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A CRM Riff

A mostly Microsoft Dynamics CRM blog with random riffs on music, Microsoft, and the Northwest.

John O’Donnell: Transcensus Interview and Demo

John creates Microsoft Dynamics CRM videos throughout the year and posts them to Channel 9. Of this...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 05/04/2009

Advancing RSS feeds to Generation Deux

I have been using RSS for a number of years and I kinda think I’m in a rut. Yeah, my simple RSS...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/30/2009

Windows Live Gets More Social with New Partners

I was very happy to see that Microsoft is adding 20 new feed partners and three new contact partners...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/23/2009

Computer World: Robot lords rule the Roomba rooms

A friend of mine pointed this little gem to to me last month. I am an avid iRobot Roomba fan with a...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/22/2009

A Visual Guide to Twitter

Applicant provides us with a visual guide to Twitter. Here is a small piece of the guide: You can...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/20/2009

Microsoft Dynamics CRM group in LinkedIn.com Maxed Out

This week the Microsoft Dynamics CRM. (yes there is a period) in LInkedIn.com has reached 5000...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/16/2009

Get the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Dev Toolkit

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM team is proud to announce the availability of The Microsoft Dynamics CRM...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/13/2009

Customer Video: Novozymes

Novozymes explains why a combined approach—using a software-plus-services strategy for one business...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/10/2009

Twitter Ruminations

My team and I have been mulling over our experiences with Twitter. Some of us have individual (JaAG)...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/07/2009

High 5 Sportswear - Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

High 5 Sportswear manufactures and distributes team athletic apparel to more than over 4,000...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/02/2009

April Fools on the Microsoft Campus

This is just a part of the Microsoft Web site for employees. In the past they’ve provided such...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 04/01/2009

Microsoft offers to just 'Fix it'

This really sounds good to me as I’m usually the one my family and friends call to fix various...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/31/2009

Alternative Energy Revolution

Just a teaser from one of my fav cartoonists, xkcd.com: See the rest of the story at...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/23/2009

Summit ‘09 – CRM MVP Pics

There are some groups of people you put up with ‘cuz you’re paid too or are stuck with them. Bank...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/20/2009

Internet Explorer 8 – Let the Fun Begin

I’m running Internet Explorer 8 as my primary browser on two of my three computers at work. Life is...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/19/2009

Microsoft Dynamics CRM on Facebook - redux

Just a quick reminder that if you are a citizen of Facebook land, you can get your CRM fix at the...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/17/2009

New CRM Freebies announced at Convergence 2009

Can you tell I wish I was at Convergence this year? ZDnet: Microsoft touts new CRM Freebies...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/12/2009

LinkedIn.com activities skyrocket as Job Hunters grow

This from the SuperGroup Founders group on LinkedIn.com. LinkedIn Skyrockets as Job Losses Mount...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/11/2009

To archive or not

Microsoft advises against using archiving as a solution for performance issues related to Microsoft...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/10/2009

Microsoft Gives Glimpse Into the Future

My boss', boss', boss',... well you get the idea, talked about that illusive thang called vision at...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/04/2009

Microsoft's Thrive Program - IF You're in IT, look here

  Times are tough and now is the time for the tough to engage. Whether it's about starting a...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 03/01/2009

This thang called handwriting...

BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | The slow death of handwriting Source: news.bbc.co.uk "For some, that is...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/26/2009

Fat Tuesday and Red Beans & Rice

Yes it's Mardi Gras time again and the team I'm on is doing the Cajun/Creole lunch thang. I hope...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/24/2009

Convergence 2009 - New Orleans

6 REASONS WHY YOU NEED TO ATTEND CONVERGENCE 2009 Why Management Should Let You GoIn today’s...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/19/2009

Live Mesh - Synchronizing Life

Some ads speak to me. They are the increasingly rare times when someone has figured out what I like....

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/17/2009

Channel 9: Still Geeky After All These Years

Channel 9: Still Geeky After All These Years - TechFlash - February 13, 2009 Now approaching its...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/16/2009

LinkedIn Search Saves You Time

Late last year LinkedIn released some very cool search enhancements. The 4 minute video should give...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/12/2009

Blake: Multi-tenancy for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Ooh, Dan Blake's CRM Architecture and Business Blog has an excellent post on multi-tenancy. Look...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/10/2009

How to get traffic to your Blog - Redux

<This is a reprise with new info from my March '06 post "How to Get People to Your Blog"> A...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/09/2009

Microsoft's Career Assist Package

To help the IT Professionals and Developers around the world during these uncertain economic times,...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/06/2009

Engadget: India 'unveils" $20 laptop, the Sakshat

Engadget posted this article about what was originally called the $10 laptop. It's kinda a sad that...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/05/2009

TechFlash - Microsoft's chief lawyer explains why he started blogging

The Puget Sound Business Journal's "Tech Flash" recently posted this article. "Lawyers are usually...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 02/02/2009

Twitter: MSDynamicsCRM

We've started up a Twitter account that you can visit at MSDynamicsCRM. We post Microsoft Dynamics...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/29/2009

First CRMUG Pacific Northwest Regional Chapter Meeting

Jim Daly and I attended the first all-day CRMUG regional chapter meeting in Bellevue yesterday. 29...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/23/2009

Inaugural Combo Impresses

I was watching the Air and Simple Gifts composition at the inauguration of Barack Obama yesterday....

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/21/2009

Regional Director’s 2009 Predictions

Regional Directors are members of an elite, worldwide group of technology thought-leaders known for...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/19/2009

Update Rollup Deux - Is it that time already?

I can't believe anyone in our world hasn't heard about this already, but the Microsoft Dynamics CRM...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/16/2009

CRM Accelerator: Enterprise Search Video

Was looking at this video and wondering if our gentle readers knew how powerful these accelerators...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/15/2009

A Microsoft Weekend - Professor Gadget Sax Quartet

I have been kinda putting together and taking apart a sax quartet for a while now and this...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/13/2009

CRMUG Pacific Northwest Regional Chapter Meeting

I am planning on being at this meeting. I look forward to meeting you and talking about Microsoft...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/12/2009

Microsoft's Songsmith

On my list of music software to explore is Microsoft's Songsmith. The Seattle P-I covered it...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/09/2009

CRM New Years Resolutions - Redux

I posted on the CRM Team Blog asking, "What are your New Year's Resolutions?". CRM MVP Joel...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/08/2009

Greenberg: Microsoft Gives Me A Happy Birthday: Entrepreneurs Rock!

A good friend of mine and coworker Sanjay Jain ran the CRM Incubation Week last month. Mr. Greenberg...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/06/2009

Seattle Times: Steve Ballmer's rock-star moment as CES keynote

Having been at Microsoft for a long time, this kinda rattled my cage. Times they are a changing....

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 01/05/2009

Word Cloud Art

A toy I just discovered make art out of the word clouds. In their words: "Wordle is a toy for...

Author: Jim Glass Jr Date: 12/30/2008

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