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Sizing Tips on AX 2009

Hi All, we’ve seen a number of sizing tips coming out over the last few months – below you’ll find a consolidation of the majority of them – please note there is now a Benchmark toolkit available on Codeplex from the Microsoft Dynamics AX Performance Team (link below)

- Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 System Requirements (detail): https://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/en/us/using/ax-system-requirements-2009.aspx

- Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 “Day in the Life” Benchmark: https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource/documentation/whitepapers/ax2009benchmark.htm?printpage=false&stext=benchmark ax

- Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Enterprise Portal Benchmark: https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource/productinformation/factsheets/ax2009epbenchmark.htm?printpage=false&stext=benchmark ax

- Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Application Integration Framework Benchmark: https://mbs.microsoft.com/customersource/documentation/whitepapers/ax2009aifbenchmark.htm?printpage=false&stext=benchmark ax

- Application Benchmark Toolkit for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009: https://blogs.msdn.com/axperf/archive/2009/03/17/application-benchmark-toolkit-for-microsoft-dynamics-ax-2009.aspx

- Planning system topology - Sample deployment scenarios (TechNet): https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd309725.aspx

- Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Service Pack 1 Suggested Hardware for Deployments up to 100 and up to 250 Concurrent Users: https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/documentation/whitepapers/ax40_suggestedhardware.htm?printpage=false&stext=Microsoft Dynamics™ AX 2009 Suggested Hardware for Deployments up to 100

Don’t forget there’s also the sizing guide from the Performance team which was recently published on the UK Partner Portal, and a recent blog post!

Posted By Fee Nolan