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Bluetooth Headset Review

My Motorola H850 was lost, so I've tried three of the latest & greatest headsets, here's my review...

PlantronicsDiscovery 640E Motorola H700 LG HBM-730
Online Price $65 @ PriceGrabber.com $66 @ PriceGrabber.com $63 @ PriceGrabber.com
CNET Review 8.0 Consumer 8.0 Editor, 5.8 Consumer n/a
Other Reviews Amazon.com Amazon.comMobileTechReview Apartment 305
While Charging Red light Red light Red light
Claimed Talk Time 5 hrs 6 hrs 4 hrs
Claimed Standby Time 70 hrs 200 hrs 150 hrs
After Charging No indication Green light No indication
On/Off Press button Flip boom (or press button) Press button
Charging Comments Uses an docking sleeve to charge Uses standard USB type connector You must remove a little dust cover
Unique Features Can get an extra 10 hours by using the included AAA charger Had a flip boom to answer and turn on Very tiny
How Does it Stay Up? Gel ear insert (3 sizes) Over the ear clip Light over-ear and light in-ear (both required)
Speaker Design Soft gel ear insert (3 sizes) On/Over ear design Simple ear bud (like ear bud headphones)
Speaker Quality Clear, even at high volume Clear, but distorts at high volume Not as clear as the others, sounds "small"
Microphone Quality Loudest Strong Medium (not as loud as the others)
Usage Notes Feels like the ear-piece is going to fall out, but it hasn't yet. Can't just flip it open to answer a call. The indicator LED is right under the button so you can't see when you're using the button. A pain for turning it on or off.
The "Mom" Test Best audio quality! "It sounds like you're off in electronic land." Sounds muffled
CONCLUSIONMy Review Comments This is my favorite and the one I ended up keeping!  I like the small footprint and in-ear design for better audio and comfort.  If you don't mind the ear bud feel, this is a good choice.  It still hasn't fallen out once yet in the last month, but I wouldn't push it by going jogging with it. A good option if you like an ear clip.  It did not answer the phone quickly when turned on by opening the flip boom.  Probably works best with a Motorola phone. It's small.  That's about it.  Real small.  Nothing fancy, poorer audio quality, and a few small design inconveniences make this an easy 'no'.

Hope this helps someone out there...


  • Anonymous
    February 07, 2007
    Nice review, Noah.  I got a chuckle out of your "The 'Mom' Test" review category.  That was interesting.   You are knowledgeable, creative, and down-to-the earth all at the same time.