New API for the Silverlight 1.0 Beta
With the substantial number of new features and API added to the Silverlight 1.0 Beta release since the February CTP release, I decided to compile a list of the new API. I've grouped them into feature areas.
- New Inking Support
- Enhanced Error Handling Support
- New Animation, Graphics, and Media Features
- Redesigned Silverlight Control Model
- New Text and Font Support
- Other New Support
See Silverlight 1.0 Beta Enhancements and Converting a WPF/E Application to a Silverlight Scripting Application for other info on changes to the Silverlight programming model.
API | Description |
InkPresenter | Element that displays ink and can be a child, sibling or parent of other elements. |
InkPresenter.Strokes | The collection of ink strokes that correspond to the InkPresenter. |
Stroke | Represents a collection of points that correspond to a stylus-down, move, and stylus-up sequence. |
Stroke.DrawingAttributes | Specifies the appearance of the Stroke. |
Stroke.GetBounds() | Returns a Rect which is the bounding box of the Stroke. |
Stroke.HitTest() | Returns true if the StylusPointCollection passed intersects the Stroke object; otherwise, false. |
Stroke.StylusPoints | The collection of StylusPoint objects that make up the Stroke. |
StrokeCollection | Represents zero or more Stroke objects that are grouped together. |
StrokeCollection.GetBounds() | Returns a Rect which is the bounding box of the strokes in the collection. |
StrokeCollection.HitTest() | Returns a collection of strokes that are intersected by the points in the StylusPointCollection passed. |
StylusInfo | Represents information about the state of the stylus. |
StylusInfo.IsInverted | Specifies whether the stylus is inverted. |
StylusInfo.DeviceType | Indicates if the stylus represents mouse, stylus, or touch input. |
StylusPoint | Represents a single point collected while the user is inking with the stylus or mouse. |
StylusPoint.PressureFactor | The pressure of the stylus on the screen. |
StylusPoint.X | The X coordinate of the StylusPoint in pixels. |
StylusPoint.Y | The Y coordinate of the StylusPoint in pixels. |
StylusPointCollection | Represents a set of related StylusPoint objects. |
StylusPointCollection.AddStylusPoints | Adds a collection of StylusPoint objects to the collection. |
DrawingAttributes | Represents the appearance of a Stroke. |
DrawingAttributes.Color | The color of the associated stroke. |
DrawingAttributes.Height | The height of the associated stroke. |
DrawingAttributes.OutlineColor | The outline color of the associated stroke. |
DrawingAttributes.Width | The width of the associated stroke. |
DeviceType | Specifies the basic classes of pointing devices supported. |
MouseEventArgs.GetStylusInfo() | Returns a StylusInfo object which gives information about the state of the Stylus. |
MouseEventArgs.GetStylusPoints() | Returns a clone of the stylus points collected since the last mouse event. |
For more information about inking in Silverlight, see the following topic: Ink Support In Microsoft Silverlight .
API | Description |
ErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the OnError event. |
ErrorEventArgs.ErrorCode | Gets the error code associated with the error. |
ErrorEventArgs.ErrorMessage | Gets the error description associated with the error. |
ErrorEventArgs.ErrorType | Gets the ErrorType of the error associated with the event. |
ErrorType | Describes the possible types of errors. |
ParserErrorEventArgs | Provides data for XAML parser error events. |
ParserErrorEventArgs.CharPosition | The character position within the line that the parser error occurred on. |
ParserErrorEventArgs.LineNumber | Gets the line number at which the parser error occurred. |
ParserErrorEventArgs.XamlFile | Gets the name of the Xaml file that the parser error occurred in. |
ParserErrorEventArgs.XmlAttribute | Gets the xml attribute that the parser error occurred in. |
ParserErrorEventArgs.XmlElement | Gets the xml element that the parser error occurred in. |
RuntimeErrorEventArgs | Provides data for runtime error events. |
RuntimeErrorEventArgs.CharPosition | The character position within the line that the runtime error occurred on. |
RuntimeErrorEventArgs.LineNumber | Gets the line number at which the runtime error occurred. |
RuntimeErrorEventArgs.MethodName | Gets the name of the method associated with the runtime error. |
For more information about error handling in Silverlight scripting applications, see the following topic: Silverlight Application Scripting Error Handling.
