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Backstage @ Robotics

Just some interesting stuff from my tour in Microsoft.

Microsoft Research TechFest 2007 Keynote

Checkout the TechFest 2007 keynote that was delivered today and look at the super-cool demos and...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/06/2007

Lord of Devices

Checkout this cool video of Raleigh Paenitz who's our Lord of Devices and was managing all the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/06/2007

Want to build your own Custom Shell?

Rabi Satter, one of our Mobility SST (Swat Team) consultants just posted a while ago about building...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/06/2007

Mobility IT Pro MCP Exam goes live.

As promised, the IT Professional version of the Mobility MCP exam is now live. Title: (70-500)-...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/05/2007

Windows Mobile 6 Resolutions

Mike Calligaro just posted on the Windows Mobile Team Blog about our support for different...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/03/2007

The Next Generation

Got this link from Smartphonethoughts . Looks like PDAdb.net published the specs for the next...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/02/2007

Windows Mobile 6 SDKs now available.

We just announced the availability of the Windows Mobile 6 SDKs (Professional and Standard) for...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/02/2007

MCP - Mobility Developer Exam is LIVE

We just got this hot off the press. The (70-540)- Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 Application...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 03/01/2007

iMalaysia rocks!

This video has been circulating around a lot today and I thought I'd share it with you, since it was...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/28/2007

Mobility Touchdown TTT Workshop in Redmond

Today is day 2 of our Mobility Touchdown Workshop Train-the-Trainers (TTT). We're currently training...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/28/2007

Here's a list of articles that we've published on MSDN in February. Architectures of the Today...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/27/2007

Vista Gadgets on Windows Mobile?

Is that possible? Yes of course. Thanks to Mel Sampat. He's uploaded an interview that Laura Foy...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/27/2007

Going to TechEd 07? Take a look at this Pre-Conf.

Jim Wilson is presenting a pre-conference session about designing and deploying mobile solutions at...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/27/2007

Words to live by.

Saw this on Digg, this is so bloody true. Excellent tips on how to make your resume / CV stand out...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/27/2007

Mobility Touchdown for Architects and Developers

If you're interested in Line of Business development for Windows Mobile devices and have 3 days to...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/26/2007

Play Atari 2600 games on your Smartphone

From Brian of Hackszine through Makezine, here's a cool video tutorial on how you can play Atari...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/25/2007

Voice Command in Action desu.

This is a cool video demo of the Microsoft Voice Command running on a Dell X51v. It's mainly in...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/23/2007

Wow, I want this at home.

So I'm sitting in the Sphinx room at the Microsoft Platform Adoption Center in building 20 in the...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/22/2007

Mobile Blogging

How many of you blog from your mobile device? Not view, but POST. Personally I've done this about 5...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/21/2007

Virtual PC 2007 now available!

Ahhh, the final release of Virtual PC 2007 is now available for download on MSDN. Finally we get...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/20/2007

Custom Windows Mobile shell anyone?

This is by far the most requested feature (in my opinion) by the users of Windows Mobile devices...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/19/2007


For those of you who celebrate Chinese New Year in this year of the Pig, (how nice if Ang Pows came...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/19/2007

Will o' the WISP Lite

Windows Mobile 6 contains a new API for Ink input and gestures based on the Tablet PC WISP (Windows...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/18/2007

Talk about motivating speakers...

Derek Snyder (our MEDC Content Lead) has gone and done it! He's taken a camera on a quest to...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/16/2007

Nice free GPS Navigation

You guys know about Windows Live Search mobile right? Well one of the cool features that I just...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/16/2007

Here's some meat..

Good news! While we wait for the availability of the Windows Mobile 6 SDK, the .NET Micro Framework...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/15/2007

Where's the beef?

Sorry for teasing you guys with all these Windows Mobile 6 news and previews into the SDK without...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/15/2007

Windows Mobile 6 Business User Features Demo

Checkout the video screencast of the cool new business user features of Windows Mobile 6 that Jason...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/13/2007

Tips for moving your life to a new Windows Mobile device

If you're like us who have more than one device, one of the hardest things to do is to move to a new...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/13/2007

Windows Mobile 6 on10.net

Laura Foy has invaded the Windows Mobile team and conducted an interview with Derek Snyder about...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/12/2007

Faster on WM6

I've been using Windows Mobile 6 dogfood (build 15342) on my Excalibur for a while now and have been...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/12/2007

Windows Mobile 6 officially announced.

So for those who didn't believe that we were announcing it early, here's the official press...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/12/2007

WM6 not WM6.0 shake fist

Just wanted to clarify the naming convention for Windows Mobile. "Windows Mobile 6" is the official...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/10/2007

WindowsMobile.Version = 6; // Developer article published

Developers will like to know that we've released a comprehensive whitepaper titled "What's New for...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/10/2007

Get your MEDC 2007 Sidebar Gadget.

Download it now.

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/09/2007

Windows Mobile 6 - What's in it for developers?

exhale phewww, finally. Now that Windows Mobile 6 is announced, we can be more open about it. As...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/07/2007

How to: Monitor calls on Windows Mobile using C#

Someone just sent me a mail and asked if we had any C# samples / source code for monitoring status...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/07/2007

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum!

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/06/2007

What do I do? what do I do?

Got a request to update my Vista machine today and saw this list of available updates. My god, what...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/05/2007

Mobility LOB Workshop Questions & Answers

We've just completed the a Train-the-trainer hands-on workshop for Accenture and a bunch of internal...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/03/2007

Mittblasters - Hand dryers of the future.

If you're ever in Singapore, visit the Night Safari. It's a very cool experience getting to ride on...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/02/2007

WMDC is available for Vista

There you go, now we're alright. We've just released the Windows Mobile Device Center for x86 and...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/01/2007

Chinese New Year Shopping

The Chinese New Year festivities are picking up in Chinatown, Singapore. I was there to buy a couple...

Author: Loke Uei Date: 02/01/2007

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