Why I use LinkedIn.com
A friend of mine and coworker Philip Richardson blogged about reaching the Century mark on LinkedIn.com. I started using LinkedIn shortly after joining the CRM team last year. Here are my take aways.
1. Why didn't I do this sooner. There are so many friends and coworkers I've lost track of because I haven't used something like this my whole working career.
2. Wow, I didn't know that Molly studied music in college too. I wonder if she still... oh she's in the Woodinville Jazz Ensemble.
3. Cool, Mike's back at Microsoft. Wonder what he thought of that startup company in Canada he spent almost three years with?
4. We need a killer program manager at work. I wonder where Pat Rice is now-a-days. :o)
I'm sure there are many more reasons to be using something like LinkedIn.com but these are my favorite reasons. And don't be too stingy with your highlights. I sure you don't like seeing a basically empty profile that only lists the current job held. Here is my profile: