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OpsMgr 2007 toolbox

There are so many tools currently developed that it is hard to know where to find them. Here is a list that I know of maybe it’s helpful to you.

Please let me know if I’m missing one.

Tool Purpose Description Author Website
Mpviewer 1.7 MP viewing Browse for both MP and XML files.Export to Excel and HTML. Boris Yanuspolsky OpsMgr++
ModuleExplorer v2 MP Module Viewing Provide some visibility into the library of modules and information about each module Boris Yanuspolsky OpsMgr++
OverrideCreator MP editing utility that allows you to multiselect a number of rules/monitors/discoveries and create an override to either disable them or enable them Boris Yanuspolsky OpsMgr++
Run As profile configuration helper v1 MP Authoring Will allow you to configure a RunAs profile for agents in bulk Boris Yanuspolsky OpsMgr++
Override Explorer v3.3 MP Viewing View what overrides exist in a management group Boris Yanuspolsky OpsMgr++
InstallTool MP Authoring Remove override references from the MP you are trying to remove R. Brennan Secure Vantage Team Blog
Eventlog Explorer Testing and debugging Helps in exploring NT Eventlog sources installed on a local machine and design and fire user selected sets of events involving multiple sources with one button click Zbigniew Butor Operations Manager Product Team Blog
MP2XMLDumper MP Viewing Export of specific management packs by partial name criteria Clive Eastwood OpsMgr, SCE and MOM Blog
MgInfo Shows MgInfo Displays licensing, and some summary information about your management group Clive Eastwood OpsMgr, SCE and MOM Blog
ProxyCFG Configure/View Configure/view agent proxy (Cmd) Clive Eastwood OpsMgr, SCE and MOM Blog
ProxySettings v1.1 View Proxy Settings Configure/view agent proxy (GUI) Operations Manager Product Team Contoso.se
AgentMM Maintenance Mode Puts OpsMgr agents into maintenance mode Clive Eastwood OpsMgr, SCE and MOM Blog
Windows PowerShell Scriptomatic MP Authoring  Utility that writes WMI scripts for system administration  Ed Wilson  Microsoft Download Center 
My Log File Viewer Utility  Testing and debugging  Lets you view System Center Operations Manager 2007 Server/Agent Event logs on a remote computer   Jeevan Bisht  Manageability Team Blog 
Data Warehouse Data Retention Policy (dwdatarp.exe)  Configure/View Allows you to view and configure the data warehouse data retention policies configured within your Operations Manager DW  Daniel Savage  Operations Manager Product Team Blog 
System Center Content Search Gadget   Knowlegde This gadget makes it easier to find help for Microsoft System Center products because it uses Live Search macros to search specific sites instead of the entire web  Chris Scoville  Live Gallery 
OpsMgr Linear Explorer Build 316 View  This tool allows you to explore the lineage of OpsMgr MP elements. Vin DiPippo SCOMNIVORE
OpsMgr Cleanup tool View  Command-line utility that enables you to remove all the components of Operations Manager 2007 from a local computer in cases where the typical method of removing applications through Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel fails Walter Chomak Walter Chomak's System Center Operations Manager 2007 Landing Zone
SCOM Remote Maintenance Mode Scheduler Management GUI based tool that lets administrators easily schedule maintenance mode for a server or group of servers inside System Center Operations Manager 2007. Tim McFadden Everything System Center Operations Manager 2007
OpsMgr Alert Closer Management Command line tool that connects to the SDK service on the RMS, retrieves all open alerts, then resolves them. Jeremy D. Pavleck Pavleck.Net
Log Smith for Operations Manager Management Log Smith connects to your Root Management Server (SDK Service) to gather and display events in a much more flexible way than the original Operations Console. Stefan Koell Code4Ward
OpsMgr 2007 - RuntimeHealthExplorer Management Tool helps someone with investigation of health state issues Marius Sutara Notes on System Center Operations Manager


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Source: System Center Forum Stefan Koell has released v1 of LogSmith for Operations Manage r . LogSmith

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Have you ever wanted to know which scripts are being using in a Management Pack? I did ;-) You would

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I’ve updated my OpsMgr 2007 Toolbox with the Windows PowerShell Scriptomatic from Ed Wilson, My

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Source: Pavleck.Net I updated my OpsMgr Toolbox with a new OpsMgr Tool called OpsMgr Alert Closer from

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Chris Scoville has created a new version of the System Center Content Gadget. This is one of the best

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Source: Walter Chomak's System Center Operations Manager 2007 Landing Zone I’ve updated the OpsMgr

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Source: Notes on System Center Operations Manager I’ve updated my OpsMgr toolbox collection with a new

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Source: Everything System Center Operations Manager 2007 Tim McFadden has created a GUI based tool that

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Today I updated the OpsMgr Toolbox with the latest version of the Module Explorer v2 from Boris Yanushpolsky.

  • Anonymous
    July 11, 2012
    Great work