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James O'Neill's blog

Windows Platform, Virtualization and PowerShell with a little Photography for good measure.

On current events

Eileen wrote Recently "Companies are still in the dark about Real Time Communications, some people...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/11/2006

Updates on a couple of Vista bugs.

I mentioned a few days ago that the Windows Media Player in Vista no-longer supports my smartphone....

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/09/2006

A new trick for Vista

I mentioned recently that Windows Vista has some new features in Task Manager, and showed the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/09/2006

Not technical for once

A few oddments that I wanted to blog: technical content, it will resume shortly. (1) Spam...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/08/2006

Short cut keys in Windows Vista

One of the things I tried ages ago was pressing the Window key and each other key on the keyboard....

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/07/2006

Free LCS exam voucher ....

I clean forgot to blog about this on my return from tech-ready. I blame the jetlag...  Last year I...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/07/2006

Vista’s Scheduling and Defrag

One of the things that is new to Windows Vista is the Scheduling service. Out has gone the old AT...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/07/2006

This week’s cartoon

Some complaints about Microsoft are valid, Some aren't. Anyone can get Microsoft Beta software....

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/04/2006

The one minute guide to Microsoft anti-malware

One of the best sessions I went to at Tech-Ready last week was one which didn't deliver what it...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/04/2006

Thoughts on the beta life of Vista and 2007 release

Like Darren I've updated from to build 5472 of Windows Vista and I've also updated to the "Tech...

Author: James ONeill Date: 08/02/2006

On powerpoint ...

Inspired by Darren's recent post Tagged as Microsoft Office Powerpoint

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/28/2006

Microsoft Research and Photography

One of the talks we had here at Tech-Ready on Wednesday was from Kevin Schofield. Kevin's General...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/28/2006

Landlord! IE7 for Everyone !!

The IE team have announced on their blog that when it is finalized, IE 7 will be pushed out via...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/27/2006

Excitement - you can't beat it, you can't fake it

As I've mentioned over the last couple of days I'm at Tech-Ready - it's the event Microsoft runs...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/26/2006

Live Communications server now supports SQL 2005 SP1

I don't like posting mails to my blog, but the following extract from a "Good news" e-mail which I...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/26/2006

We’ll know more Zune.

OK, OK I was wrong when I said My gut feel is that if we are [working on a player], it won't be...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/24/2006

Changes to TechNet

Since this blog appears under the TechNet brand , it seems a good place to spread the following...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/23/2006

How not to be read ...

Eileen posed a question in her blog recently. "with everyone over the age of 6 using IM for social...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/21/2006

Cartoon 4.

I'm afraid this one is a bit big, so you'll need to click on it and open it larger.

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/21/2006

More virtualization goes free: more help for the environment

We've announced Windows Server 2003 DataCenter Edition R2 - which is quite a mouthful. There are two...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/21/2006

Small details are important.

I've already mentioned that I am testing an interim build of Vista. One of the things that we have...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/20/2006

Cartoon 3

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/14/2006

iPod Killer ? Only if it has a French accent.

This Friday the BBC carried a story Microsoft has said reports that the company is planning an MP3...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/10/2006

More tales from the dogfood bowl. Moving to the new Vista build

Earlier this week I was reminded that there is pain in being a beta tester. Some of that is peculiar...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/07/2006

Cartoon 2.0

Following on from last week...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/07/2006

Using Vista’s Diskpart

[Updated to fix formatting issue] Earlier this week I moved build 5384 (Beta 2) of Vista on a 60GB...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/07/2006

Disappointment with the latest internet explorer

Talking to others who have upgraded to Build 5456 of Vista, it is clearly better than the Original...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/06/2006

More on the Vista command prompt

When I made my "Vista Cool wall" post, I said there were some new command line tools. I came across...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/06/2006

A whole new kind of Driver problem

Once again a combination of Scoble and the BBC have alerted me to rather cool-sounding piece of...

Author: James ONeill Date: 07/06/2006

High Performance Computing: broad reach.

I almost missed the release Compute Cluster Server (CCS) happened at the start of June; I wasn't...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/30/2006

More on Bill ...

The news earlier this week that Warren Buffett was giving $37bn to the Gates' Foundation has thrown...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/30/2006

Backup in Windows Vista: all change, all change!

Three small things have led up to this post During the roadshow someone approached me and mentioned...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/27/2006

New Roadmap for Unified communications.

The following information has appeared on Presspass about the Unified Communications road map which...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/26/2006

10 worst and 10 best of Microsoft

Over at Microsoft-watch, Mary-Jo Foley gives her list of Microsoft's top 10 flops, and I have to...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/26/2006

Firefox tops list: IE nowhere to be seen

In a previous post I admitted a small heresy for a Microsoft person. I quite liked firefox; past...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/26/2006

Mobile devices on Windows Vista

Last week I followed up on Jason Langridge's posts about new HTC devices and the Motorola Q. , which...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/26/2006

On the late arrival of Vista...

Recently someone in Redmond caused a bit of a stir with a blog piece about causes for the delay in...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/22/2006

Microsoft don’t do prize draws, sorry

Our Chief Security Advisor in the UK has sent out an advisory this morning. We have seen a huge...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/22/2006

Adobe, yet again.

I notice from reading Mary Jo Foley that Adobe have put out a statement about Microsoft’s support...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/22/2006

Vista security tips

I promised Arthur that I would tell people about the Microsoft Unified Communications and RTC user...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/20/2006

More on filing vista bugs

Good news. I'm given to understand that the two things I hoped were easy to fix in my "Time to start...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/20/2006

Bye Bill, Bye Robert ... is this the end ?

Most Microsoft people get asked “Do you know Bill Gates” when we tell people where we work. We don’t...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/19/2006

More on interesting devices

Thanks to RSS, I read Jason Langridge’s blog, I’m a bit nervous about posting two back to back...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/17/2006

The Motorola Q ...

Jason Langridge likes the Motorola Q. – he keeps lamenting the fact that only works on US networks....

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/16/2006

Bill Gates announces that he stepping down in 2 years

I’m watching the web conference now. Bill began by saying, “Today I work full time for Microsoft and...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/15/2006

How to get the Road-show slides

After each of the Roadshows I’ve been asked – sometimes by people who came via this blog “How do I...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/14/2006

RSS in the Enterprise

Before IE7 and Office 2007 Beta 2 I used Attensa to bring RSS Feeds into Outlook, I liked the...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/14/2006

Vista: just connect to my home network, Please !

Somewhere in doing the upgrade to Beta 2 of Vista it began to behave oddly. It was happy to connect...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/13/2006

Time to start a Vista cool wall

On “Top Gear” – the BBC’s motoring show. They have a cool wall where they classify cars as...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/06/2006

File those Vista bugs !

I’ve only just posted about Scoble collecting bugs Last week when I described installing the newest...

Author: James ONeill Date: 06/06/2006

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