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Back on the Blog

I was surprised to see how long I had gone between blog entries.  A month in fact!  By far, the longest break since I started blogging back in August 2005.

My excuse is that I've been pretty busy ramping up and completing deliverables at work while also getting my townhouse in order and getting acquainted with the area. 

Overall its been a great experience and I'm enjoying my new life out here.

Some notable happenings:

  • Finally gave in and bought an XBOX 360 on E-Bay.  Lots of great changes, the whole experience has been well thought out and there are already some great games.  On top of that, the games will continue to get better as the developers figure out how to best use the new hardware.
  • Had some friends visit from San Diego -- visiting Seattle in winter from SoCal, now that's friendship.
  • American Idol.  'nuff said.
  • The sun has shown itself a lot the last coupla weeks
  • Went to my first Microsoft morale event -- pool at The Parlor.  Lots of fun.
  • Had my first office move, from building 41 to building 42

Anyways, expect more blogging in the future, my next couple of posts are going to talk about some of the areas and scenarios we are looking at for Cider.