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Way cool new content

We published a load of good stuff this week so far. Headlines will go live tomorrow. BTW: the answer to the question in my last blog is: “The Cure”. Someone did give a good post for a band called NickelCreek, however. Produced by Alison Krauss, and it’s easy to tell. Very clean, crisp vocals- a rather daring set of vocal recordings because they are so immediate an unmuddied. I like it.

Anyway, on to business:

Here is some recent stuff-


Here’s one about SharePoint, Addressing Portal Scenarios with Microsoft Integrated Portal Technologies



Three chapters from a hot new FrontPage book, Microsoft OfficeFrontPage 2003 Inside Out: Chapter 41, 42, 43





This article is done by none other than the Randy Byrne.

What's New in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 for Developers



And (surprise!) another one on Publisher by Andrew May (see his blog at https://blogs.msdn.com/andrew_may

Automating Commercial Printing Prepress Tasks in Microsoft Office Publisher 2003, Part 1



Content for Project Server 2003 keeps a coming. Here’s one:

Creating a Managed Code PDS Extension for Project Server 2003



And content for Access continues to appear with Frank Rice delivering the goods. Here is the latest:

Importing and Exporting XSD Data in Microsoft Office Access 2003



I have been wanting to add more blog entries over the past few days, but if you look at this content list, you can see that we have been busy! Each of these articles requires writing, editing, getting art orders, tech reviews, and a lot of other tasks. I hope you like it. Have you wanted to be famous (heck, appearing in my blog is nothing, but writing for Microsoft is pretty cool), then let me know!


Rock on.
