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The Zen of Metablogging

By now you’ve probably noticed that I’m blogging less and the theme for my site has been changed by a recent move to a new blogging engine. I’m in blog site design Hell as I work to figure out the new CSS tricks and tips. I’m very much like my friend Eric Lippert who sez,

“I am aware that the new theme does not make particularly efficient use of precious screen real estate. I am a cargo cult programmer when it comes to CSS; I steal other people's code and hack around until I get something which barely works. I've tightened up the tag cloud and reduced the size of the sidebar; figuring out how to expand the text so that it fills more than just the center of the screen is at present beyond my limited abilities and I have other priorities. I'll figure it out eventually; bear with me.”

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I’ve dropped some of the fine CSS code from my old site into the CSS default template and no changes occurred. I know it can be done as I’ve already seen some really nice sites like the UK School Blog. And I have a number of guides but they mostly talk to the intuitive stuff like using the dashboard back end to track readership, comments, and the like.

I have really have rat holed on this way too long so I’m gonna ping some really smart people to assist. Now, since I’m running the CRM Team Blog too, take this work times two. (Say that fast three times.)