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Inside Architecture

Notes on Enterprise Architecture, Business Alignment, Interesting Trends, and anything else that interests me this week...

Self Improvement in a team

What is the correct responsibility of the team to improve the skills of each team member? As in many...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 04/07/2007

Microsoft, BPEL and Open Standards

We are frequently criticized for not supporting enough open standards. Honestly, I think it's...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 04/04/2007

If you don't trust your experts, how expert are they?

I had a great chat with an experienced IT software development leader in IT this afternoon. He was...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/30/2007

Getting a system to consume a "fictional" service

Have I got an architecture for you! It's cool. We have a set of services that underlie the user...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/24/2007

Web 2.0 vs. the IT department

Michael Platt posted a set of observations recently that offered up some troubling conclusions. In...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/23/2007

Understanding Enterprise Architecture

Just came back from an all-day offsite with the EA team in Microsoft IT. It occurs to me, in...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/22/2007

When a task consumes your life

I'm working on a single task, part of a much larger project. It is on the critical path, and I know...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/16/2007

Hero or Rebel

If you do what is needed, but not what you are told, are you a hero, or a rebel? In software, as in...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/13/2007

So what's in a roadmap, anyway?

Microsoft is an odd bird. It is a dynamic place, with different business units moving at their own...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/12/2007

fun activity for kids: count to 1000 on your fingers

Not that it's fun to count to 1000, but kids will not believe you until you show them not only that...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/10/2007

Sharepoint Business Data Catalog and system adapter patterns

A pattern is a solution that occurs many times. You recognize it and describe it and others use it....

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/10/2007

An Agile Business Planning Model

In IT, for years now, we've been debating and arguing for changes in the way in which we write...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/08/2007

Perhaps it is time to declare victory in the battle of Rules Engines vs. Dependency Injection

I watched on the sidelines, not long ago, as a team of architects carefully inspected and examined...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/06/2007

The importance of a name

Enterprise Architecture is a young science. I was reminded of that today as I sat through a...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 03/01/2007

Top 100 patterns: Building from a nascent catalog

My respect for Grady Booch has grown over the past few days, as I've investigated the idea of...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 02/20/2007

Top 100 patterns: how to pick the list

In my previous posts, I suggested that we should create a list of the top 100 patterns that every...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 02/19/2007

Why create a list of the top 100 patterns?

I posted a blog entry about creating a list of the top 100 patterns that every developer should...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 02/13/2007

What are the top 100 patterns that every developer must know?

It has been 10 years since the seminal publication of the Gang-of-Four Design Patterns book. Since...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 02/12/2007

The minimum amount of architecture needed for Test Driven Design

My good friend Malcolm posted a response to my IFaP article and asked, in essence, "what is the...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 02/09/2007

IFaP : Middle Out Architecture

There is some discussion these days about "middle out" architecture. The key idea in "middle out" is...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 02/08/2007

The best employee I ever had

I was deep in the mix during the dot-com bubble. It was one heckuva ride. In the early days, it was...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 02/07/2007

A case study in breaking up a tightly coupled integration

About 15 years ago, Microsoft upgraded their internal system that manages the list of unique product...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 02/03/2007

Managing the bindings from systems to EAI infrastructure

Every system is responsible for publishing its own events. I hold that as a core requirement of...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 02/01/2007

What about a Software Development Guild?

I work for Microsoft. However, I wonder if the answer to deciding if a developer is 'qualified'...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/31/2007

Gently pushing

In think that one of the most valuable traits of an enterprise architect is the ability to push...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/30/2007

Systems Architecture Interview Questions

Next week, I'm interviewing another architect, so I've gone over my list of "things to ask an...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/29/2007

What do you want said at your funeral?

An old saying goes: on their death bed, no one ever turns to their family and says "I wish I had...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/29/2007

Case study: create and use Platform Goals to reduce churn

If you find yourself in the unenviable position of having to prove to someone that your project is...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/27/2007

IT Parable: It's 10 o'clock... do you know where your requirements are?

Joshua and Frank were having a chat over coffee the other day. Well, Frank was having a chat. Joshua...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/25/2007

Should IT report to the CFO?

Christopher Koch at CIO magazine, as part of the research for their annual "state of the CIO"...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/23/2007

Should a performance cache query run through your EAI hub?

When you pass a message from one system to another, you have to decide: do I want the message to...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/20/2007

Your SOA is JABOWS (Just A Bunch Of Web Services) and I can prove it

Are you ready to answer this challenge... can you prove that your Service Oriented Architecture...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/16/2007

Apply API design guidelines to SOA?

Thought occurred to me when reading Brad Adam's blog that the names we give services need to be as...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/16/2007

Build TDD adoption through Support-First efforts

I am convinced that Test-Driven Development is the single greatest hope that our industry has, as a...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 01/16/2007

Taking your name off of a project

You cannot often choose the projects that you work on. However, the ones you work on should reflect...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/22/2006

Internet-wide Services Integration Architecture needed now!

As I mentioned in a prior blog entry, the lack of a single consensus mechanism for different...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/20/2006

The roadblock to Software As A Service

Prediction for 2007: The market for Software as a Service is going to peak soon, and then fall off....

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/19/2006

Declaring architecture in the code

Code sits below the architecture. It is not an expression of architecture. Code realizes...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/18/2006

A SOA Infrastructure Reference Model

I realized that I had been using a reference model, in my head, for a long time when describing the...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/14/2006

Finally got to read the SOA Reference Model from OASIS

It's a gem. I never want to hear "there's too many definitions of SOA" or "There's no definitive...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/13/2006

Requirements for an Enterprise Service

An enterprise SOA service is not just any old web service. There are specific requirements that it...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/12/2006

Encouraging Enterprise Services

Enterprise Services save money. When done well, they create discoverable, supported, consistent, and...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/11/2006

Should SOA be Top Down or Bottom Up

It's the age of the mash-up and mix-in and composed service... yet I continue to wonder if we...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/09/2006

Is SOA just an implementation of Responsibility-Driven Architecture?

A response to my prior post on Responsibility-Driven Architecture got me thinking... what is the...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/06/2006

Responsibility Driven Architecture

I'd like to introduce you to a simple term: Responsibility Driven Architecture. Like a design...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/01/2006

Enterprise vs. Application Architect

A team that I work with is hiring an application architect. (Solutions architect, if you prefer that...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 12/01/2006

Should the name of a department be encoded in a namespace?

One thread of discussion going through our internal community is this: should the .Net namespace...

Author: Nick Malik Date: 11/29/2006

Enterprise Architecture Lessons from City Planning

This entry has been deleted. My apologies.

Author: Nick Malik Date: 11/28/2006

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