API | Description |
MediaAttribute | Represents an attribute from an entry in a ASX file. |
MediaAttribute.Name | Gets the name of the MediaAttribute which is the name of the xml element in the ASX file that the MediaAttribute corresponds to. |
MediaAttribute.Value | Gets the value of the MediaAttribute which is the value of the xml element in the ASX file that the MediaAttribute corresponds to. |
MediaAttributeCollection | Represents a collection of MediaAttribute objects. |
MediaAttributeCollection.GetItemByName() | Gets the MediaAttribute for the collection with the Name equal to the specified string. |
MediaElement.Attributes | Gets the collection of MediaAttribute objects which corresponds to the current entry in the ASX file that Source is set to. |
MediaElement.MarkerReached | Occurs when a timeline marker is encountered during media playback. |
MediaElement.Markers | Gets the collection of timeline markers associated with the currently loaded media file. |
TimelineMarker | Represents metadata associated with a specific point in a media file. |
TimelineMarker.Collection | Represents metadata associated with a specific point in a media file. |
TimelineMarker.Text | Gets or sets the text value of this TimelineMarker. |
TimelineMarker.Time | Gets or sets the time at which this TimelineMarker is reached. |
TimelineMarker.Type | Gets or sets the type of this TimelineMarker. |
TimeLineMarkerCollection | Represents a collection of TimelineMarker objects. |
TimeLineMarkerEventArgs | Contains arguments for the MediaElement.MarkerReached event. |
TimelineMarkerEventArgs.Marker | Gets the TimelineMarker that triggered this event. |
VideoBrush | Paints an area with video. |
VideoBrush.SourceName | Gets or sets the Name of the MediaElement that provides video for this VideoBrush. |
VideoBrush.Stretch | Gets or sets a value that specifies how the video of this brush stretches to fill the painted area. |
UIElement.Resources | Gets or sets a collection of Storyboard objects that you can use to control animations. |
ResourceCollection | Represents a collection of Resource objects. |
For more information about using animations, graphics, and media in Silverlight scripting applications, see the following topics: Animation Overview, Media Overview, Silverlight Brushes Overview, and Silverlight VideoBrush Overview .
API | Description |
Background | API name changed from BackgroundColor. |
EnableFramerateCounter | Gets or sets a value that determines whether to display the current framerate in the hosting browser's status bar. (Microsoft Internet Explorer only) |
EnableHtmlAccess | Determines whether the hosted content in the Silverlight control has access to the browser Document Object Model (DOM). |
InitParams | Specifies the optional set of user-defined initialization parameters. |
OnError | API redesigned to use enhanced error handling support. |
OnFullScreenChange | API name changed from FullScreenChanged. |
OnLoad | API redesigned to reflect changes to Silverlight control model. |
OnResize | API name changed from OnResized. |
Windowless | API name changed from WindowlessMode. |
For more information about new and breaking changes on the Silverlight control, see the following topics: Silverlight Object Models, Using a Silverlight Control, Using CreateSilverlight.js and Silverlight.js, and Resizing a Silverlight Control.
API | Description |
SetFontSource() | Adds font files in the downloaded content to the object's collection of type faces. |
FontSize | Gets or sets the font size for the content in this element. |
FontStretch | Gets or sets the font stretch for the content in this element. |
TextDecorations | Gets or sets the text decoration for the content in this element. |
For more information on using text in Silverlight scripting applications, see the following topic: Text and Fonts Overview.
API | Description |
MouseEventArgs.GetPosition() | Gets the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer position. Note: the x and y properties on the MouseEventArgs have been removed and replaced this method call. |
Downloader.GetResponseText() | Gets a string representation of the downloaded data. |
UIElement.Canvas.ZIndex | Gets or sets a value that represents the z-order rendering behavior of objects in a collection. |
UIElement.IsHitTestVisible | Gets or sets whether the contained area of this UIElement can be used for hit-testing. |
UIElement.Visibility | Gets or sets the user interface (UI) visibility of this element. |
Silverlight SDK Team
April 30, 2007
昨天发了个帖子 Silverlight for linux 和 DLR(Dynamic Language Runtime) 。早上看有了新帖子 silverlight1.0beta 和 silverlight1.1Anonymous
May 01, 2007
昨天发了个帖子 Silverlight for linux 和 DLR(Dynamic Language Runtime) 。早上看有了新帖子 silverlight1.0beta 和 silverlight1Anonymous
May 01, 2007
昨天发了个帖子 Silverlight for linux 和 DLR(Dynamic Language Runtime) 。早上看有了新帖子 silverlight1.0beta 和 silverlight1