the...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/19/2005
Media Center: Intervallo <musichetta>plin, plin plin plin, ...</musichetta>
<Intervallo musichetta="Arpa"> <vistafadeinfadeout>Pero</vistafadeinfadeout>...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/16/2005
Gaussian bells & lucky colleagues
Ahh guys. After a serious post, I feel the need to compensate with a light one.And I hope you'll...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/14/2005
Spoiled by .NET, connectivity, etc
It's too easy to get spoiled by .NET and by all the related initiatives.I have the SP3 just from...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/10/2005
Creature-house entrance relationship
I'm running the classical old StarWars marathone, and I can't help to interrupt a sec for blogging...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/08/2005
Modeling Reality
Happy new year everyone!My first 2005 post is about something that I hold very dear, a computer...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/07/2005
Do Klingons use namespaces?
Every SF fan, sooner or later, goes through a phase in which he/she questions the plausibility of...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 12/07/2004
WiFi Adoption & commuting in Tuscany
The beauty of managing to go to work by train is that you can happily keep your tablet on, ehr well,...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 12/02/2004
Retail madness & ws-discovery
[Long and of doubtful practical use, you're warned.] Last Saturday I went to visit a town entirely...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 11/17/2004
Near-pantheon experiences and other stories
I deserted my blog for a loooong time.The reason is that this summer something flabbergastingly...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 10/27/2004
Clemens introduces FABRIQ. From the GDN FABRIQ workspace home: > FABRIQ is a high-performance,...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/26/2004
WSE's little known fact: custom SecurityContextToken issuers and policy
I'm sure everybody appreciated how WSE2 makes exceptionally easy to use WS-SecureConversation: you...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/22/2004
MAY VS2005 (whidbey) MSDN
If you are playing with the May bits of Visual Studio 2005 (DO IT! i's stuffed with many pleasant...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 06/09/2004
WS-quake: WSE2 is out
This is the moment so many of you waited for so eagerly: WSE2 has been released! The freshest WS-*...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 05/24/2004
Penalities for improper use
Unexpected impacts of owning connected devices on everyday life, or my electronic coscience...Some...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 05/11/2004
Devices, WS and spare time
Ahh, the coincidences. Suburbs of the Gaussian bell. In barely two weeks I've bought a pocket pc...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 05/04/2004
Cool HTTP tracing & testing tool
Check out Fiddler from Eric Lawrence: it's very useful and extremely user friendly, as opposed to...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/08/2004
Guess what? WS-Security is a standard!
Omri, Rebecca, and Hervey give notice of the fact, adding juicy comments on the impact on WSE2 that...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/07/2004
(in few days) One year of blogging
It's not a year yet, but if I want to bore you with my wrap-up on the subject I have to leverage one...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 04/04/2004
Updated WS-ReliableMessaging
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 03/09/2004
Let's welcome WS-Discovery
As consolidated tradition, here you have the announcement of the lastes WS-* spec.WS-Discovery is a...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/18/2004
WS-Security article on Italian magazine
Since I'm speaking about a resource in Italian language, I assume that only Italian speakers will be...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 02/08/2004
[noise] An full ecosystem on my desktop!
Well, this time is not a metaphor involving agents or whatever else computer science-related... but...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/31/2004
WS Transactions specs family gain a new member
Always like this. I spend few hours away from the 'net, and all of the sudden interesting things...
Author: Vittorio Bertocci - MSFT Date: 01/29/2004