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MohamedG's Log


How to: Label items in a changeset using tf label?

We can specify the versionspec to tf label either by supplying the /v or /version argument (for...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 03/27/2008

Exclude file from source control

When you need to exclude a file in a project from source control, you can select that file in the...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 03/19/2008

How to: Find the latest changeset you have on a workspace?

To know the answer to this question, you can run the following command: tf history . /stopafter:1...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 03/06/2008

How To: Unlock files locked by others?

It happens so many times that a developer forgets to unlock files in his workspace before leaving...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 02/25/2008

How to: Sync to a specific time and date?

Using tf.exe, you can get a specific version using its time and date: tf get /version:"D:02/08/2008...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 02/08/2008


Don't worry, this post isn't about music or violins, it's about a web debugging proxy. Fiddler is an...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 01/31/2008


Impersonation lets you execute code using another user identity. In the WindowsIdentity class,...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 01/30/2008

Code Snippet: switch

Type sw to select switch:Double tab to expand:Choose the switch_on parameter, in this case I have a...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 01/25/2008

?? Operator

The ?? operator is used to return the left operand if it's not null, otherwise, it returns the right...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 01/24/2008

Nullable Value Types

Can you assign null to int?? Read carefully before you answer, this is a trick question! You can do...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 01/24/2008

Declare and set properties all at once

I used to use this technique in ActionScript, and I really like to use it C#: TextBox textBox = new...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 01/23/2008

File System Limits

When you create a file or a folder, do you check that the full path is not too long?! Make sure that...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 12/14/2007


As the feature’s name suggests, you can have shelves of your code set aside the same way you use...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 12/11/2007


It's an economic need to develop international software as you need to reach as many customers as...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 12/06/2007

Code Churn

Lines of code that are added, removed, or changed from a build to another are referred to as...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 12/04/2007

Source Control Workspaces

Do you usually need to keep multiple copies of your sources, for instance, different versions,...

Author: Mohamed Mahmoud El-Geish Date: 12/03/2007
