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Fun RSS feeds

https://dictionary.reference.com/wordoftheday/wotd.rss I am subscribed to dictionary.com's word of the day feed. It's
really useful... although today it is expropriating me of time. And yesterday, I became
atrabilious after getting only 5 hours of sleep, in two 2.5 hour chunks.


The obligatory dilbert


I am a big digital camera geek. My office door is covered with 8.5x11 and 13x19 prints
of pictures I've taken with my Canon D30/60/G1 (and printed out on my Epson 1280).
Thus, I find it useful to have DPreview's new reviews delivered to me, so I can keep
up on the latest. David and I haven't upgraded cameras in 10 months - quite a
record for us.


Microsoft Download Center


TechBargains - what a great use of RSS. The top bargains of the day are delivered
right to my Outlook client through my aggregator of choice, NewsGator.


The Onion headlines, every week


Just fun stuff
