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Neptun Demo Days

Next week the Neptun Road Show through the Universities begins. Neptung will demonstrate their actual model selection. If you are looking for a new laptop, Neptun is the right choice. The Lead Student Partners will be present at some events as well, so if you have any questions it's a good chance to get in contact with Microsoft Switzerland

Here are the dates for the Neptun Demo Days:

Datum Zeit Ort
19.9.2011 9.00 - 12.00, 13.30 - 17.30 Pathworks, Nidfedlstrasse 5, 6010 Kriens (nur HP und Lenovo Geräte)
20.9.2011 10.00 - 14.30 UZH, Zentrum, Lichthof
21.9.2011 10.00 - 14.30 ETH Zürich, HPH (Hönggerberg), Foyer
22.9.2011 10.00 - 14.30 Uni Basel, Petersplatz 1, Foyer
23.9.2011 10.00 - 14.30 FHNW Olten, Riggenbachstrasse 16
26.9.2011 10.00 - 14.30 ZHAW Winterthur, Technikumstrasse 9
27.9.2011 10.00 - 14.30 UZH, Irchel, Lichthof
28.9.2011 10.00 - 14.30 ETH Zürich, Zentrum, GEP Pavillon
29.9.2011 10.00 - 14.30 Uni Bern, Gesellschaftsstrasse 6, Foyer